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The Greatest Fraud in Human History -- h2ooflife, A.R. Nash

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  • The Greatest Fraud in Human History -- h2ooflife, A.R. Nash

    The Greatest Fraud in Human History


    A.R. Nash


    Americans vs United States Citizens


    Barack Obama, birth place unknown and unproven by any hard-copy certified official paper document, eye-witness, natal photo, or released sworn statement by anyone, cannot point to any proof of citizenship via evidence of native birth, nor evidence from a non-forged birth certificate, nor proof via any law ever passed, or Supreme Court decision rendered, nor proof that his mother was single and he therefore inherited her citizenship instead of only that of his father, -which he would have if only she wasn’t too young to legally convey her citizenship to him.

    All he has as a basis to claim he is even a citizen of the United States is the presumptuous political policy put in place by Attorney General Griggs. It promoted the false assumption that everyone born in the U.S. is a citizen, instead of only immigrants’ children (as was the finding of the Supreme Court that year).
    Being the child of a women too young to be eligible to provide him citizenship, and the child of a non-immigrant alien not subject to the full political authority of the American government, his citizenship is purely an American fiction of ignorance and presumption.

    He is not a natural citizen, a naturalized citizen, a constitutional citizen, a statutory citizen, a derivative citizen, nor a provisional citizen, but he is a presumptive political policy citizen. Needless to say, none of those types of citizenship provide eligibility to be the President except the first.

    So some clarity can be had as to just what kind of citizenship he actually has, and in a previous exposition (Obama; Fraud to the Core) I explored why he is not what we natural citizens would consider as one of our American brethren from the ideological perspective, making him neither a real citizen nor a true American by nature, by law, nor by attitude and philosophy.

    But the purpose of this exposition is to expose a travesty of fraudulence equal to those two, and it concerns his secret and hidden background and story.

    I’m not referring to his contrived “autobiography” “Dreams from my Father” which was concocted and cobbled together by Bill Ayers from recollections by Barry O., instead I’m referring to something that has received no scrutiny of any sort since there was no interest, -or no source of information to ascertain the truth. I’m referring to his professional accomplishments before elected office.

    As everyone knows, he was a “community organizer” working for Leftist programs and foundations, including an Annenberg foundation which he co-chaired with former political bomber Bill Ayers, one of his neighbors and the owner of the home where Obama’s political career was launched..

    But even before political office he was something else, something professional, something accomplished and reputable. He was a Harvard Law School graduate, an Illinois lawyer and a Columbia U. law lecturer. But there was one problem with that history. There is nothing to support its foundation.

    Its foundation is the acquisition of a degree from Columbia University, ** a Law degree from Harvard, and the acquisition of a license to practice law in Illinois by taking and passing the State Bar Exam.
    But is there any proof supporting those claims, or was there even a claim of being a licensed attorney ever made by Obama’s own mouth? The truth of the matter is not determined by what someone wrote, or what he may have claimed. Instead it is either provable or it is a deliberate fiction. I contend that it is absolutely not provable and is in fact pure fiction.

    I contend that Obama is worse than an Affirmative Action student given lots of passes but instead was a total fraud made possible by big money and influential backing. After all, if you are going to be a partial fraud, why would you be adamantly opposed to being a total fraud? Would honestly and integrity prevent that when you have neither one regarding academic & professional accomplishment and credentials? Who needs integrity when covert elite sponsors keep opening all the doors for you?

    I contend that simple logic and a total absence of evidence to the contrary lead to the conclusion that Barack Obama never earned a law degree from Harvard nor a license to practice law in Illinois, -which (along with Chicago) is home to endemic corruption. Being awarded a degree and earning one are two different things.

    The logic behind that conclusion is based on a few facts, the first of which is general in nature. It is a fact that our whole corrupt public education system passes failing students on to the next higher grade in spite of failing grades. In college there are similarly loose standards. They result in straight A students receiving the same degree as straight D students just as all High School graduates received the same diploma. Lack of merit is not punished by the system. All are equal. In such a system we see talented High School athletes who are semi-literate being given scholarships so they can bring in big bucks to the college or university via sports victories on the court or the field. Academic integrity does not exist when it is systematically eclipsed by big money. Think of Joe Paterno and Jerry Sandusky and how big money influenced that whole scandal, along with the fact that University Presidents across the land are fired frequently.

    But big money can come in not only via the public game tickets, but via benefactors who make huge donations to the endowment funds. Just ask yourself, -How many open doors would a $100 million dollar donation buy? The answer is: All of them.

    But they can be bought for far less in fact. $10 million would probably buy a whole boat load of accommodation for one future-star student, as would $1,000,000. By attending classes, or not, and earning all D grades via overly generous faculty grading which allows extra credit for whatever, one would eventually graduate with a degree in something or other, even if at the very bottom of the class, like the spoiled and lazy children of the elites such as George W. Bush and John McCain (who finished 5th from last in his Annapolis class).

    College, to many if not most American males, is a time to freely get drunk and do drugs, and one Barry Soetoro no doubt carried his Hawaiian laid-back dope-smoking attitude to Occidental college with him, but those who smoke drugs aren’t big users of booze so he wouldn’t have had a problem of giving up alcohol when he was reacquainted with his Muslim background via his wealthy Pakistani Muslim room-mate who brought him to Pakistan with him in 1981.

    He may have been the benefactor that provided Obama with the ring that he wears to this day. The inscription that circles it in Arabic is identified to say something translatable as “NO GOD BUT ALLAH” or “1 God, Allah”.

    “Finally, during the week of 14-18th of January 2010, just on the eve of my winter tour to the US, Rachel picked up a Nile TV broadcast in which Egyptian Foreign Minister Abul Gheit said on the “Round Table Show” that he had had a one-on-one meeting with Obama who swore to him that he was a Moslem, the son of a Moslem father and step-son of a Moslem step-father, that his half-brothers in Kenya were Moslems, and that he was loyal to the Moslem agenda. He asked that the Moslem world show patience.” (attribution unnoted)

    A recent world-wide Pew survey found that around 90% of Pakistanis believe in things like death for conversion to another religion, amputation and beatings for theft. So it’s for certain that his visit to Pakistan was more than a mere sight-seeing excursion since the pervasive influence of Islam would have been everywhere, and he may have attended a mosque with his host and friend and his family, and might have bowed is head to the ground as they do en mass, and prayed with them. It’s an expected behavior of such a society.

    Via that trip and experience, which, like his time at Columbia University, he has never discussed, reverence for Islam was deeply re-infused into his consciousness, -and his attitude and comments reflect just that, including bowing to the King of the land of “the Prophet”, his numerous references to “the Holy Koran”, which no Christian on earth would ever so describe, his many direct relatives who are active Muslims who promote, with Saudi backing, the spread of Islam and its influence, -the atmosphere in the U.S. military that made any criticism of anything Islamic so unthinkable that the insane and radicalized Major Hassan was never confronted or challenged regarding his growing and open radicalization which ended with the slaughter of 13 unarmed Americans in the Fort Hood cafeteria, along with 32 wounded, -and the removal of all reference to Islamic terrorism and violent Muslim Jihad in government training manuals.

    But Islam was only one of two influences on him. Indoctrination by “Frank” or “Pop” (as shared in his ghost-written “autobiography) inculcated Marxist ideology into him since he, the African-American Frank Marshall Davis, was his adult mentor in Hawaii throughout his years there from 10 to when he left Hawaii for California. As a Black adult role-model, Barry’s grandparents regularly drove him to Frank’s home for Afro-American Marxist mentoring.

    It’s unknown if they were strong supporters of the American Communist Party as was he, along with being the publisher of a communist periodical [as well as being a photographer who shot nude photos of Barry's mom before he was born and sold them to girly magazines].

    .................................................. .

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    B. Steadman