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AP Interviews Obama Brother: A Lot Of Stuff Obama Wrote Is Wrong; Composites

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  • AP Interviews Obama Brother: A Lot Of Stuff Obama Wrote Is Wrong; Composites

    AP Interviews Obama Brother: A Lot Of Stuff Obama Wrote Is Wrong; Composites

    Birther Report



    Yahoo News reports: AP Interview: Obama's brother writes about abuse

    HONG KONG (AP) — President Barack Obama's half brother is publishing an autobiography that details the domestic abuse that served as the theme for his earlier semiautobiographical novel, which featured an abusive parent patterned on their late father. [...]

    When asked how he would describe his relationship with his brother, he said, "Right now it's cold and I think part of the reason is because of my writing. My writing has alienated some people in my family." [...]

    His parents met when Obama Sr. was a graduate student at Harvard University and moved in 1964 to Kenya, where Mark and his brother David were born. David later died in a motorcycle accident.

    Obama Sr. had earlier divorced President Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, after Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961.

    Mark Ndesandjo's mother later divorced the senior Obama and married another man, whose surname both mother and son also took. [...]

    The 500-page book includes an appendix listing a number of alleged factual errors in Obama's 1995 memoir, "Dreams from my Father," such as quotes incorrectly attributed to Ndesandjo's mother.

    "It's a correction. A lot of the stuff that Barack wrote is wrong in that book and I can understand that because to me for him the book was a tool for fashioning an identity and he was using composites," Ndesandjo said.[...]

    - Continued @ Yahoo News.

    There you have it! Obama's brother confirms Obama's book is BS. Jack Cashill vindicated once again...

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Obama’s Half-Brother: ‘Barack Thought I Was Too White’

    "Barack thought I was too white and I thought he was too black...”

    Truth Revolt

    Bradford Thomas


    In an interview with AP, President Obama’s half-brother, Mark Obama Ndesandjo, described his relationship with his brother as “cold” and stated that when the two first met in Kenya in 1988, “Barack thought I was too white, and I thought he was too black.”

    AP conducted the interview as a lead up to Ndesandjo’s autobiography that, in part, highlights the alcohol-fueled domestic abuse he experienced under Barack Obama Sr.

    As in his first book, Ndesandjo wanted to raise awareness of domestic abuse by using his family's story, although he said in an interview with The Associated Press on Tuesday that the president's relatives have not universally welcomed his airing of private matters in public. Ndesandjo spoke ahead of a news conference to launch the book in Guangzhou on Thursday.

    The book also touches on the “sporadic but intense encounters” with his half-brother, Barack, a relationship Ndesandjo describes as currently “cold”:

    Right now it's cold, and I think part of the reason is because of my writing. My writing has alienated some people in my family.

    Ndesandjo told AP that this tension with Barack started immediately. When he first met his half-brother in Kenya in 1988, the two did not see to eye to eye, particularly in regard to their racial identities:

    Barack thought I was too white, and I thought he was too black. He was an American searching for his African roots, I was a Kenyan, I'm an American but I was living in Kenya, searching for my white roots.


    View the complete article, including photo, at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Obama Brother: Disappointed Obama Lied

      Birther Report



      AUDIO ...:
      ( Audio via Laura Ingraham @ Breitbart. )

      View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
      B. Steadman

