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The Enigma That Is Barack Hussein Obama, Pre-Election To 2009

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  • The Enigma That Is Barack Hussein Obama, Pre-Election To 2009

    Exclusive Investigatory Report: The Enigma That Is Barack Hussein Obama, Pre-Election To 2009

    The Western Center for Journalism

    Alan P. Halbert


    "I was sitting in my study on a quiet Sunday afternoon pondering how is it that we have come to this point in our evolution as a nation of like minds where we are on the brink of financial, political, moral and spiritual collapse. This question led me to create a list of the most controversial deeds, actions, and statements from our President, the Democrats, and their patrons and supporters.

    When finished with this task, fifty separate questions that could be an essay or article each lay before me; my intention is to research several of these questions in turn and try to make some sense of it all.

    To put this in perspective, we need to take a “birds eye” view, or a thirty thousand foot perspective of all these anomalies and see if we can create a tapestry or mosaic that is Barry Soetoro, our President and resident Nobel Laureate that lays about the White House these days. Not to be outdone with this accomplishment, he flits across the nation on the taxpayers’ dime as he seeks another wealth- and economy-destroying term in office sowing class warfare and discontent wherever he can; currently, it is reserved exclusively for battleground and swing states.

    The logical place to start is with Barry as a young man in college. I will do this without digging too deeply into this matter and all that this entails as many others have chronicled this before me. Why rehash stale controversies or attempt to cover new ground?

    Many stories have been reported of Barry going to Pakistan to visit a college friend; to add mystery to this story, he is purported to have stayed in the Lahore Hilton International Hotel, swanky and expensive digs indeed for a starving college student. This description of himself is paraphrased from “Dreams of my Father”, his 1st book as a “threadbare college student” during his time at Columbia University.

    Some of the accounts have him visiting and going hunting with a future Prime Minister of Pakistan. The credibility of these events are questionable at best as Obama fails to mentions this escapade in either of his books, though he makes mention of them in a press conference in August of 2008 in passing to Jake Tapper of CBS. He makes this out to be cutting his teeth on foreign policy as he is eager to show what little experience he has had in this area. The back-story was filled in, after the fact of his disclosure at the press conference, by several authors that wrote about Barry and his time in Pakistan.

    As we move further through time, I purposely gloss over his time in Chicago for the sake of brevity and the fact that he is not on the national stage at this time.

    The next conundrum was not mentioned in any news sources of note in our nation: Obama as a freshman Senator from Illinois went on a congressional fact finding tour to Perm Siberia in Russia with Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN) in 2005 to verify the destruction of mobile missiles and their launchers under the Cooperative Threat Reduction program (CTR).

    The trip was uneventful, that is, until it was time to depart the Russian military base where these inspections took place. All of a sudden, Barry and Senator Lugar were confronted and held by Russian authorities for three hours while the Russians sought permission to search the aircraft they were traveling in.

    Senator Lugar does not make any mention of this incident in his after-action trip report; the Chicago Tribune has a small blurb in passing on August 29, 2005. Numerous foreign news sources in Italy and other nations reveal that Barry was being held and questioned for espionage as being a spy for Britain. This is curious behavior from the Russians because the Cold War ended in 1991, and our nations have more to gain with mutual cooperation than hostility towards each other. This type of behavior was the custom during earlier times of detente between our nations, though not in 2005.

    Moving on to October of 2007, we have Hillary Clinton and Barry on a stage with two others. They have announced or soon will announce their intention to run for the Presidency. Barry is shown with his hands clasped and not placing his hand across his heart as the National Anthem is played nor when the Pledge of Allegiance is recited. He does not mouth the words to our Pledge either. This is self-explanatory and requires no additional explanation as it shows a complete and utter disrespect to all that have fallen in the defense of this Nation and his lack of loyalty to the United States of America and it’s fifty Sovereign States.

    Next up, we have Barry running for President, and the Birth Certificate issue surfaces, forcing Barry to post his alleged short form, or “Certification of Live Birth” (COLB), on his election website under “Fight the Smears” to quell claims that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. This document is declared a forgery by several sources. The allegations still have merit (thanks to Donald Trump & Jerome Corsi) as the long-form version that was released in April 2011 has been deemed a forgery by Maricopa County Sheriff‘s investigators. What the long-form does show is that he is ineligible to be President as he is not a natural born citizen and holds dual citizenship with Britain if he so chose to claim it.

    However, the definition by SCOTUS in Minor v. Happersett in 1875 precludes Barry from the Office of President, as he is not a “natural born citizen.” This Supreme Court decision is central to the question of eligibility as we step through the conundrum that is Barry Soetoro.

    As we move down the list, we come to a bizarre occurrence that assisted Barry and has only come to light in July 2011 with the changing of references, citations, and text of Supreme Court Case documents at during the run-up to the election in 2008. This directly applies to the natural born citizenship or “birther” question for Barry. Justia is an internet website that provides legal documents and case files for anyone that wishes to research federal, state, and Supreme Court decisions and case files as well as many other documents for the legal community.

    Accusations of citation and textual changes were made to approximately 25 SCOTUS cases. Leo Donofrio Esq. informed us about this discrepancy last July as he researched Boyd v. Nebraska and noticed anomalies with the returned data from Justia. These cases define the body of law and precedence for the definition of a natural born citizen with Minor v. Happersett being front and center during the run-up to the election in 2008.

    This is the only ruling SCOTUS has ever made in a unanimous decision by all nine Justices defining all the requirements of a natural born citizen. Barry does not meet these requirements because his father was a British subject and was not a citizen of the United States at the time of his birth."


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Exclusive: The Enigma That Is Barack Hussein Obama, Part Two

    The Western Center for Journalism

    Alan P. Halbert


    "Next up in our investigation is the run-up to the election after clinching the Democrats’ Nominee as their candidate for president. Barry has sequestered and locked away all of his personal records in some safe dark place where they will never again be shown the light of day.

    These records include his “certificate of live birth” (he released a forgery), his college transcripts, Harvard thesis, student loans, Harvard law review articles, passport, medical records, Illinois Senate records, community organizer activity with ACORN, and others. His Illinois bar registration, social security no. (he uses one originating in Connecticut) from a place he never lived, and most any other documents of a personal or professional nature could be construed as his bona fides. His army of lawyers from the Perkins Coie law firm of Seattle, Washington are his henchman to make sure that each and every challenge to his narrative is immediately quelled. So much for the most “open and transparent” administration in history, which was only rhetoric as we have seen with his dismal performance in office.

    This is beginning to make sense when all the facts leading up to this are considered; clearly, he is hiding something, and all these actions appear preemptive in nature as a possible legal defense for something as of yet undisclosed.

    This tapestries’ warp and weft threads are beginning to appear skewed to the “left“, way to the left if not a tangled mess; he has not even been elected to the office of President and is now completely shadowed and encased in several mysteries.

    A perfect Manchurian candidate if there ever was one.

    An honorable mention that had not made the “list” has to be made in passing as it will have significance later on: the announcement that Gitmo would be closed in a years time, which was his first Executive Order after being sworn in as President. Almost four years later it is still open for business. I am partial to using Latin phrases for their descriptive quality, res ipsa loquitor, “it speaks for itself“; enough said, moving along!

    Our next anomaly occurs in February of 2009 when Barry sends the Bust of Churchill back to Britain that had loaned the Bust to America during George W. Bush’s first term in the Oval Office after 9/11 as a showing of solidarity with the American people; what follows is a poignant description from a British newspaper The Telegraph:

    The bronze by Sir Jacob Epstein, worth hundreds of thousands of pounds if it were ever sold on the open market, enjoyed pride of place in the Oval Office during President Bush’s tenure.

    The official word is that Barry chose not to extend the “loan” and returned it to the British Ambassadors’ residence in Washington. We have another curious nexus with Britain as Barry’s father was a British subject, and the Russians accused him of being a spy for them in Siberia during his first official visit on becoming a Senator.

    Is there any animosity towards Britain on Barry’s part? We may never know. It sure looks like it. Should we even mention that he could claim dual citizenship with Britain as he casually mentioned in late 2008 on “” There goes the constitutionally required claim to “natural born citizen” status that Barry claims to possess; who cares as he is above such trivial requirements as the rest of us mere mortals?

    As we move down the path that is all things Obama, we have a supreme act of callousness; without much fanfare, the DOJ drops charges against Abd al Rahim al Nashiri in February 2009. He was the mastermind behind the bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen’s port of Aden in 2000. Eric Holder and his band of angelic attorneys in the DOJ revealed that he had been allegedly tortured while in CIA custody under GWB, and Obama‘s nebulous Executive Order on torture caused them to drop the charges. All this special treatment for Rahim because of his treatment at the hands of the CIA, and the dead are stacked up like cord wood with Fast & Furious, absolutely of no consequence to Barry or Holder. This only reinforces Stalin’s perspective as emulated by these modern practitioners of his heinous brutality: “The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic.”

    February is a busy month for Barry and company; after all of this, Rahim was subsequently charged before a Military Tribunal (a scourge Barry has tried to eliminate) at Gitmo that carries the same death penalty. Politics is a strange mistress and bedfellow with Obama, and company as form and appearance trumps substance every time!

    Why were these first charges dropped; was it done to only cause as much undue stress, pain, and hardship to the families of the 17 victims that lost their lives (and the Nation at large)? It ends up being “much ado about nothing,” to quote Shakespeare, except to discredit George W. Bush one more time, always a crowd pleaser to Obama and his merry band of sycophants on the left. A story on MSNBC about this debacle sends home the message by the retired Commander of the U.S.S Cole:

    “I was certainly disappointed with the decision to delay the military commissions process,” Lippold, now a defense adviser to Military Families United, said in an interview Thursday night. “We have already waited eight years. Justice delayed is justice denied. We must allow the military commission process to go forward.”

    All Barry had to do was allow the Tribunal to continue, which would not have caused any harm to the accused or the federal government in this matter (or anyone for that matter.) Once again, Obama seems incapable of filling the shoes of GWB, and it seems well beyond the capabilities of poor little Barry of having any compassion for the victims of this heinous crime. His sympathies lie with Muslim terrorists and not American citizens.

    We are still in February as we stroll down the path of this sentimental journey where Barry and the 111th Congress turned their laser like focus to the economy. Which, of course, he begrudgingly inherited from George W. Bush, and he let us know this at every turn that it was anyone‘s fault but his. Barry foisted the responsibility for drafting a perverse piece of legislation on the House and Senate leadership of that famous comedy team of Pelosi & Reid, so that he could always use plausible denial if it all went south, a paper tiger if there ever was one.

    They dredged up all the failed initiatives of the Democrats for the last thirty years and stuffed them into one gigantic Bill they called “Stimulus”, with a cost of one trillion dollars when all waste and bureaucracy is laid at the feet of the American taxpayer. Fox News had a rather sober perspective on this act of treachery by the Democrats:

    The House approved the measure earlier in the day by a vote of 246-183, with no Republican “yes” votes and one member voting present.

    The stated intent for the “stimulus” was to provide for “shovel ready projects” to put Americans back to work quickly repairing or replacing much of our nation’s infrastructure. We were also told that unemployment would never go above 8% in this monstrosity of a 1073 page bill, which was the start of the trend of legislation too large to read before passage in the Democrat-controlled Congress. The official current rate of unemployment is fluctuating around 8.5% with the true rate somewhere between 18% and 22%. This includes all those that have quit searching for jobs in this train wreck of an economy.

    Minority unemployment is even worse. Which is in no small way due to the Democrats’ misguided initiatives to starve and smother the powerhouse that is our economy with their crazy Keynesian economic voodoo.

    We need to take a moment and recognize that only 50% of our citizens are set to the yoke of this burden and bear the brunt of actually paying taxes to the federal government. The rest either pay no “taxes” or receive back more than they paid with credits and other tax rebate schemes, federal reimbursements, and benefit programs. This is just another of the Democrats’ “fair share” tax policies and heartily supported by Barry, who wants even more taxes on these taxpayers, all in the name of “fairness.”

    However, during the legislative process for this nightmare, we had Barry constantly on the news feeds and channels predicting dire consequences if the “stimulus bill” was not passed, which had the desired effect of destruction of wealth as the stock market continued to plunge after each new pronouncement.

    (Note: this was only the start for Barry as he is on track to add $6 trillion to the national debt in only four years at a rate that is 6 times greater than the deficits that Bush ran up in eight years. Bush only averaged $250 billion per year, Barry $1.25 trillion.)

    All of this hyperbole and constant news-churning by Barry actually caused one woman to discard her television set and capture the national news attention; this was a story all to itself. Think of it as Barry‘s contribution to class warfare and the destruction of the evil wealthy and rich in this nation (thanks, Barry), factor in Barry’s and the Democrats‘ support of OWS, and it should cause all of us to stop and ponder the consequences."


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

