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Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah' -- WND, Jerome R. Corsi

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  • Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah' -- WND, Jerome R. Corsi

    Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'

    He's worn it on his wedding-ring finger since before he met Michelle


    Jerome R. Corsi


    "NEW YORK – As a student at Harvard Law School, then-bachelor Barack Obama’s practice of wearing a gold band on his wedding-ring finger puzzled his colleagues.

    Now, newly published photographs of Obama from the 1980s show that the ring Obama wore on his wedding-ring finger as an unmarried student is the same ring Michelle Robinson put on his finger at the couple’s wedding ceremony in 1992.

    Moreover, according to Arabic-language and Islamic experts, the ring Obama has been wearing for more than 30 years is adorned with the first part of the Islamic declaration of faith, the Shahada: “There is no God except Allah.”

    The Shahada is the first of the Five Pillars of Islam, expressing the two fundamental beliefs that make a person a Muslim: There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is Allah’s prophet.

    Sincere recitation of the Shahada is the sole requirement for becoming a Muslim, as it expresses a person’s rejection of all other gods

    Egyptian-born Islamic scholar Mark A. Gabriel, Ph.D., examined photographs of Obama’s ring at WND’s request and concluded that the first half of the Shahada is inscribed on it.

    “There can be no doubt that someone wearing the inscription ‘There is no god except Allah’ has a very close connection to Islamic beliefs, the Islamic religion and Islamic society to which this statement is so strongly attached,” Gabriel told WND.

    “Dreams from My Real Father” producer Joel Gilbert, an Arabic speaker and an expert on the Middle East, was the first to conclude that Obama’s ring, reportedly from Indonesia, bore an Islamic inscription.

    Photographs published last week by the New Yorker from Obama’s time at Occidental College, taken by fellows students, indicate that the ring Obama wore three decades ago is the one he is wearing in the White House.

    As WND reported in July, previously published photos have shown Obama wearing a gold band on his wedding-ring finger continuously from 1981 at Occidental, through graduation at Columbia in 1983, in a visit to Africa in 1988 and during his time at Harvard from 1988 to 1991. But none, until now, have displayed the ring with enough detail to identify it as the one he currently is wearing.

    WND reported a satirical edition of the Harvard Law Review published by students in 1990 contains a mock Dewers Scotch profile advertisement poking fun at Obama. Among a list of Obama’s “Latest Accomplishments” is: “Deflecting Persistent Questioning About Ring On Left Hand.”

    The comment suggests the ring was a subject of student curiosity at the time and that Obama was not forthcoming with an explanation.

    He still has not explained why he wore the band on his wedding-ring finger before he married Michelle."

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'

    Atlas Shrugs

    Pamela Geller


    I'd like to see one member of the press corps ask Obama about this. It certainly jives with Obama's islamophilia and his pro-sharia foreign policies, and with his extensive Muslim background, as detailed in my book, The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America.

    The implications of Obama's ring aside, the level of his dishonesy is breathtaking. Jerome Corsi over at WND has this blockbuster story.

    Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'

    He's worn it on his wedding-ring finger since before he met Michelle


    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah', which was started 10/9/2012 by 'DannyTN'

      The thread references the 10/9/2012 WND article written by Jerome R. Corsi -

      View the complete Free Republic thread at:

      The following is LOL COMMENT#10, by 'God luvs America', in the thread:

      a Jewish buddy sent me this email...its meant as a joke, but who knows....


      نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه. ر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست ننور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيستنقش ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه. ر رفت سايهپيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه پيدانيست ننور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نميدان نور اگر رفت سايه. ر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايهدگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست ننور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه. ر رفت سايه پيدانيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه پيدانيست ننور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيستنور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشمخير ه م نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه. ر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوارو چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست ننور اگر رفتسايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفتسايه. ر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نوراگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست ننور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نميدان نور اگر رفت سايه. ر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايهدگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست ننور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار وچشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه. ر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقشديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست ننور اگررفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفتسايه. ر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نوراگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست ننور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايهدگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه. ر رفت سايه پيدا نيس نقش ديوار و چشم خيره مانقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست ننور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيستنقش ديوار و چشم خ يره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه. ر رفت سايهپيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه پيدانيست ننور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نميدان نور اگر رفت سايه. ر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايهدگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست ننور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره مانقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه. ر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشمخيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست ننور اگر رفت سايه پيدانيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه. ر رفتسايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفتسايه پيدا نيست ننور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايهدگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه. ر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره مانقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت ساي پيدا نيست ن نور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشمخيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه. ر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوارو چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر
      B. Steadman


      • #4
        Hi-Res Image of Barack Obama's Wedding Ring Legends

        Updated 10/11/2012


        "Contrary to what has been claimed in various online sources, President Obama's gold wedding ring does not feature the Muslim saying "No God but Allah" in Arabic script. It bears no visible inscription at all, only an abstract design."

        View the complete post at:
        B. Steadman


        • #5
          Report: Duke professor confirms Arabic on Obama ring

          'It is the first part of the Islamic Shahada'




          "WND’s report that Arabic-language and Islamic experts claim the gold band Obama has been wearing on his wedding-ring finger for more than 30 years is adorned with the first part of the Islamic declaration of faith naturally was met with skepticism in some circles, but Glenn Beck’s news service published a report citing a Duke professor who confirmed the WND experts’ assessment.

          Earlier today, before it published the report, four members of The Blaze editorial team, including Editor-in-Chief Scott Baker, cautiously discussed the Obama ring story in their “Blazecast Rewind” Internet broadcast, without mentioning WND.

          Baker, noting he had been inundated with links to the WND article, said he approached the story as he does other “memes” that float around the Internet and need to be either debunked or verified.

 reporter Billy Hallowell told Baker he spoke with a professor from Duke who read the article, examined the photos and affirmed the conclusion of the WND experts.

          “Based on what he saw, he said that this is, essentially, Arabic script on the ring and that it is the first part of the Shahada,” Hollowell said.

          Hallowell pointed out the professor, who declined to be named, also cautioned that there is Islamic teaching that forbids wearing gold.

          In WND’s report, Egyptian-born Islamic scholar Mark A. Gabriel, Ph.D., explained that despite prohibitions in Islamic law, many Muslim men wear gold rings, even in strict Muslim countries, particularly if they contain a religious message.

          The Duke professor told Hollowell that it is, indeed, common for gold jewelry of that sort to be worn in the Middle East but often for superstitious reasons.

          “Outside of the religious realm, it’s more about warding off bad spirits or protecting people from snake bites,” Hollowell said, citing the professor.

          Later, posted a story by Hollowell reporting the WND article “has been making its way across social media and the blogosphere.”

          In addition to citing the Duke professor who confirmed that the script appears to be Arabic and includes the first part of the Shahada, Hollowell reported he spoke with Harvard University’s Ali Asani

          Asani, a professor of Indo-Muslim and Islamic Religion and Cultures, said that the images of Obama’s ring were not clear enough to make a determination.

          “I’d actually have to see it much closer to see exactly what it says,” Asani told

          Like the Duke professor, Asani believes that the first half of the Shahada is a statement that any monotheist, including a Christian, could accept, that there is only one God. Only the second part of the Shahada is exclusive, he said, declaring Muhammad is his prophet."
          - (bold emphasis added)

          View the complete article at:

          B. Steadman


          • #6
            Obama 'Allah ring' stirs debate

            More Arabic analysts weigh in on mysterious gold band


            Jerome R. Corsi


            Staffers in Jordan with William J. Murray’s Religious Freedom Coalition also believe the ring, which Obama wore on his wedding-ring finger for at least a decade before he married Michelle Robinson, pays homage to Allah.

            “I sent the photographs to my office in Amman,” Murray wrote WND in an email. “This is the response: Yes, it is the Shahada, and the second part of the profession of faith is probably inscribed inside the ring.”

            The Amman staffers said they have seen other rings like it.

            Egyptian-born Islamic scholar Mark A. Gabriel, Ph,D., as well as a native-Arabic speaker employed by WND who has provided translations of critical Arabic statements, believe the ring is Islamic. A Duke professor interviewed by Glenn Beck’s news service also confirmed their conclusion.

            Filmmaker Joel Gilbert has issued a detailed analysis he prepared with the assistance of Yousef Shehadeh, a native Arabic speaker from Nazareth who studied Arabic for 13 years in the Holy Land and now works as a graphic artist in Los Angeles.

            Gilbert, who has studied Arabic himself, told WND he sent close-up photographs of the ring to Shehadeh “cold,” without offering any opinion, and asked him to evaluate them.

            Shehadeh replied to Gilbert that the script on Obama’s ring is Arabic, and it is the first part of the Islamic declaration of faith.

            The WND story was picked up today by the Saudi-owned paper Al-Arabiya.

            Some bloggers who are skeptical that the Obama ring is Islamic have questioned the authenticity of photos used in the analysis in the original WND story Wednesday.

            A “computer software and graphics expert” cited by the blog contends computer-imaging software was used to deepen shadows to make details in the lighted areas “look more like an Arabic letter rather than a squiggly design.”

            Gilbert, who was first to conclude that the ring bears the Islamic declaration of faith, the Shahada, explained that the only adjustment he made to images from a 2010 Huffington Post feature was to reduce the contrast about 50 percent. His aim was to enable the detail in the ring to be seen without being overwhelmed by the background light.


            View the complete article at:

            B. Steadman


            • #7
              What Not to Wear: Presidential Edition

              American Thinker

              Cindy Simpson


              While getting my hair done at the salon, I was entertained with my iPad and this recent headline on The Blaze: "'Morning Joe' panelist actually asks if we can 'trust" Mitt Romney if he 'colors his hair.'"

              The guest panelist for MSNBC, Donnie Deutsch, asked: "Do you want a president of the United States who colors his hair?" and further declared: "I think if the average American thought a man was coloring his hair, he would lose trust in him."

              The idea that hair dye and trustworthiness were related left me more breathless than the ammonia odors wafting around the salon. I suspiciously eyed my neighbors in the chairs around me -- does she or doesn't she? Who knew that the old Clairol slogan needed a qualifier (according to Deutsch): "only his/her hairdresser knows for sure...whether he/she is trustworthy."

              Deutsch was indignant that "we never ask that question[.] Why does nobody ask that question?" Maybe some of the JournoLists who sifted through Sarah Palin's trashcans should look for some empty dye bottles in Romney's garbage bins or interview some of his past barbers for a scoop that would rock the election. Or not.

              And then I tapped the link to the blog of one of my most trusted syndicated columnists, the wise and brave Diana West, to find her asking this fashion question, the same day: "[A]sk yourself what's more dangerous to the republic: a) that the first new president after 9/11 wears the Shahada on his ring finger; or b) that the media won't ask why."

              West was referring to a ring worn by Obama, apparently regularly (at least since his college days at Occidental) on his left ring finger. The same ring, it appears, he also received in his marriage ceremony to Michelle. It's an unusual ring that bears the inscription of the first part of the Islamic Shahada, according to a story by WND citing experts who examined close-up photographs.

              The Shahada, the first of the five pillars of Islam, is the proclamation of Islamic faith. The public recitation of the Shahada, which begins with "There is no God but Allah," is what formally makes one a Muslim.

              Why a Christian president of the United States would wear such a ring every day for the past thirty or so years should be the "trustworthiness" fashion question of this election season. West observed that "the media -- mainstream, downstream, up the stream with no paddle -- WILL NOT REPORT THIS FACT. That would require them to ask the president a question they don't want to ask, namely: Why?"

              Back in 2009, in an article about the Obama's marriage, The New York Times' Jodi Cantor noted that Obama's wedding band was an "intricate gold design from Indonesia," but not the peculiar fact that he had apparently been wearing it, on the same finger, for several years before the wedding. It is especially interesting to recall that it was Cantor who in 2007 had written another article about Obama's Harvard Law Review days. In that piece, Cantor quoted from the Review's 1990 mock profile of Obama and also included a 1990 photo of Obama that clearly showed him wearing an intricate gold band on his left ring finger. However, Cantor neglected to mention that the profile listed "deflecting persistent questioning about ring on left hand" as one of Obama's "accomplishments," just as she neglected to note, two years later, that she had read about and seen this ring (or one very similar to it) before.

              Could the ring be simply a family heirloom or treasured souvenir without other symbolic meaning? Why the reluctance on Obama's part to explain it, or on the media's to question it?

              Obama's former girlfriend noted that he was fond of lounging around the apartment in sarongs. Perhaps Obama felt the Indonesian ring coordinated with the ensemble. Or might Obama sport such a ring to appear foreign, or worldly and fashionable? If the ring truly does bear the traditional Islamic inscription, it is doubtful that Obama would not be aware of that fact. Recall that in 2007, Nicholas Kristof, in his article, "Obama: Man of the World," mentioned Obama's study of the Koran while growing up in Indonesia and his recitation of the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer "with a first-rate accent."


              View the complete article at:

              B. Steadman


              • #8
                SPECULATION: I think it is possible that BHO-II REPLACED his worn-since-1981, 'There is no god but Allah' ring, with an innocuous, serpentine-pattern ring sometime prior to June 5, 2009 when a high resolution photo was CONVENIENTLY TAKEN SHOWING ONLY HIS LEFT HAND, WITH THE NEW RING PROMINENTLY DISPLAYED IN PERFECT VIEWING POSITION.

                I believe Obama made the ring switch and perhaps even arranged to have the below-linked, 'convenient' photo taken to diffuse and combat any possible future investigation regarding the 'incriminating' original ring. Alternatively, the ring switch could have been made and the high-resolution photo taken relatively recently and the documentation simply 'faked'.

                Having a simple hand/ring photo faked would be no problem for someone who apparently arranged to have his own 1961 long-form Hawaiian birth certificate faked, a much more complicated task!

                DRESDEN, GERMANY - JUNE 05: The hand of U.S. President Barack Obama is pictured during a news conference on June 5, 2009 in Dresden, Germany. Obama will visit Buchenwald, a former Nazi concentration camp, later today. (Photo by Miguel Villagran/Getty Images)

                Last edited by bsteadman; 10-16-2012, 02:13 PM.
                B. Steadman


                • #9
                  Video: EXCLUSIVE! (PPSIMMONS) THE RING SCANDAL DEEPENS? Another BHO Operative Forgery Coverup?

                  Published on Oct 11, 2012 by ppsimmons

                  View the video at:

                  B. Steadman


                  • #10
                    The village idiot obummer was born , raised and trained as a muslim . He brags about those facts and says that the islamic call to
                    prayer is the most beautiful sound on earth . He is also a muslim sympathizer , supporter and enabler . He has allowed ( invited )
                    members of the subversive muslim brotherhood to infiltrate our most sensitive offices of HOMELAND SECURITY , DEPT. OF DEFENSE ,
                    DEPT. OF ' INJUSTICE ', F.B.I. and others . All this is an act of high treason , and he must be indicted .
                    Why would he not wear the ring for more than 30 years ?????

