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Dreams from Governor Abercrombie -- American Thinker, Don Wilkie

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  • Dreams from Governor Abercrombie -- American Thinker, Don Wilkie

    Dreams from Governor Abercrombie

    American Thinker

    Don Wilkie


    "Ben Smith of Buzzfeed, when reviewing David Maraniss' new book Barack Obama: The Story, "counted 38 instances in which the biographer convincingly disputes significant elements of Obama's own story of his life and his family history."

    The corrected factual record includes the following:

    1. Ann Dunham, her child, and Obama Sr. never lived together as a family.
    2. Ann and child left Obama Sr. in late August 1961 for Seattle, almost a year before Obama Sr. left for Harvard in June of 1962.
    3. Obama Sr. didn't get his scholarship until May of 1962.
    4. Ann and the baby returned to Hawaii only after Obama Sr. left Hawaii for good.
    5. There was never a scholarship choice for Obama Sr. between the New School in New York and Harvard in Massachusetts.

    This is bad news for Neil Abercrombie, governor of Hawaii.

    He has said too many things on the record that don't jibe with the facts as we now know them. Yet in The Story, Maraniss relies heavily on this totally unreliable witness. As Jack Cashill so insightfully noted, "[w]ithout Abercrombie, there is no contemporary witness to any kind of relationship [between Ann and Obama Sr.]"

    Below are some of the whoppers Governor Abercrombie has told:

    I knew Senator Obama's mother and father; I went to school with them. I was best friends in Hawaii with his dad. I've known him since he was a little boy and I know how he was raised.

    Abercrombie claims to have been Obama Sr.'s "best friend" in Hawaii. Being a "best friend," Abercrombie would have had more than a passing familiarity with Obama Sr.'s life and friends. This is not the case. There is no evidence, for example, that he knew any of the East-West Center students who have photographic evidence that Obama Sr. was at their gatherings.

    Abercrombie privately feared that the relationship would be short lived. Obama was one of the most ambitious, self-focused men he had ever met. After Obama was accepted to study at Harvard, Stanley Ann disappeared from the University of Hawaii student gatherings, but she did not accompany her husband to Harvard. Abercrombie said he rarely saw her after that.

    We now know that Obama Sr. was accepted at Harvard in May of 1962 through the help of Elizabeth Mooney Kirk. We also know that Ann and child left Hawaii in late August of 1961. Abercrombie is telling us that he saw Ann at student gatherings (dubbed by Maraniss the "snack bar crowd") until May of 1962. How could a "best friend" not know that Ann was in Seattle, let alone see her at gatherings it was impossible for her to attend?"

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman