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Why Do We Continue To Accept Obama’s Corruption As The Norm?

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  • Why Do We Continue To Accept Obama’s Corruption As The Norm?

    Why Do We Continue To Accept Obama’s Corruption As The Norm?

    The Western Center for Journalism

    Edie Boudreau


    "I have been shouting about our government’s actions from the rooftops for more than three years, while so many US voters just hide from the limelight and say “But Fox News says….” Fox News is owned by Murdoch, who is more concerned with ratings than the truth and has so much power over Fox commentors that they all had to parrot the liberal media or leave, like Beck. Besides, I would still like to know his connections with Soros, the Illuminati, and the Bilderbergs). (For those of you who are uninformed about the Illuminati and Bilderbergs–just Google them.)

    I have been an investigative reporter for many years and found newspaper articles and photos of Obama while he was still a young man posing with his cabal of Communist organizers–joining clubs and advertising meetings. Plus, Obama is ineligible for President for three reasons: his British-citizenship father; his Indonesian stepfather who bestowed Indonesian citizenship on “Barry,” which allowed him to use his foreign passport to go to countries that did not allow Americans in; and his foreign birthplace, about which there is more than sufficient evidence to prove he is NOT an American.

    As “Barry Soetoro,” he applied for student foreign aid at one of his colleges; at Columbia University, not one of his supposed classmates recognize him. He lied about being a Constitutional Professor–he was just a guest lecturer. He is using an illegal Social Security number. I could go on and on. Finally, enough judges are being convinced to order him to unseal all of his records–which he has spent $2 million of taxpaper money on legal fees to seal and keep hidden.

    Pray to God that his Traitorous actions, plus all those of the people who helped him get elected, will cause them all to be imprisoned and tried for Treason this summer before the election. I know that might throw the country into chaos, but that might just be the way that we can clean house and get rid of all corrupt local, state, and national politicians, judges, and even civilians.

    Then we can start over with a restored Constitution and Bill of Rights. At least we will then be able to undo all the damage inflicted by Obama during the past four years, and we can start making new rules to protect us from this happening again…No ObamaCare! Give us back access to our own energy sources and provide the jobs we need. Throw out the UN and denounce our membership. Strengthen our Military personnel and bring them home from countries that we are not fighting.

    Give term limits and civilian perks to all politicians. No public employee unions. No FED, Fannie May, or Freddie Mac. No corporate handouts–they sink or swim on their own. No government departments that do nothing but harm, like the Depts. of Energy and Education as well as alphabet soup agencies such the EPA, IRS (only flat tax). Go back to the Gold Standard and LOCK the lockbox for good… a secured border and all illegals deported, TORT reform with a cap of 10% for lawyers, workfare at minimum wage instead of welfare, no unemployment without training/classes attendance to learn a needed skill. No aid to foreign countries except directly to starving people who are victims of their own hierarchy or a natural catastrophe. No financial aid to any countries".

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    B. Steadman