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FOIA: Obama Mama Formerly Changed Name To Obama In 1963; Allegedly Married In 1961

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  • FOIA: Obama Mama Formerly Changed Name To Obama In 1963; Allegedly Married In 1961

    FOIA: Obama Mama Formerly Changed Name To Obama In 1963; Allegedly Married In 1961

    Birther Report



    FOIA: Obama Mama Formerly Changed Name To Obama In 1963; Not 1961 When Allegedly Married

    Joe Mannix: Orly Taitz has some new information she received from the Social Security Administration. She has information that shows that Obama's mother Stanley Ann Dunham didn't formerly change her last name to Obama until 1963 when she was divorcing Obama Sr.. Not February 1961 when she allegedly married him. ...

    Press release: more information received today from the SSA. FOIA officer was given until September 9th to provide SS-5 of Harry Bounel, whose Social Security number 042-68-4425 Obama fraudulently used in his 2009 tax returns

    Press Release: Law offices of Orly Taitz

    A FOIA response to 04.26.2013 request was received today in the Law Office of Orly Taitz. (See response attached below)

    A response that was required to be provided within 20 working days was received only after 4 months.

    There are a number issues and concerns related to this response.

    1. Social Security administration is claiming that they cannot find records for Harrison (Harry) J. Bounel.

    Attorney Orly Taitz responded immediately to the claim of inability to find records and FedExed today such response and attachment, showing that on November 16, 2012 SSA had the records for Harry Bounel and refused to provide them due to considerations of privacy. In 2013, when SSA received the request with notation that Bounel was born in 1890, considered to be an “extremely aged individual” and he privacy excuse no longer applies, they are claiming that they do not have records.

    Taitz noted that the only discrepancy was that in 2012 the letter noted Harry Bounel, without middle initial, while in 2013 the request included middle initial.

    In order to put an end to any and all further excuses, Taitz submitted today yet another request for SS-5 for Harry Bounel without initial “J”, as well as another check and FOIA request. Due to FOIA 20 day provision, the response has to be received by Taitz on September 9th, 2013. This is a matter of National security, as Bounel’s SSN 042-68-4425 was used by Barack Obama in his 2009 tax returns.

    Incidentally, as decision from Judge Lamberth in Taitz v Astrue is expected any day now, suddenly, nearly 4 months after the request was made, SSA is providing a response and co-incidentally the very same a very reclusive former commissioner of SSN, Michael Astrue, appeared on National TV on FOX . Noteworthy, is that Obama did not nominate a new commissioner, who would be subject to congressional grilling and approval, but is using Carolyn Colvin, as a temporary acting commissioner.

    2. This is the second time Taitz is requesting SS-5 for Stanley Ann Dunham, deceased mother of Barack Obama. It is of interest that the first time Taitz received only one form. Today she received three different forms. Based on the information received today Ann Dunham changed her SSA card twice: in 1963 and 1995.

    There are a few areas that Taitz is investigating and asking her supporters to assist in such investigation:

    a. according to Obama’s official biography, when he was growing up, Ann Dunham was a poor single mother on Social Security. Additionally, when she was older and was afflicted with cancer, according to Obama, his health insurance company denied benefits, so it was widely assumed that the benefits came from the SSA. However, according to the letter July 29, 2013 from Dawn Wiggins, FOIA officer, which was received by Taitz today, Ann Dunham never received any SSA benefits. Taitz is trying to reconcile these inconsistencies.

    b Signature on the three forms appear to be different. Most significant is the difference between 1959 and 1963 forms. One can see a very heavy slant to the right in the 1959 signature. You do not see this slant to the right in 1963 form. Such slant to the right is very common among individuals coming from Eastern European countries, where kids were taught to place their notebooks sideways and right with the slant to the right. There might be no significance in this, but an opinion of a writing expert will be sought and would be appreciated. Typically there should not be such a pronounced difference in the slant in the handwriting, particularly within a short period of time, only 4 years span between 1959 application and 1963 request for a change in the Social Security card. Additionally, there are some inconsistencies in the 1959 card, specifically at the bottom of the card the form number is 7-55. Under magnification one can see that two digits “5″ are of a different font and size. Taitz previously requested an explanation from the SSA, why the two digits in the form number are of a different size and font, no explanation was provided as of yet.

    c. It is not clear, why did Ann Dunham apply for a change from Dunham to Dunham Obama in 1963, when she divorced Barack Obama senior. One would expect her to change her name in February 1961, when she reportedly married Obama, not in 1963, when she divorced him. This application for SSN change for Ann Dunham was released for the first time today.

    d. It is not clear, why did Ann Dunham apply for yet another change of her SSN card in June of 1995. This June 1995 application for a change of the SSA card was released for the first time in SSA July 29 2013 letter to Taitz and was received today. This change was made only a few months before Ann Dunham passed away on November 7, 1995. Incidentally, November 7 happens to be the day when the Communist revolution in celebrated in Russia. Ann Dunham passed away at home with only her two children present. There was no attending physician at the time of her death, no autopsy by a coroner. Her remains were cremated and buried at sea. Typically there is a requirement for a permit for a burial at sea. There is no record of such permit ever being granted or requested.

    Taitz is expecting the SS-5 for Harry Bounel on September 9th. More information of FOIA requests to different agencies and ongoing legal actions will be provided later and will be available at the official web site for Attorney Taitz at Taitz is working pro bono. Donations to her efforts are appreciated and can be made at through pay-pal or mail. - Dr. Orly Taitz.

    SUPPORT: Contact Representatives; Encourage Them To Take On The Scandal Of All Scandals Now - DETAILS ....

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    B. Steadman