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New Video: The Frank Marshall Davis Story You Haven’t Heard – Until Now

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  • New Video: The Frank Marshall Davis Story You Haven’t Heard – Until Now

    New Video: The Frank Marshall Davis Story You Haven’t Heard – Until Now

    Right Side News

    James Simpson


    "AB Independent Productions, in collaboration with Veteran investigative journalist Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival, has released a new video that reveals in detail for the first time, the story of how communist and probable Soviet agent Frank Marshall Davis – arguably the most influential person in Obama’s life – was discovered, and how the national media attempted to cover this story up.

    “Four years after we broke the story wide open with the release of a 600-page FBI file on Barack Obama's communist mentor, we are still finding major elements of the media with their heads in the sand,” Kincaid said.

    Davis was first exposed by noted researcher Trevor Loudon of NewZeal blog back in March 2007, a mere month after Obama announced his candidacy for president. As is usually the case, Trevor’s source for this revelation was the communists themselves. Trevor quotes Communist Party USA member Gerald Horne who wrote in the CPUSA’s journal, Political Affairs, that Davis:

    …spent a good deal of his adult life in Chicago, before decamping to Honolulu in 1948 at the suggestion of his good friend Paul Robeson (Ed: Robeson was staunch Stalinist).

    Eventually, he befriended another family – a Euro-American family – that had migrated to Honolulu from Kansas and a young woman from this family eventually had a child with a young student from Kenya East Africa who goes by the name of Barack Obama, who retracing the steps of Davis eventually decamped to Chicago. -
    (bold emphasis added)

    Realizing this was a potentially explosive story, Kincaid sought to confirm it through independent sources.

    In the video, Kincaid quotes more of Horne’s revelations, including the following prophetic statement:

    At some point in the future, a teacher will add to her syllabus, Barack’s memoir, and instruct her students to read it alongside Frank Marshall Davis’s equally affecting memoir, Livin’ the Blues. And when that day comes, I’m sure a future student will not only examine critically the Frankenstein monsters that U.S. imperialism created in order to subdue communist parties, but will also be moved to come to this historic and wonderful archive, [referring to the communist party archive] in order to gain insight on what has befallen this complex and breathing planet on which we reside.

    Did Horne know back in March 2007 that Obama would be the next president? Seeking further verification, Kincaid located University of Hawaii professor, Kathryn Takara, who had written her dissertation about Davis. She confirmed via phone that Obama’s “Frank” was indeed Frank Marshall Davis and that they had a significant relationship.

    Kincaid obtained Davis’s 601 page FBI file in August of 2008. It revealed that Davis was not only a high level communist party member (CPUSA # 47544), but very likely an active Soviet agent. He was under FBI surveillance for 19 years and was placed on the Bureau’s “Security Index.” This list identified people considered dangerous enough to be summarily arrested in case of war with the Soviet Union."


    View the complete article, including videos, at:
    B. Steadman