Treason: Shame on the Media; Shame on the Media; Shame on the Media; Turn Them Off
Birther Report
"The below comment left on a previous post sums it up. One of the reasons this site was created was due to the media's failure to report the truth about the man named Barack Hussein Obama II, Barack Hussien Obama Soebarkah, and Barry Soetoro. They are one of the main reasons the impostor still occupies the White House. The media is indeed the enemy within.
Snippet from an anonymous poster: "The media blackout of this issue is perhaps the biggest reason the usurper remains in office and will set a precident that someone born with foreign allegiance owed can be the Commander in Chief of the armed forces."
Here is the proof that the complicit U.S. Congress fear media ridicule if they take this issue on.
Flashback to what Commander Charles Kerchner (Ret) highlighted last year first reported here:
Audio Revealed: U.S. Congress Rep. Posey Spokesman: Media Ridicule Stopping Us From Addressing Obama’s Identity Fraud | by Al Hendershot | @
CDR Kerchner: Listen to the audio recording at the link below revealing why … the entire U.S. Congress refuses to enforce the Rule of Law and the U.S. Constitution in regards to prosecuting Obama for his criminal fraud activities before and after he entered the White House. They are afraid to even call for an investigation because someone in the major media might ridicule them. The poor babies in the entire U.S. Congress are being hog tied by Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals rule #5, fear of ridicule. Can you believe that? Suspend the Rule of Law in our nation and the U.S. Constitution because you are afraid you might be criticized in the press for launching an investigation into the SSN fraud, real estate transaction and tax fraud, forging a birth certificate, and identity theft fraud by Obama before and during his entry into the Oval Office. What has our ‘nation of laws and not men’ turned into? We have vain cry babies for leaders in the Congress. Shame on them. What despicable examples of leaders they are! Listen for yourself and find out about the cowards and appeasers of criminals and bullies our elected officials have turned into. Does Obama have dirt on all of them? Is there not an honest and brave man or woman left in Congress?"
View the complete Birther Report presentation, including video, at:
Birther Report
"The below comment left on a previous post sums it up. One of the reasons this site was created was due to the media's failure to report the truth about the man named Barack Hussein Obama II, Barack Hussien Obama Soebarkah, and Barry Soetoro. They are one of the main reasons the impostor still occupies the White House. The media is indeed the enemy within.
Snippet from an anonymous poster: "The media blackout of this issue is perhaps the biggest reason the usurper remains in office and will set a precident that someone born with foreign allegiance owed can be the Commander in Chief of the armed forces."
Here is the proof that the complicit U.S. Congress fear media ridicule if they take this issue on.
Flashback to what Commander Charles Kerchner (Ret) highlighted last year first reported here:
Audio Revealed: U.S. Congress Rep. Posey Spokesman: Media Ridicule Stopping Us From Addressing Obama’s Identity Fraud | by Al Hendershot | @
CDR Kerchner: Listen to the audio recording at the link below revealing why … the entire U.S. Congress refuses to enforce the Rule of Law and the U.S. Constitution in regards to prosecuting Obama for his criminal fraud activities before and after he entered the White House. They are afraid to even call for an investigation because someone in the major media might ridicule them. The poor babies in the entire U.S. Congress are being hog tied by Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals rule #5, fear of ridicule. Can you believe that? Suspend the Rule of Law in our nation and the U.S. Constitution because you are afraid you might be criticized in the press for launching an investigation into the SSN fraud, real estate transaction and tax fraud, forging a birth certificate, and identity theft fraud by Obama before and during his entry into the Oval Office. What has our ‘nation of laws and not men’ turned into? We have vain cry babies for leaders in the Congress. Shame on them. What despicable examples of leaders they are! Listen for yourself and find out about the cowards and appeasers of criminals and bullies our elected officials have turned into. Does Obama have dirt on all of them? Is there not an honest and brave man or woman left in Congress?"
View the complete Birther Report presentation, including video, at: