President of the United States of America signs birth certificate containing baby’s footprint.

foot shotSkeptics have indicated, for more than 4 years now, that birth certificates bearing baby footprints should contain two footprints (i.e., the baby’s right and left footprints) as opposed to the one single footprint provided within Barack Hussein Obama II’s 1961 Coast Province General Hospital, Mombasa, British Protectorate of Kenya, Certificate of Birth.

The skeptics, however, have not provided sources, references nor citations to support their position.

In the year 1927 US President Calvin Coolidge and First Lady Grace Coolidge signed the following birth certificate which bears one single footprint of Elinore Anne Hanna:
Elinore Anna Hanna birth certificate footprint

Is the Calvin Coolidge signed birth certificate a fake, forgery or a fraudulent document on grounds that it bears only one single footprint as opposed to both the left and right footprints?

The Sibley Memorial Hospital (Washington, District of Columbia) birth certificate also contains the following:


Document is signed by the hospital’s “duly authorized officer” who lists himself as hospital “President”, Charles Cole. (I read and write cursive, which is for the most part no longer taught in US public schools, however I could not positively identify his middle initial listed on the document. Please help us by providing your opinion in the comments segment of this report.)

I could not locate any online references to a Charles Cole (hospital President or not) who worked for the Sibley Memorial Hospital nor a doctor or medical-related Charles Cole other than Charles Cole of the Charles Cole Memorial Hospital (Coudersport, Pennsylvania).   However, according to the Charles Cole Memorial Hospital website, , they are not the same Charles Cole:

“Charles Cole was born in June 1876 and grew up in the Coudersport area. He showed an early aptitude for sales and began a career selling pianos and organs for Smith Music Company in Olean, N.Y. His association with John Patterson, then president of the National Cash Register Company, brought him in contact with Thomas Watson. When Watson set out to establish his own business, the Rochester Time and Recording Company, he sought Cole as a salesman. Cole enjoyed great success with the company and was encouraged to reinvest part of his salary in company stocks. This company became International Business Machines, or IBM.

“By late 1920, Cole had retired and returned to his beloved Coudersport. Few in the community knew of his wealth until his death in 1961, when the extent of his fortune became known. Cole left instructions that his estate was to fund a much-needed community hospital. Through the generosity of his widow, the former Edith Pinney, the Cole Memorial opened in September 1967. Mrs. Cole later married a Chicago surgeon, G. Howard Irwin, and both maintained philanthropic interest in the hospital until their deaths in the 1990s. Many of the new buildings, including the Irwin Rehabilitation Center and the Irwin Medical Arts Center, have been funded by the charitable trusts they established to help meet the medical needs of the community far into the future.”

Barack Hussein Obama II’s 1961 Coast Province General Hospital, Mombasa, British Protectorate of Kenya, Certificate of Birth was signed by hospital Supervisor of Obstetrics, John Kwame Odongo.  Skeptics have indicated that they have not been successful in locating an online reference to a John Kwame Odongo (Supervisor of Obstetrics or not) who worked for the Coast Province General Hospital (Mombasa) nor a doctor or medical-related John Kwame Odongo.

Is the Calvin Coolidge signed birth certificate a fake, forgery or a fraudulent document on grounds that we cannot locate an online reference to hospital President Charles Cole?


Document is signed by a medical doctor (“M.D.”) whose signature I cannot positively identify and reproduce in print. (Please help by providing your opinion in the comments segment of this report.)

Barack Hussein Obama II’s 1961 Coast Province General Hospital, Mombasa, British Protectorate of Kenya, Certificate of Birth was signed by Dr. James Oyunga William Ang’awa who lived in Upper Hill (neighborhood in Nairobi, Kenya) and who’s neighbors included Barack Obama Sr., father of Barack Hussein Obama II.


Document includes an embossed (raised) hospital seal just as Barack Hussein Obama II’s 1961 Coast Province General Hospital, Mombasa, British Protectorate of Kenya, Certificate of Birth does.


Document includes Mother’s maiden name (Miss Sarah Ellen Riggle) , birthplace (Pennsylvania) and birth date (March 30, 1898) just as Barack Hussein Obama II’s 1961 Coast Province General Hospital, Mombasa, British Protectorate of Kenya, Certificate of Birth does.


Document contains father’s full name (Mr. John Henry Hanna), birthplace (Illinois) and birth date (August 16, 1890) just as Barack Hussein Obama II’s  1961 Coast Province General Hospital, Mombasa, British Protectorate of Kenya, Certificate of Birth does.

One semi-idiosyncrasy that we noted is that the document requests only the father’s residence (1815 B. St., S.E. Washington D.C.) and not the mother’s residence.  Some skeptics questioned the authenticity of Barack Hussein Obama II’s  1961 Coast Province General Hospital, Mombasa, British Protectorate of Kenya, Certificate of Birth when the said document only requested the mother’s residence (Honolulu, Hawaii, United States) and not the father’s residence.

Is the Calvin Coolidge signed birth certificate a fake, forgery or a fraudulent document on grounds that the document requests only the father’s residence and not the mother’s residence?

Elinore Anne Hanna was born on March 31, 1927 at 1:13 in the morning.  She was born with her twin brother.  The twins (in Washington D.C.), some years later, are pictured directly below:

twins in Washington DC

Elinore Anne Hanna’s father, John Henry Hanna, was a Policeman and worked on duty at the temporary White House at Dupont Circle.  President Calvin Coolidge and First Lady Grace Coolidge lived at Dupont Circle for approximately six months in the year 1927 while the White House’s roof and upper floor underwent renovations.

John Henry Hanna, at the temporary White House at Dupont Circle in the year 1927, is pictured, in uniform, directly below (along with a few additional pictures of the twins):
John Henry Hanna

President Calvin Coolidge and First Lady Grace Coolidge signed Elinore Anne Hanna’s birth certificate for her father.   Their signatures are listed at the foot of the said birth certificate and are also provided below, and enlarged, for review:

coolidge signatures

An April 18th, 1927 edition of the Washington Herald newspaper also covered some of this story.

In closing I have also attached Elinore Anne Hanna’s Infant Chart Health Guide (front side and back side), which contains birth and post-birth weight measurements, for review:
Infant Chart Health Guide front side
Infant Chart Health Guide back sidePlease exercise your free speech in the comments section below. There are no stipulations of political correctness on this blog. Speak your mind, give us your thoughts, both objective and subjective. Share your ideas, hunches, inklings or your expertise. Please provide recommendation and corrections if you spot errors in fact within the blog report. Lastly, remember that posting a comment is much like casting a vote, so please do so.

This entry was posted in birth announcements, Birth Certificates that aid in authenticating "president" Barack Obama's Kenya birth certificate, Bruce Steadman, Eligibility, Great Kim aka Mik Taerg, James Oyunga William Ang’awa, John Kwame Odongo, Kenya Protectorate, Lucas Daniel Smith, Obama birth certificate, Obama News, Orly Taitz, paper antiquities, Phyllis Rose Vrettos, Sean Boyer, The Government vs Lucas Daniel Smith, vaccinations and inoculations, weights and measures and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

33 Responses to President of the United States of America signs birth certificate containing baby’s footprint.

  1. Also for review I have attached, below, a couple of pictures of the twins with their mother, Sarah Ellen Riggle:

  2. smrstrauss says:

    IF you had actually gotten the birth certificate with the footprint on it in Mombasa, Kenya—as you claimed–you would be willing to show evidence that you had actually GONE to Kenya when you claimed. That would be so easy—simply a scan of the page of your passport with a Kenya admission stamp on it. But you have never done that, and you keep ignoring requests to do it. (I wonder why?????)

  3. Donald Young says:

    @ smrstrauss:
    I suggest that Mr. Smith’s privacy be respected in much the same way as mandated about obamas privacy.

  4. smrstrauss says:

    @ Donald Young:

    Sure, he does not have to show that he went to Kenya. It is his right to keep that fact secret. He has a right to privacy, of course. BUT, duh, since he CLAIMED that he went to Kenya to get the alleged “Kenyan birth certificate” and CLAIMED that he got it in Mombasa. And since the Kenyan government has said that Obama was NOT born in Kenya, and the Hawaii government (officials of both parties) have said that Obama WAS born in Hawaii, then his claim of having gone to Kenya and gotten the “Kenyan birth certificate” there is highly suspect.

    So, he could begin to convince people of it being real by, duh, showing that he had been to Kenya.

    Obama has, by the way, repeatedly showed his birth certificate from Hawaii, and the officials of both parties in Hawaii have confirmed that they sent it to him and that all the facts on it are accurate. In contrast, Lucas D. Smith has CLAIMED that he went to Kenya and got a birth certificate there, and has refused to show that he went to Kenya.

  5. Bruce says:

    I did a little internet searching for ‘Elinore Anne Hanna’ but could only locate a few items of current interest.

    The name Elinore Anne Hanna is shown listed on the February 1945 Graduation List for ‘Eastern Senior High School’ in Washington, DC as indicated below:

    Since Elinore was born in March 1927, this means she was just one month shy of her 18th birthday in February 1945 when she graduated.

    It is interesting, I think, that her twin brother is not shown on the Roster as graduating along with his sister in 1945. I also checked the school’s Rosters for the years 1946, 1947 and 1948 but his name was not listed in those locations either. Perhaps he had enlisted in the WWII military, which interrupted his schooling. The minimum enlistment age for WWII was 17, but it is reported that quite a few young men lied about their age and enlisted at a somewhat younger age. It is also possible, I suppose, that he enlisted in the National Guard or attended a different high school.

    The most recent information I could locate on Elinore shows that she has recently lived on Yorkville Road in Temple Hills, MD. A relative of about the same age and having the name of Robert C. Hanna is also shown living at the same address. I believe this individual is likely her twin brother.

    I read an item elsewhere which indicated that Elinore may have died sometime this year in 2013.

  6. Donald Young says:

    @ smrstrauss:

    Mr. Smith is a private citizen. He is not in the international spotlight as the leader of the free world. Mr. Smith is not a national security risk, obama is. There is absolutely no reason to invade the privacy of Mr. Smith. That is not true of obama.

  7. Bruce says:


    CONGRATULATIONS on posting here some very interesting and pertinent information.

    I have just entered a post on the InspectorSmith Forum under the sub title:

    The ‘Lucas Daniel Smith, Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate’ compares favorably in form, in many ways, with a typical, pre-1961, American hospital birth certificate

    Seven (7) specific, excerpted and abbreviated points are covered on the Forum post.

  8. john richardson says:

    As usual, the ignorant, cool aid drinkers, would rather interrogate the messenger of bad news instead of acknowledging something bad must be dealt with ASAP!

  9. smrstrauss says:

    @ Donald Young:

    You said: “Mr. Smith is a private citizen. He is not in the international spotlight as the leader of the free world. Mr. Smith is not a national security risk, obama is. There is absolutely no reason to invade the privacy of Mr. Smith. That is not true of obama.”

    False analogy.

    Smith CLAIMED that he went to Kenya and got a birth certificate there that many people think was forged and almost certainly was forged because the government of Kenya says that Obama was NOT born in Kenya and the government of Hawaii (officials of both parties) says that Obama was born in Hawaii.

    Nutty people have the right to believe Smith without any confirmation that Smith had been to Kenya. Sure, they have that right. But they are nutty. RATIONAL people would ask for confirming evidence, such as proof that Smith had in fact GONE TO KENYA. And, if Smith refuses to show that he had GONE to Kenya at the time that he said that he did (and all that that takes is to scan a page on his passport with the Kenya stamp on it), then rational people will not believe Smith.

    Smith does not have to show his passport for any legal reason, and nobody wants to invade his privacy. He only has to show it in order to prove that he went to Kenya—as he CLAIMED that he did. Not showing it weakens his claim, and in fact makes it suspicious.

  10. Donald Young says:

    @ smrstrauss:
    How typical you are, resulting to name calling (DUH, NUTTY) a conversation with a person like you is futile. Who made you the judge of what is RATIONAL and what is not. Mr. Smith presented a video and photos in Kenya. Yet you need to see his passport. I admire Mr. Smith ignoring your demands, you are free to believe him or not much like I am free to believe the obama birth narrative presented by the white house or not.

  11. smrstrauss says:

    @ Donald Young:

    Re: “Mr. Smith presented a video and photos in Kenya.”

    Ever see the video and the photos? I did. They could have been taken anywhere. He CLAIMS that he went to Kenya and got a birth certificate there that the Kenyan government and Hawaii governments say is NOT POSSIBLE because Obama was not born in Kenya and was born in Hawaii.

    Yet Smith has refused the perfectly simple thing of scanning the page on his passport with the Kenya stamp on it. I wonder why he refused to do that? Could it be that he never went to Kenya and made the whole thing up?

  12. Donald Young says:

    @ smrstrauss:
    Yes I did see the video and the pictures. I accept what Mr. Smith has said as accurate. The same way that you accept what obama and his cabal have said about the pictures of his PDF birth documents. You believe what you need to help you sleep at night. Please don’t come here and regurgitate the regimes talking points. We are all aware of what members and followers have been mandated to say. At least your last post didn’t call names.

  13. smrstrauss says:

    Re: ” I accept what Mr. Smith has said as accurate.”

    You have every right to do so. I post here for RATIONAL people. You accept what he CLAIMS despite the governments of BOTH Kenya and Hawaii saying that it is wrong, and despite the use of the US date format (month/day/year) which is not what they use in Kenya, which is (day/month/year). And you accept what Smith CLAIMS despite it being easy for him to show proof of having been to Kenya and his never doing so. (I wonder why not????)

    Re: “Please don’t come here and…”

    Once again, I do not post for YOU, but for rational people who might want to see the facts. You have asked me NOT to post the facts. Well, that makes it obvious that you are trying to hide them. (I wonder why?????)

    The evidence for Obama being born in Hawaii is:

    (1) the two Hawaii birth certificates (of which the first, the short form, is the official birth certificate, used by thousands of people to get their passports every year);

    (2) the repeated confirmations of them by the officials of both parties in Hawaii, including the former Republican governor;

    (3) the public Index Data file;

    (4) the birth notices sent to the “Health Bureau Statistics” section of the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961 (which, BTW, was under a REPUBLICAN governor in 1961, and which at the time sent out birth notices ONLY for children born in Hawaii);

    (5) the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, about the birth in Hawaii of a child to a woman named Stanley;

    (6) Kapiolani Hospital has confirmed that Obama was born there now—twice in fact (naturally birther sites do not show either of them);

    (7) no evidence that Obama’s mother had a passport in 1961;

    (8) it was rare for 18-year-olds to have passports or for women to travel abroad late in pregnancy at the time;

    (9) the Kenyan government said that it investigated and that Obama certainly was NOT born there (birther sites did not show that either);

    (10) birther sites LIED about what Obama’s Kenyan grandmother said (she never said that he was born in Kenya; she in fact said that he was born in HAWAII;

    (11) Birther sites having lied about what Obama’s grandmother said, and other things too, makes it highly likely that their “document experts” are lying too—and numerous real document experts say that the birth certificate is not forged, and that is confirmed by the evidence of the Xerox WorkCentre (which shows how that product scans documents and compresses them using layers and pixillaton).

  14. smrstrauss says:

    Oh, and here is a link to a discussion of the Xerox WorkCentre research:

  15. Donald Young says:

    @ smrstrauss:
    More regurgitation of the administration talking points rather than FACTS. Somebody as infatuated with obama as you appear to be would have a hard time judging RATIONALITY. If you were truthful you would admit that you post here and at other similar sites to aggravate and entice. When you are bested you resort to calling names even to the point of letting out racist and disparaging remarks. Look back in the archives of this site and see postings of your peers rikker/posting as voice of reason and ehancock calling obamas mother and father racist and disparaging names. You and your movement are a joke based on lies told by liars. I choose not to state the true FACTS assembled by our side because it would not wake you up. So just continue trolling sites like this one, post and get bested then name call as you have done for years now. What a pitiful existence!

  16. smrstrauss says:

    @ Donald Young:
    Re: “More regurgitation of the administration talking points rather than FACTS. ”

    I have posted the facts for the benefit of rational people. Rational people will draw their own conclusions. All 535 members of congress, all of whom voted to confirm Obama’s election twice, are far too rational to believe the “born in Kenya” lies. And no rational person would believe a person who claims to have gotten a “Kenyan birth certificate” in Kenya when he refuses to show that he had gone to Kenya (and when the Kenyan government denies that Obama was born there and the Hawaii government, officials of both parties, says that Obama WAS born there).

  17. Donald Young says:

    @ smrstrauss:
    It has become obvious that you will never afford Mr. Smith private citizen the same privacy that you protect public figure obama with. Your continual puking up of the administration talking points has become redundant to say the least. With that in mind consider yourself dismissed. I will no longer retort to the inane commentary that you post here. You may do well to actually look within yourself and examie your ability to rationally evaluate facts considering, you allow yourself to be lead around by a charlatan.

  18. Henk Holl says:

    How is sharing a link to empirical evidence “regurgitating administration talking points”?
    Oh, I forgot, if it doesn’t fit into the birther narrative, then it isn’t a fact.

  19. smrstrauss says:

    Re: “It has become obvious that you will never afford Mr. Smith private citizen the same privacy that you protect public figure obama with”

    Smith has every right to hide his passport. However, he CLAIMED to have gone to Kenya and gotten a birth certificate there. People might believe him if he showed his passport with a Kenya stamp on it. His not showing his passport with a Kenya stamp on it—when it would be easy to scan it and show it—indicates that he really did not go to Kenya as he claimed.

    Smith, who refuses to show proof that he went to Kenya, hopes that gullible people will believe that he went to Kenya and got a “Kenyan birth certificate” at a hospital in Mombasa. The government of Kenya says that Obama was not born in Kenya and the government of Hawaii (officials of both parties) says that Obama was born in Hawaii. This is further confirmed by the Index Data and the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961.

    Yet Smith, without showing his passport with a Kenya stamp on it, wants people to believe that indeed he went to Kenya and got Obama’s “Kenyan birth certificate” there.

    Smith has a right not to show his passport with the Kenya stamp on it. But people have the right not to believe him because he didn’t.

  20. Donald Youngs revenge says:

    @ Henk Holl: Hey idiot, you call that BS from RC & NBC at the fogblow empirical evidence? Does a moron like you even know the definition of the term? Please Nigga!!!

  21. Rambo Ike says:

    @ smrstrauss:

    smrstrauss spews: “(6) Kapiolani Hospital has confirmed that Obama was born there now—twice in fact.”

    Will you provide proof of this twice known fact that Kapiolani Hospital has confirmed with physical incontestable evidence that Obama was born there?

  22. smrstrauss says:

    Re: “Will you provide proof of this twice known fact that Kapiolani Hospital has confirmed with physical incontestable evidence that Obama was born there?”

    Moving the goal posts. In fact, Kapiolani has confirmed twice, and that is in addition to (1) the birth certificates, short form and long form; (2) the repeated confirmations of the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii; (3) the public Index Data file; (4) the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961 (and only the DOH could send notices to that section of the papers, and it only did so for births IN Hawaii); (5) the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, after hearing of the birth in Hawaii of a child to a woman named Stanley.

    And, guess what, birthers have not even shown that Obama’s mother even had a passport in 1961—–and very very few 18-year-olds did. And yet they have gotten a few gullible, extremely gullible, people to believe that Obama’s mother was one of the very very few to have a passport and one of the extremely few women who traveled abroad late in pregnancy due to the risk of stillbirths, and that the birth certificate of Hawaii is forged and the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii are lying, and so is the Index Data and the birth notices, Etc., Etc.

    Here is a link to one of the confirmations. You may regard it as informal, but remember, it is IN ADDITION to all the above, and—most important—birther sites did not show it to you (so they feared that you would believe it) :

    The other confirmation is Obama’s letter in the 100th anniversary magazine of Kapiolani Hospital:

    That letter can be shown to have appeared in the Kapiolani Hospital 100th anniversary magazine:

    Those two confirmations by the hospital (neither of which birther sites have mentioned, much less discussed) plus the birth certificates, the confirmations by the officials, the teacher who wrote home, Etc. Etc.

    For Obama to have been born in a foreign country:

    (1) Obama’s relatives would have had to have been rich enough (and they weren’t. In 1961 Obama’s grandfather was a furniture salesman, and his grandmother was a low-level employee in a bank [she did not become a vice president until 1971], and his father went from Kenya to Hawaii on a free flight) and dumb enough to send their daughter at high risk of stillbirth to a foreign country to give birth—-—despite there being fine hospitals in Hawaii;

    (2) Obama’s mother would have had to have traveled overseas ALONE (since WND has proven with a FOI Act request that Obama senior stayed in Hawaii throughout 1961) and somehow got Obama back to the USA without getting him entered on her US passport or getting a visa for him (which would have had to have been applied for in a US consulate in that country and the records would still exist);

    (3) got the officials in Hawaii to record his birth in Hawaii despite (as birthers claim) his being born in another country and somehow got the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, about the birth in Hawaii of a child to a woman named Stanley to lie (and since the woman’s father’s name really was Stanley, she would have had to have found one of the very few women with fathers of that name to do it).

    If you sincerely believe that Obama could have been born in a foreign country, then you could answer all three points. For Obama to have been born in a foreign country, all three would have had to have happened.

    So, the question is, what are the chances that all three happened?

  23. Bruce says:

    smrstrauss wrote:

    Kapiolani has confirmed twice …

    Here is a link to one of the confirmations. You may regard it as informal, but remember, it is IN ADDITION to all the above, and—most important—birther sites did not show it to you (so they feared that you would believe it) :

    The other confirmation is Obama’s letter in the 100th anniversary magazine of Kapiolani Hospital:

    That letter can be shown to have appeared in the Kapiolani Hospital 100th anniversary magazine:

    (1) Regarding your first above mentioned ‘proof” that Obama was born at Kapi’olani, all I can say is that you really should be embarrassed to cite that informal phone call from Peter Boyles to some unidentified individual who happened to be answering the phone at the hospital that day as some kind of official hospital certification that Obama was actually born there.

    (2) Upon viewing the January 24, 2009 letter from Obama appearing in the 100th Anniversary Magazine published by the Kapi’olani Gift group, I conclude that the KAPI’OLANI GIFT SOLICITATION GROUP seeking continued financial support for the hospital from donors isn’t very particular about adhering to FACTS.

    Hey, if a fraudulent letter to our hospital from KENYAN BORN OBAMA (inaugurated January 20th 2009) can convince a few more donors to part with some cash for a worthy cause, NO PROBLEM! JUST PRINT THE DAMN THING!

    It’s interesting, and very pertinent I think that the 2009 PUBLISHED NEWS from Hawai’i Pacific Health, as reproduced in the screen-shot below did not chose to mention the cited ‘Obama Letter’. However, they did mention such world-shaking events (LOL) as:

    Kauai Ohana Crafters Donate 150 Baby Beanie Hats for Wilcox Newborns 04.03.09

    News 2009 from Hawai’i Pacific Health and our Affiliate Hospitals (which includes Kapi’olani Medical Center):


    That has definitely NOT occurred , so the only LOGICAL CONCLUSION is that the ‘IGNOMINIOUS OBAMACARE ARCHITECT’ was actually born somewhere else!

  24. smrstrauss says:


    Dream on. There is no such “permanent acknowledgement” at the hospitals where George W Bush was born, or his father’s hospital or Bill Clinton’s hospital, or Ronald Reagan’s hospital. Kapiolani Hospital printed Obama’s letter saying that he was born in Kapiolani Hospital in its 100th anniversary magazine, and that is enough—along with the birth certificates (short form and long form) from Hawaii and the repeated confirmation of the officials of BOTH parties and the Index Data and the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961 and the teacher who wrote home.

  25. smrstrauss says:

    Re: “can say is that you really should be embarrassed to cite that informal phone call from Peter Boyles to some unidentified individual who happened to be answering the phone at the hospital that day as some kind of official hospital certification that Obama was actually born there.”

    The point is that birther sites did not show it to you. (I wonder why not?) And birther sites did not show you the letter in the 100th anniversary magazine either (I wonder why not?) And birther sites did not show you the many confirmations by the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii. And birther sites LIED about what Obama’s Kenyan grandmother said (She never said that he was born in Kenya. She said repeatedly on the tape recorded call that Obama was BORN IN HAWAII. But birther sites refused to quote her and cut off the call just before she was asked “Where was he born?” (I wonder why they did that?) And birther sites did not show their readers the article in which the representative of the Kenyan embassy said that the government of Kenya had checked out the “born in Kenya” story—-and that is not true. (I wonder why they did not show that article either?)

    And on this site there is a guy who claims to have gotten Obama’s “Kenyan birth certificate” in Mombasa, Kenya, but has refused to show proof that he (the guy) even went to Kenya. I wonder why not????


    ” W . N . D . “

  27. Montana says:

    The Birthers/ Teabaggers have no evidence that would stand up in a court of law in the United States. To all the Birthers in internet land, its upon you to prove to all of us (the majority) that what you are saying is true. Take it to court you bunch of cowards!

    Let me be clear none of these Birther/ Teabaggers dullards have taken there “Birther Documents of facts, more like lies” and none have won a case in the “U.S. Courts”, maybe in their simple minds (if they have any) but not in our “U.S. Courts”, so unless Birthers/ Teabaggers, whatever you want to be called, win a court case, we will continue to see as dullards, liars or racist or maybe all three. Deal with the real truth baby!

    To all the Teabaggers / Birthers/ Chicken Littles that keep saying that the sky is falling, and the Unites States will fail, never count against the United States of America, we are coming back and you and your losers are wrong!

  28. Donald Young says:

    @ Montana: Thank you for your comment. It illustrates how moronic and inane the obot population is. Perhaps rather than trolling birther blogs you might want to take an elementary course in english composition at you nearest grammer school. Come back and post often, we really enjoy the laugh at you expense.

  29. Rambo Ike says:

    @ smrstrauss:

    An Op-Ed by a racially obsessed writer trying to score some progressive points. Why’d you leave out the comment section? Because it’ll show how racially obsessed the Obots are?

  30. Rambo Ike says:

    @ Rambo Ike:

    Correction: Wrong Addy above

    Should be:

  31. Does anyone know when Sarah Ellen Hanna nee Riggle died? How about her twin son Robert Charles Hanna?

  32. Bruce says:

    Kathy McCarthy wrote:

    Does anyone know when Sarah Ellen Hanna nee Riggle died? How about her twin son Robert Charles Hanna?

    I used the following link, at no charge, to obtain the information presented below. The city name entered was Temple Hills, MD

    Sarah E. Hanna (mother):
    Born: March 30, 1898
    Died: September, 1988

    Elinore A. Hanna (Sarah’s daughter):
    Born: March 31, 1927
    Died: January 7, 2013

    Robert C. Hanna (Sarah’s son, and twin brother to Elinore):
    No obituary information given

    My conclusion is that Robert C. Hanna, the twin brother of Elinore, MAY still be alive.

    For example, I could NOT locate Robert C. Hanna, age 86, in the Telephone White Pages for Temple Hills, MD

    However, I did see listed a Robert C. Hanna, age 86, in the link given below. He is listed at the address: 5101 Yorkville Rd, Temple Hills, MD 20748, Phone: (301) 423-3688

    Of course, it is possible that Robert C. Hanna died relatively recently and the online records regarding him have not had enough time to get updated

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