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Kincaid: Obama’s Ultimate Cover-up -- GOPUSA, Cliff Kincaid

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  • Kincaid: Obama’s Ultimate Cover-up -- GOPUSA, Cliff Kincaid

    Kincaid: Obama’s Ultimate Cover-up


    Cliff Kincaid


    "Obama biographer David Maraniss wrote an 1139-word article, “The Audacity of Doubt,” for The Washington Post on Sunday that purported to be a refutation of what some critics have been saying about the President. Maraniss focuses mostly on questions about Obama’s religion and place of birth and pretends to have the answers.

    However, Maraniss ignored the fact that the critics were right four years ago when they identified communist Frank Marshall Davis as Obama’s mentor in Hawaii and the mysterious “Frank” from Obama’s book, Dreams from My Father.

    Maraniss had written a 10,000-word piece for the Post in 2008, when the information could have made a difference in the campaign, ignoring this critical fact. He told me in an email that he had ignored Davis because he had somehow concluded that Davis didn’t have much of an impact on Obama.

    The Maraniss piece, “Though Obama Had to Leave to Find Himself, It Is Hawaii That Made His Rise Possible,” ran in the August 22, 2008 edition of the Post.

    Not content to slink away with egg on his face for ignoring the story of the century, Maraniss spent years working on a book about Obama, thinking the public would regard it as definitive. He is suffering under a delusion.

    Since Maraniss wants us to believe he dwells on “facts,” here are some inconvenient facts about Davis before we get into the tawdry and highly personal side of the Obama-Davis relationship:

    • Davis was the subject of a 600-page FBI file.
    • Davis was under FBI surveillance for 19 years for his Communist Party activities.
    • Davis was on the FBI’s security index, meaning he could be arrested in the event of a national emergency.
    • Davis wrote a pornographic novel, Sex Rebel, that was autobiographical and disclosed that he had sex with children.
    • Davis was a heavy drinker and marijuana user.

    It’s true that communism is not perceived as being as much of a threat as it used to be, but can you imagine what the reaction might be among the American people, even now, if they were told by the major papers and network news programs that a top Communist Party operative molded their President’s views on economic, foreign policy and cultural issues? This is the story that has to be suppressed at any cost, four years later during a critical election year.

    Having ignored the story of the decisive influence that Davis exercised over Obama in his growing up years, Maraniss now goes after other writers who have been investigating Obama in order to clear up some of the lingering mysteries about him. It is apparent that Maraniss is afraid of being proven wrong again. He wants people to think his 641 page book is the ultimate truth.

    Maraniss says in his Post article on Sunday that he holds many Obama critics “in contempt for the way they disregard facts and common sense and undermine the role of serious history as they concoct conspiracy theories that portray the president as dangerous, alien and less than American.” But not once in this follow-up article four years later did Maraniss mention the name of Obama’s communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, or how he, Maraniss, had ignored Davis in that 10,000-word 2008 Post article.

    This omission may be his strange way of conceding, without saying so, that the “critics” had gotten that part of the story right. After all, “Frank” was Davis, and Maraniss knows it.

    Maraniss doesn’t name the Obama critics. But one of them is Jack Cashill, an “obsessed conspiratorialist,” in the words of Maraniss, for theorizing that Obama’s book Dreams from My Father was ghost written by Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers. Maraniss calls Ayers “the former radical.”

    My position all along has been that, whether Ayers wrote it or not, Obama’s name is on it, and he has to take responsibility for what is in it. That includes the cover-up regarding “Frank.” It is not unprecedented for politicians to have ghost writers, but since their names are on the book, the politicians have to take the credit or blame for what was said—or not said. Of course, if Ayers did write the book, it makes their relationship much closer than we were led to believe.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman