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A Legend in His Own Mind -- Dr. Kate's View

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  • A Legend in His Own Mind -- Dr. Kate's View

    A Legend in His Own Mind

    Dr. Kate's View

    ©2012 drkate


    "Legend. In intelligence and espionage, a false biography or cover story, supplied mostly to illegals and sleepers, enabling them to live undetected within a foreign country. A legend may include a false trail created to cover a false or notional biography."

    "Barrack Obama has something to cry about. A legend in his own mind, a legend by the CIA, his tale is coming apart at the seams. He is no longer able to live in America undetected, with a background so nefarious, so much of a big lie, that no one at first dared to believe it. It is entirely plausible, in fact completely possible, that Barack Obama is a man that never was–pure fiction, created out of whole cloth. No records can be fixed enough in time found on the man, and anyone who has gotten even close is now either dead, in jail, in a psych ward, or a bought off false-patriot.

    There are many who have alluded to Obama’s likely CIA origin…how else are we to explain the conspiracy of silence that confronts our serious questions, proper legal actions, millions of letters to the elected cowards of our system trying to raise the issue of Obama’s ineligibility for office? While I once thought Obama was the trojan horse, I now think that 911 was the trojan horse–if we could believe that a group of muslims did that damage, we would believe anything, including the fact that a foreigner now sits in the White House and the entire Constitution is on its head. Remember that the entire Al Queda apparatus was also a legend creation of the CIA.

    As we have discussed in several posts on this blog, America was betrayed long ago by the bankers and international financiers whose main objective was to control the money of every society. In accomplishing their goals, they are the ones who brought us wars, political assassinations, the sinking of the Titanic and Lusitania, and propped up dictators on both sides of every single war that has befallen this earth."


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman