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Barack Obama - President of Kenya -- The Post & Email, Paul R. Hollrah

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  • Barack Obama - President of Kenya -- The Post & Email, Paul R. Hollrah

    Barack Obama - President of Kenya


    The Post & Email

    Paul R. Hollrah

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Obama for President … of Kenya? -- The New Media Journal

    Alternate source for the article posted on P&E

    Obama for President … of Kenya?

    The New Media Journal

    Paul R. Hollrah


    "Barack Hussein Obama will be fifty-one years, five months, and sixteen days old when he completes his four-year Frank Abagnale impersonation on January 20, 2013. That will be the day when he walks out of the White House for the last time, having played the role of President of the United States for four years, and having brought the greatest, freest, most prosperous nation on Earth to the very brink of disaster.

    So what will we do with such a man...a man who promised a bedazzled electorate in 2008 that his goal was to totally transform the United States of America, a constitutional republic, into a European-style socialist state? Will he be arrested for his crimes and sentenced to spend the rest of his days behind bars? Or will the members of his party insulate him, insisting that his sham presidency was just their way of having a little fun with us...“water under the bridge”?

    I suggest that Barack Obama may have his long term future already planned...assuming that he will be allowed to leave the country in 2013, a free man. As a man whose boundless narcissism has led him to “sweet-talk” his way into the presidency of the United States...the least qualified man ever to have his finger on the nuclear button...would it be too much of a stretch to imagine him returning to his beloved Kenya, the land of his fathers, to serve as president of that country?

    If that sounds a bit farfetched, consider this: With little notice by the U.S. media, the people of Kenya have paved the way for Obama to do just that. Dr. Jerome Corsi, in his newly released bestseller, Where’s The Birth Certificate – The Case That Barack Obama Is Not Eligible To Be President, cites evidence developed by three Republican congressmen showing that the Obama administration has spent some $23 million in USAID funds in Kenya, much of it urging a “yes” vote in support of a new constitution. The new constitution was adopted by national referendum on Wednesday, August 4, 2010...coincidentally, Obama’s 49th birthday."


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

