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LOL: Obama's Polygamous Brother Running For President; Obama Tells Him To Be Honest

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  • LOL: Obama's Polygamous Brother Running For President; Obama Tells Him To Be Honest

    LOL: Obama's Polygamous Brother Running For President; Obama Tells Him To Be Honest

    Birther Report



    My little brother Barack Obama: He's had 12 wives, is accused of beating one of them and wants to be President (of Kenya). Meet Obama's VERY outspoken sibling


    First interview with Malik Obama who claims he's also destined for greatness
    Suffered defeat in election last week in bid for political power in Kenya
    Brothers were best man at each other's weddings and remain in contact
    Visits White House yearly and said Barack is always 'at the end of a phone'
    Accountant claims he is misunderstood because he is a Muslim and black
    Said 'famous brother' has made him target of 'hatred, racism and bigotry'
    Claimed US President could do more for Kenyan family by sending money
    Described allegations that he beats one of his wives as 'b******t'

    [...] Some might question his motives, but he says Barack has been encouraging. ‘Back in 2011, when I told him about my plans, he said to go for it. His only advice was that I should be honest, sincere – and to have a thick skin.’

    Malik reveals how he once tried to use his family ties to change the shape of international politics – by pleading with his brother to save Libya’s Colonel Gaddafi after his people turned against him in 2011.

    ‘I went to see my brother and I said look, this is somebody I know and it’s terrible what is going on. Let’s see if we can talk to him and find some kind of rapprochement. He wasn’t interested.

    'He didn’t want to know, which was very disappointing. But he did tell me that he shook Gaddafi’s hand when they met at a conference in Rome.’

    Then he chides Barack for not doing enough to help his Kenyan relatives.

    ‘I’m very proud of my brother, but I would like for him to do a little bit more for the family on this side. I would like to say he could send some money. I give money when asked. That’s what family is for. We’re not well off, though people think we are.’ [...]

    Malik insists he is a fair man. ‘There have been 12 wives since my first marriage in 1981, when Barack was my best man. I have done my best with all of them, along with the children.’ He won’t, however, say how many he has.

    When I ask about the reactions of the President and First Lady to his polygamous life, he shrugs and grins slyly. ‘They’ve never commented to me about it. They keep their thoughts on such matters to themselves. But they are happy that I’m a proud Muslim.’

    And there is indeed some evidence for that. In his memoir, Barack recalls the wedding day, writing: ‘The person who made me proudest was Roy [the name he uses for Malik]. He converted to Islam, and has sworn off pork and tobacco and alcohol. [His] new lifestyle has left him lean and clear-eyed. [...]


    FLASHBACK: Militant Muslim Obama Slaughtered In Kenya's Election: Receives Only 1% Of The Vote - DETAILS HERE.

    FLASHBACK: Obama’s Kenyan National Brother Accused Of Charity Fraud; Has Social Security Number - DETAILS HERE.

    "Per my research of the law and regs for SSNs, Uncle Omar Obama, Aunt Zeituni, and Brother Abongo Malik Obama Should Have ITINs not SSNs! This is my understanding of the law and regs regarding SSNs and ITINs. My oh my how unusual SSNs of questionable provenance seem to run in the Obama family - by CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret) - 9/8/2011

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman