October 2012– Attorney Loren Collins discredits Joel Gilbert’s Dreams From My Real Father

Nearly two years ago (October, 2012) attorney Loren Collins discredited claims put forth by Joel Gilbert who indicated, in his film Dreams From My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception, that Stanley Ann Dunham (Obama’s mother) posed for nude photographs taken by Frank Marshall Davis in December, 1960.

I watched Loren’s presentation (embedded above) back when he published it (2 years ago).

The presentation was objective, professional and I admired it (and still do).

Before I proceed any further I need to state here that I do not support attorney Collins.

Furthermore, I typically don’t agree with much of anything that he says or writes.

Collin’s book, Bullspotting: Finding Facts in the Age of Misinformationis honestly one of the worst books I’ve ever forced myself to read.  It wasn’t THE worst, I’ve read much worse [I’m still debating whether or not I should have my brain wiped after reading William Styron’s Sophie’s Choice], but it certainly was one of the worst.

If you’d like to read my thoughts on Collin’s book you may do so at this link: Fierce field research behind enemy lines. Dr. Conspiracy’s wife (Virginia Hutson Davidson) is a criminal and Loren Collins is a baloney man.

Joel Gilbert states (in his film) that the nude photos of Stanley Ann Dunham were taken in December, 1960 and that they were taken by Frank Marshall Davis.

Attorney Collins found the very same photographs in a 1958 issue (issue 23) of Exotique magazine.   Issue 23 was published in early 1958 because the previous issue was published in 1957.

In other issues (1958) of Exotique magazine Collins discovered that there were other women posing in the same room, and often on or near the same furniture.  Collins also found that some of the women in other photographs were wearing the same exact same skimpy outfit (and sometimes even the same earrings) that the woman, who Gilbert claims is Ann Dunham, was wearing.

In early 1958 Stanley Ann Dunham was 15 years of age and she was a student at Mercer Island High School in a suburb of Seattle, Washington.  Stanley_Ann_Dunham_1960_Mercer_Island_High_School_yearbook

The adjacent photograph of Stanley Ann Dunham is included in the 1960 Mercer Island High School yearbook.

Attorney Loren Collins should be commended for having taken the time, and the money, to procure the complete collection of Exotique and then compiling relevant segments into a concise and objective presentation.

Postscript: William Styron’s Sophie’s Choice is probably not a bad book, but it did make me want to never, ever, remember that I’d read it.

A few years later I watched the movie and I found that the book is exceedingly better (at least in comparison).

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9 Responses to October 2012– Attorney Loren Collins discredits Joel Gilbert’s Dreams From My Real Father

  1. Bruce says:

    The video cited below was published on YouTube on June 13, 2012 by Joel Gilbert. He also currently refers to it on his website under the caption, The Intimate Ann Dunham – Frank Marshall Davis Relationship


    “Dreams From My Real Father: The Intimate Ann Dunham – Frank Marshall Davis Relationship”

    I commented on the photo comparison matter regarding Ann Dunham on the InspectorSmith Forum at:


    I agree with Mr. Collins regarding the ‘seductively-clad’ woman. He makes a good case that she is NOT Ann Dunham.

    However, I don’t think he specifically discussed in his video the ‘nude woman’ shown in Gilbert’s video. IS SHE ANN DUNHAM?

    Although the ‘seductively clad’ woman admittedly does closely resemble the ‘nude’ woman in Gilbert’s video, I think there is a possibility that they are, in fact, two different women.

    Image: Dental comparison, Ann Dunham – 1960 (?) vs 1958

  2. Langolier says:

    It took birthers two years to realize that Collins was right.

  3. Bruce says:

    There’s No Place Like Utopia

    A new film by Joel Gilbert, now available on DVD

    View the complete film-related website at:


  4. Langolier says:

    Looks like dementia has set in for poor Bruce.

  5. Bruce says:

    “Bull Moose Republican” Obot candidate

    Obama Conspiracy Theories
    Dr. Conspiracy


    The Chamblee Post reports the first Republican candidate to qualify for the July 14th special election for District 80 State Representative in Georgia. The noted author and blogger, Loren Collins, describes himself as a “Bull Moose” Republican, presumably after the progressive political faction that nominated Theodore Roosevelt for President in 1912.

    View the complete article, including link and photo, at:

    WARNING: Site is not Birther Friendly

  6. Larry Bland says:

    @ Bruce: WARNING!!! The stench at that site will make you sick to your stomach. I suggest avoidance of that latrine.

  7. Rambo Ike says:

    @ Larry Bland:

    Have you followed what’s going on at the Gerbil Report? It’s as bad if not worse than the OCT site. In 5 weeks the Obots there have managed to lie, smear, and revise history on every issue they’ve commented on.

    They don’t let their lack of proof phase them. Their truth is because they or someone they know said so, and if you don’t believe that then you’re called the liar.

    As deceiving as they are it has also been quite comical watching them operate. The worse of the bunch are Dr Con, RC, Lupin, and Dr Ken.

  8. Rambo Ike says:

    @ Bruce:

    Collins seems to be decent person. Among Obots I’ve found that to be a rare.

    He is right on the photos. There is a resemblance but that’s not Ann Dunham.

  9. BobJ says:

    @ Larry Bland:
    Larry shows his/her aversion to reality.


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