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Some thoughts regarding the BHO-II 'Kenya v Hawaii' birth story switch

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  • Some thoughts regarding the BHO-II 'Kenya v Hawaii' birth story switch

    Some thoughts regarding the BHO-II 'Kenya v Hawaii' birth story switch:

    • BHO-II WAS born in Mombasa, Kenya at the CPGH on August 4, 1961
    • Apparently someone (probably his grandmother, Madelyn Dunham) obtained some type of Hawaiian birth record for him shortly after he was born in Kenya so that he could gain the immediate benefits of U.S.A. citizenship.
    • He seems to have found, at least by 1991, and probably even much earlier, that he could benefit more by claiming birth in Kenya than he could by claiming birth in the U.S.A.
    • The only way he could have effectively capitalized on his Kenyan birth, such as in obtaining foreign student scholarships in the U.S.A., would likely have required him to actually SHOW documentation of his Kenyan citizenship. Colleges would probably not just accept his statement on a form attesting to his birth in Kenya.
    • Many articles have surfaced in the time period 2000 to 2007 indicating his apparently widely acknowledged birth in Kenya during this time period.
    • However, it is believed he talked about becoming POTUS as early as 1980 (Freeper 'Racebannon' claims to have talked to him about this in Honolulu in 1980)
    • Also, according to Tom Fife, the Russians were considering him a 'soviet' and talking about him as a future POTUS in 1992 - 1994.
    • Strangely, he didn't tell his literary agent to change his birth location BACK to Hawaii so he could claim NBC status for POTUS eligibility until April 2007. (I am temporarily ignoring the proper MvH 1875 NBC requirements here for both parents being U.S. citizens at the time of the child's birth)
    • Thus, he seems to have DELAYED FAR TOO LONG in reverting BACK to his original false claim of Hawaiian birth and got caught in the deception following his successful 2008 run for POTUS.
    • Furthermore, he apparently didn't understand, or perhaps simply chose to ignore, the complete MvH 1875 requirements for POTUS which prevented him from occupying the office legally, even if he really was born in Hawaii.
    • More recently, as shown in Sheriff Joe Arpaio's 'Cold Case Posse' investigation, he apparently has allowed the production of VERY POOR QUALITY forgeries of his claimed long form Hawaiian Birth Certificate and his Selective Service Registration form.
    • The entire country is now paying, and will in the future additionally pay, a very high price for Obama's perfidity and stupidity. He is not even a capable 'criminal'!
    • Obama certainly does not seem to possess the 'genius' level intellect that has so often been ascribed to him by the MSM and his pathetic group of supporters. The phrase, 'Legend in his own mind' seems appropriate for describing this narcissistic buffoon!
    • Obama's NWO and/or Foreign Power 'handlers' don't appear to be so very brilliant and invincible either for allowing this entire fiasco to proceed as far as it has. -- BIG MISTAKE, and I predict (hope) they will eventually rue the day they ever heard the name, 'Barack Obama'!
    • Perhaps the ONLY good thing to come out of this mess is that a significant fraction of the American People will wake up to the danger to which they have been exposed and take effective steps to help restore our Constitutional Republic, the form of government originally set up by our founding fathers.
    • Why did Obama WAIT SO LONG to change his claimed birthplace from Kenya back to Hawaii? I think one reason is because, as a young adult, he actually hated the idea of being a U.S. citizen, having been traumatized after being abandoned by his U.S. citizen mother at about age 10, and also having been politically influenced by his Communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis. Thus, he only reluctantly made the switch back when FORCED to by circumstances surrounding his run for POTUS. His failure to sign up for Selective Service at the required age was also a significant impediment to his switching his claimed citizenship back to the U.S.A. due to the legal problems that omission generated at the later age. There was also potential legal problems generated due to his likely claims of 'foreign student' status when applying for scholarships, etc. as a young adult.
    • 'O' - what a tangled web you wove!

    Updated: 5/23/2012

    OBAMA - The Marxist 'Manchurian' Muslim from Mombasa!

    Use the authentic 'Lucas Daniel Smith, Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate' as a simple, powerful, supremely incriminating tool to convince the American People to ratchet up the pressure on the Kenyan usurper!
    Last edited by bsteadman; 05-23-2012, 11:52 AM.
    B. Steadman