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To Media: How Many Illegal-Alien Relatives Does Obama Have; Who Is Barry Soetoro!?

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  • To Media: How Many Illegal-Alien Relatives Does Obama Have; Who Is Barry Soetoro!?

    To Media: How Many Illegal-Alien Relatives Does Obama Have; Who Is Barry Soetoro!?

    Birther Report



    How Many Illegal-Alien Relatives Does Barack Obama Have?
    by Sharon Rondeau

    (Dec. 10, 2014) — Barack Hussein Obama claims to be a “natural born Citizen” and therefore qualified to serve as president of the United States, but he reportedly has had at least three relatives who reside or resided in the United States illegally.

    His uncle, Onyango Obama, was arrested for drunk driving in August 2011 in Framingham, MA, after which it was discovered that he worked in a liquor store, obtained a Social Security number of unknown origin, sold alcohol to minors and defied a deportation order from 1989.

    Zeituni Onyango, Obama’s aunt, also refused to leave the country in 2004 after overstaying her visitor’s visa and availing herself of the U.S. health care system. She secured public housing in Boston and was granted asylum in 2010. Both “Onyangos” used the same attorney, Margaret Wong.

    Zeituni, who died in 2011, had believed that it was the United States’ obligation to “make her a citizen.”

    Both were said to have been living in Kenya when Obama visited family members there in 1988.

    A third relative, George Obama, has reportedly been in an illegal-alien detention center for the better part of a year. If he is Obama’s relative, he is not listed in the extensive Obama family tree compiled by Wikipedia. Barack Hussein Obama has numerous siblings, as his father had multiple wives.

    Obama’s half-brother Malik is said to be a key financier of The Muslim Brotherhood, which Obama’s State Department claims is not a terrorist organization.

    Speaking to a group of “undocumented immigrants” on Tuesday, Barack Obama attempted to joke that some believe he is “an illegal immigrant.”

    Obama was self-described as having been born in Kenya in his biography published by his then-literary agent in 1991. After announcing his intention to seek the presidency in early 2007, the biography was changed to read that he was born in Hawaii. His agent later explained the discrepancy as “a fact-checking error.”

    Kenyan newspapers, via the AP, reported that Obama was “Kenyan-born” as he sought a U.S. Senate seat from Illinois in 2004.

    In 2008, Obama was described as “an immigrant” by former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson (D). It is generally understood that an immigrant cannot be president, because he is not a “natural born Citizen,” as is required by the U.S. Constitution for the highest office in the land.

    Obama’s claimed father was never a U.S. citizen, which some scholars and constitutional attorneys claim should have been enough to disqualify Obama from “natural born” status based on historical U.S. Supreme Court rulings.

    On April 27, 2011, the White House published what it said was Obama’s long-form birth certificate from Hawaii in an apparent attempt to quell doubts that he was not eligible to serve. Several months before, then-Gov. Neil Abercrombie, who claimed he had known Obama’s parents and seen their child when he was an infant, revealed that he could not find a birth record for Obama within the Hawaii Department of Health. Within 24 hours of its posting, experts denounced the image on as a poor forgery.

    In September 2011, the Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse launched an investigation into the origins of the image at the request of approximately 250 members of the Surprise, AZ Tea Party, who approached their sheriff, Joe Arpaio, with concerns of voter disenfranchisement in the upcoming presidential election were the reports of forgery accurate.

    In March 2012, Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo stated at a press conference that Obama’s long-form birth certificate and Selective Service registration form are “computer-generated forgeries.” Zullo revealed later that Obama has used “four aliases.”

    Congress has refused to launch its own probe into the forgeries, although increasingly, congressional staffers are not denying that they are aware of the posse’s findings. Arpaio has hinted at divulging more information from his own criminal investigation, launched at approximately the time when the birth certificate investigation was winding down late last year. However, new information and subsequent further investigation postponed a planned press conference for March 2014.

    Atty. Larry Klayman believes that Obama is an illegal alien and that an evidentiary hearing should be held and deportation commenced if he is proved correct.

    Obama is currently attempting to undermine federal immigration law by declaring that relatives of young people granted deferred status beginning in 2012 will be granted a three-year reprieve from deportation and allowed to work, file income tax returns and receive government benefits.

    While the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) states that its purpose is to “oversee lawful immigration to the United States,” the agency’s director, Leon Rodriguez, is seeking to implement Obama’s “executive actions” which change federal law on immigration policy without an act of Congress. Rodriguez said that allowing the illegals to work will make it virtually impossible for a future president to undo what Obama has ordered and begin deportations.

    When he was sworn in as director in June of this year, Rodriguez said that he intended “to ensure that our mission is carried out with fairness and integrity.”

    Radio show host and pastor Carl Gallups, who has been close to the posse’s investigation, has suggested that Obama is not be a U.S. citizen. With fraudulent documents and nothing authentic released to the public, there is no evidence that Obama is a U.S. citizen.

    When in October 2012 Donald Trump challenged Obama to release his passport and college applications in exchange for a $50,000,000 donation to the charity of Obama’s choice, Obama ignored the offer. Trump believes that Obama claimed to be a foreign-citizen student to obtain certain financial aid for college or that Obama stated correctly that he possessed foreign citizenship.

    No U.S. hospital has claimed Obama’s birth, and in 2008, then-Kenyan ambassador to the U.S., Peter Ogego, said that Obama’s “birthplace there [in Kenya] is well-known.” Ogego later retracted his statements, saying that he “didn’t know” where Obama was born.

    Zullo has said that the forgeries of Obama’s government documents were created and posted “with the intent to deceive.”

    Earlier this year, Rep. Steve King stated that Obama lacks “an American experience” while growing up and that he cannot vouch for where Obama was born.

    Sen. Ted Cruz, who may seek the presidency in 2016 amid his own questionable citizenship status, has opined that Obama is “making it easier for immigrants to come to America illegally instead of legally.” The Post & Email has been told by a highly credible source that many more illegal aliens have been brought into the country since Obama took office than has been publicly reported.

    Source link. © 2014, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    W . T . F . ????? The fact is that obummer lives in AMERICA illegally and " occupies " our government fraudulently .
    He was born in Kenya , moved to Indonesia , was required to become a citizen of Indonesia , moved to Hawai ' i , but was never naturalized or declared a resident of AMERICA . The flap earred , monkey faced impostor has no claim to citizenship or residence in our country .

