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Obama’s Eight Outrageous Deceptions -- The Western Center for Journalism

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  • Obama’s Eight Outrageous Deceptions -- The Western Center for Journalism

    Obama’s Eight Outrageous Deceptions

    The Western Center for Journalism

    Robert Quinn


    “The only people who don’t want to disclose the truth are those with something to hide.”

    "Those words of Barack Obama, spoken in August 2010 on Long Island, NY, were self-incriminating; for he uses deception ranging from silence to sarcasm to suppression to the barring of anyone from viewing any document that may refute his claim of Presidential eligibility.

    Deception 1:

    In 2008, he let a fraudulent, ineligible Hawaiian short-form “Certification of Live Birth, of approx. 13 bits of information, be posted on the “Daily Kos” website as proof of his Presidential eligibility. At the same time, he was aware, as a Constitutional teacher, that only a long-form Certificate of Live Birth, of approx. 41 bits of information, was valid for one seeking the Presidency. Notably missing from his COLB were the names of the birth hospital, attending physician, and birth witnesses….information required in determining presidential eligibility. His birth certificate number was “blacked” out, ignoring the COLB warning that “ANY ALTERATION INVALIDATES THIS CERTIFICATE.” Obama deliberately lied, claiming his COLB was a true copy of an eligible birth certificate in the Hawaiian Health Dept. files; for if they did match, it meant both were COLB’S and therefore both ineligible for a Presidential aspirant. He continued this deception until April 2011, seducing a Nation he had sworn to serve. We are speaking of criminal fraud!

    Deception 2:

    In 2009, he publically displayed a letter he sent to Kapi”olani Medical Center in Hawaii, stating he was born there. The Hospital’s Chief Operating Officer, Martha Stewart, only confirmed to Hawaiian State Senator Sam Slom that a copy of Obama’s letter hangs “in the Administrative Section, away from public view” and the original is stored for “safe-keeping and preservation”, but she would not allow him to view it. The Hospital has no public memorial to Obama’s birth. The first African-American President of the United States names a birth hospital, yet can’t get that hospital to confirm. Also, some family members claimed he was born in Hawaii’s Queens Medical Center. In reality, a damning fact stands out. Not one Hawaiian hospital claims to be Obama’s birth hospital. I repeat-not one.


    Since 2010, several states have prepared legislation against future elections, including a requirement that only a “Certification of Live Birth” is acceptable for Presidential aspirants, incumbent or otherwise. Obama, after three years of deception, realized his fraudulent 2008 COLB would not survive close scrutiny by a now wary Nation, leaving him but one avenue of deception remaining. He decided to create another fraudulent document, a long-form “Certificate of Live Birth”, and deceive the States by having the Hawaiian Health Dept. claim they recently found it. In April 2011, he announced that the Health Department had indeed “found” it (a document previously unmentioned, unseen, unknown, and unused) and had sent it to him, which he then put on a Gov’t website and proclaimed to the Country as proof of his eligibility. Yet, he would not allow experts to examine and confirm its authenticity! Why? Remember, in 2009, he claimed that his COLB on the Daily Kos site matched the Health Dept. copy, never mentioning nor offering a valid long-form Certificate of Live Birth (which, if existing, would have saved him and America millions of dollars from lawsuits and possibly confirmed any eligibility.) Furthermore, Dr. C. Fukino, former Director of the Hawaiian Health Dept., said she saw his original birth certificate, half-typed and half-written; yet, Obama’s 2011 “miraculous” find was completely typed. Also, Hawaiian Gov. Neil Abercrombie stated that he would go to his Health Dept., secure a vault copy of the birth certificate, and put this issue to rest. He later admitted, to his credit, that nothing was found except an obscure file with notations of birth names, including a Barack Obama. No Certificate of Life Birth, not even a Certification of Live Birth (COLB) (the document which Obama claimed was used to create his 2008 copy) was found! Nothing! How could the Health Dept. copy of his COLB disappear and, years later, a previously unknown long-form “Certificate of Live Birth” suddenly take its place in 2011? How? By deliberate deception! Since his 2011 “find” was also branded a fraud by experts, there is but one conclusion if the newly-found copy matched Obama’s. It’s a copy of a fraud, and two frauds do not make a right! Obama had again deceived our nation.

    Incidentally, I am not writing about all the other issues such as his withholding or falsifying his social security records, Soetoro-to-Obama name change, school and Selective Service records, or the visa he used to enter wartime 1981 Pakistan since others are pursuing those paths. Ironically, every document that could shed light on this issue has been kept in darkness by Obama.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman