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Surprise! The microfilm of Obama’s Kenyan ties now mysteriously missing

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  • Surprise! The microfilm of Obama’s Kenyan ties now mysteriously missing

    Surprise! The microfilm of Obama’s Kenyan ties now mysteriously missing

    Coach is Right

    George Spelvin, staff writer


    One visit from Hillary Clinton and it’s all gone!

    Four different recorded events involving the name of Barack Obama taking place in the then British Protectorate of East Africa have surfaced in British National Archives. Details of the years between 1953 to 1963 were logged into the Kew branch of Britain’s public records office according to a communique dated July 18, 2012, authored by Dan Crosby.

    “A record of birth of a second son (of Barack Obama, Sr.) is significant because biographical information about Obama’s family indicates Obama, Sr., fathered only one other son prior to Obama II’s birth,” says Crosby. Now, the spelling of “Burack” and Biraq” surfaced in hand written line records along with a listing of a marriage license registration dated 1954 and a 1961 birth. (2) The problem researchers now are struggling with in attempts to verify this data involves Series RG36 reference books, but “researchers were denied access under Chapter 52, Sections 3 and 5 or the British Public Records Act of 1958.”

    Microfilm for the British birth registrations seems to be under the same lock down as microfilm Sheriff Joe Arpaio and lead investigator Mike Zullo have tried unsuccessfully to locate. “Where is the microfilm?’ Sheriff Joe asked a recent East Orlando Tea Party seminar.

    Hillary Clinton traveled to Great Britain in 2009 as part of her junket to Africa, and “evidence shows these records were available for public access” before this trip. She is alleged to have made “a sudden visit to the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the British agency which oversees Public Records Archives from colonial protectorates in early August of 2009. (3) For some unknown reason Obama, Sr. did NOT include the birth of a son on his INS application to remain in America on his temporary visa status. Now this anchor baby birth would have been very beneficial to a foreign national looking to remain in this country, and leaving out the birth of a son is very puzzling to researchers. “Obama’s omission of the birth is astonishing and illogical” one observer said.

    Citing over 180 disparities and contradictions “to Obama’s claims of natal legitimacy as president,” the writer then says this: “If Obama’s cause as a usurper of power is to avenge his father’s culture, he made the worst possible error in lying about who he is.” (4) The long term damage done to America’s citizens is the taking away of right of redress of grievances as given to them by the U.S. Constitution. This sentence points to the toxicity of what is happening in the halls of our governance and judicial systems: “Judges have allowed a dangerous precedent in which any foreign invader can covertly usurp the power of the U.S. government simply by lying about their citizenship status and hiding documentation.” The citizens’ right to know cries out of the horror of complicity of our legal system and the abject failure of our nationally available media to adjudicate here!

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Surprise! The microfilm of Obama’s Kenyan ties now mysteriously missing', which was started 8/8/2012 by 'jmaroneps37'

    The thread references a 8/8/2012 'Coach is Right' article written by George Spelvin -

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:

    The following is COMMENT #32, by 'masadaman', in the thread:

    "In 2008 before the election, I happened to be at a dinner with the 'Columbia Man' Wayne Allyn Root. Never noticed any bad grammar. He is the real deal i.e., Columbia College, Class of 1983, valedictorian. He told me something that has not been reported or mentioned by him recently as far as I know: Root was named the "Most Successful Graduate" of that class when it held its 20 year reunion in 2003. By that time Root was a multimillionaire developer. Why does this factoid matter"

    Because in 2003, Obama was already a well known State Senator in Illinois preparing to run for the U.S. Senate. Yet, according to Root, Obama wasn't even invited to the 20th reunion. He hadn't yet highlighted his 'graduation' from Columbia as a Senatorial or Presidential candidate."
    - (bold emphasis added)

    The following is COMMENT #37, by 'Kenny Bunk', in the thread:

    Root's main point is that "no one from the class of '83 knew Obama at Columbia ... nobody knows him."

    BFD. Best Bet? Obama was not a "Transfer Student" to Columbia College. He was a walk-in General Studies student, who was slipped into the "graduation track," which in and of itself is or was not so unusual.

    The deal is (or was) that if you completed enough at General Studies, had acceptable credits from another school, or for "life experience," one could get a Columbia degree for General Studies work. That degree; that diploma, oddly enough, was issued by Columbia College.

    I am reasonably sure that Bill Ayers received Obama in NYC. Obama's gay-activist-Marxist Mentor at Occidental, Laurence Goldyn, was a close friend of Ayers. Ayers could have easily shepherded Obama through Columbia, using his strong family ties on the faculty.
    That's news. I.E., Bill Ayers is not "a guy from the neighborhood." He and Obama were connected in NYC.

    Furthermore, what is also really unusual is that Obama actually spent very little time at Columbia ... so little time that it IS scarcely credible that he completed enough course work to qualify for a degree. "How much time" "What was he doing and where?" Those are the real questions.

    Root should know all about General Studies students and the GS programs. He should also tell us that fellows from the élite Ivy League Columbia College did not pal around with General Studies students, who with good reason or not, were usually viewed as oddballs. General Studies people were not Ivy Leaguers trying out for football, or crew. More importantly, they were certainly not required to take the then famous Core Curriculum (which is why Columbia College very rarely accepted transfers).

    >"Nobody knew Obama at Columbia?"
    (a) Not quite true as several have surfaced who did, and
    (b) no big deal if the overwhelming majority of the Columbia College Class of 83 did not know him. Why would they? He wasn't one of them.

    Root was a Poli Sci major, Obama claims the same. However we have no idea what Obama took and neither does Root. That's a real issue. It is quite possible that they never took the same Poli Sci courses ... or that Obama never took any Poli Sci courses at all.

    That's why the records are important.... not that "nobody knew him."

    On the "Who Paid?" question: it now turns out that Grandma Payne Dunham more than likely footed the bills during this period from the proceeds of a rather impressive oil-and-gas-lease trust fund of which she was the executrix.

    Root first unveiled his story in 2008. He should have used the research available on this site and elsewhere to at least update the info before resurfacing.

    Now if the Romney Campaign, is using surrogates to bring up the facts about Obama's strange college career, that's great. But inaccuracies in Root's revived story will quickly sidetrack the campaign into arguing about trivia.

    Did Obama apply as a foreign student? If Grandma was paying, why would he? There are no student loans or scholarships on the record, despite what Obama himself would like you to believe. Of course, it would be nice for Occidental and Columbia to fork over their admission records ... but who is supposed to make them do that?

    Root offers:
    (a) nothing new.
    (b) adds to the confusion with ... to say the very least ... misplaced emphasis
    (c) Offers nothing actionable anywhere.

    The following is COMMENT #42, by 'Pigsley', in the thread:

    I think some of this old info is back again because more people are paying attention this go around. A lot of people paid no attention 4 1/2 years ago when this fraud was thrust onto the world stage. The media sure didn't vet him, so an unfortunately large number of “independents” thought they were being all uber-evolved and voted for the “historic” choice. With McCain as the other choice...I can see how we ended up where we are.

    Anyway, a LOT of people see the country circling the drain and hear people fighting about Obama/Romney....People that are pretty much out of the loop. I think all the little rumor and innuendo that floated last time are coming up again, for good reason--NO ANSWERS. The Root commentary is back because his MAIN POINT is worth looking into.

    ....And with Obama going negative to the extreme, ALREADY, I think it's great that Limbaugh, etc., put this out into the public consciousness yet again.

    Root may not be the best writer in the world, but his theory about Obama’s years at Columbia ring somewhat true. I have my own theory about Mr. Obama, that being that Frank Marshall Davis (his bio daddy IMHO) opened the doors of the old Chicago Communist Party to BHO. Frank worked closely with Val Jarret's father in law (perhaps grandfather...but I think it was father in law)and close members of Axlerod’s family. Once Barry got in this with this group, he caught Thomas Ayers eye, as Ayers was looking for a black guy puppet to eventually run for Mayor and take back the eduction cabal run aground by a black power structure. Ayers paid his way up and out of crappy Oxy, when crappy graded Barry got an unheard of 3rd year transfer to Columbia, then greased the skids all the way up to and including the Harvard Law Review presidency. Bill Ayers then wrote DREAMS and helped him with the forgery of those tedious loose ends, like the Selective Service card. Barry started his political life in Bill Ayers living room and he was off to the races. take on your post: I think it's only a good thing if a former Obama "independent", paying attention for the first time, reads Root and begins their own little research project. They will quickly figure out what has been debunked. Mr. Roots theory HAS NOT BEEN.
    Last edited by bsteadman; 08-09-2012, 02:34 PM.
    B. Steadman

