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We Have Been Duped: The Story -- American Thinker, Don Wilkie

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  • We Have Been Duped: The Story -- American Thinker, Don Wilkie

    We Have Been Duped: The Story

    American Thinker

    Don Wilkie


    "The American people have been duped. We are victims of an organized campaign to give legitimacy to a fable. The fable concerns Barack Obama's origins -- the "improbable love" his parents shared. This fable proved so captivating that four years after he told it at the 2004 Democratic Convention, the American people elected the storyteller to the presidency of the United States.

    The fairy-tale is found in the pages of Obama's book, Dreams from My Father. When Obama began his campaign, there were very few sources that could verify the story told within its pages. Most of the central characters had died, including the mother, father, and maternal grandfather. The maternal grandmother who died shortly before the 2008 election was kept sequestered and was allowed to talk to the press only if the reporter had a "minder" from the Obama camp. Early Obama biographer David Mendell admits as much.

    There were others, though, who proclaimed that the fable was true. These were friends of father Barack Obama, Sr. in Hawaii and friends of mother Ann Dunham in Seattle. Their recollections mirror the fable found in Dreams. In light of what we know today, much of what these friends have attested to is simply impossible. If we accept that the friends are not delusional, that they are able to tell the difference between fact and fiction, then they must have been intentionally falsifying their memories to protect the fable in Dreams.
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    Neil Abercrombie and the Snack Bar Crowd

    Neil Abercrombie, current governor of Hawaii, and others whom Maraniss called the "snack bar crowd" falsely testified to the behavior and activities of Barack Obama Sr.
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    Ann's Friends in Seattle

    The two people who have supplied the most information about Ann Dunham are her two Mercer Island high school friends: Susan Botkin Blake and Maxine Box. The easiest way to understand their prevarications is to analyze the story they tell of Ann's "visit" to Seattle. There are at least three versions:
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    Careful historian Maraniss might more accurately be described as an "enabling dissembler." By looking at the three versions of the "visit," it is clear that as conflicting facts have been discovered, recollections have been conveniently modified to fit them. From the initial version of a young woman, "crazy in love," stopping off in Seattle in 1961 on her way to see her beloved in Boston, who by the way wouldn't be in Boston for another year, we find out that the "visit" really happened a year later in August 1962 -- and when it becomes clear that Ann moved to Seattle and was never on her way to see her husband in Boston, we wind up with a totally innocuous story reset to 1961 of two friends visiting one afternoon for an amiable chat.

    It is clear that people are lying. It is clear they are lying to protect a fraudulent story. It is clear that the official Obama nativity story is bunkum. Those who have orchestrated this cover-up should be ashamed of themselves for trying to fool us.

    We should be ashamed of ourselves if we allow them to do it."

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman