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Obama 'to circumvent Congress for amnesty' -- WND

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  • Obama 'to circumvent Congress for amnesty' -- WND

    Obama 'to circumvent Congress for amnesty'

    Looks to put illegals 'on a path to earn citizenship'




    "The Democratic Party’s official 2012 platform calls for generalized comprehensive immigration reform to put illegal immigrants “on a path to earn citizenship.”

    The platform does not spell out the number of illegals to be granted possible amnesty nor does it reveal President Obama’s specific plans for how to achieve the lofty goal of granting citizenship to so-called undocumented workers.

    The recently released book “Fool Me Twice” purports to uncover the specific blueprint for a second Obama term, including alleged plans to issue amnesty to millions more illegal aliens living inside the U.S.

    There are also designs to remove the caps on H-1B visas and green cards, a move that would bring in an untold number of new immigrants, the book claims.

    Other second-term plans documented in “Fool Me Twice” include a program for government agencies to immediately register as voters the new Americans who would receive amnesty.

    The 2012 Democratic Party platform urges, “We need an immigration reform that creates a system for allocating visas that meets our economic needs, keeps families together, and enforces the law.”

    The platform lauds the DREAM Act but pans Republicans for “decid[ing] to play politics with it rather
    than do the right thing.”

    The platform states clearly that “only Congress can provide a permanent, comprehensive solution.”

    However, in the recently released book “Fool Me Twice: Obama’s Shocking Plans for the Next Four Years Exposed,” New York Times bestselling authors Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott document progressive plans for Obama to circumvent Congress and issue a series of executive orders and interagency directives that would grant de-facto amnesty for millions of illegals.

    Massive 2nd-term amnesty

    One section of “Fool Me Twice” documents how key progressive groups, including the Center for American Progress, helped to craft the dictates placed in the 645-page “Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America’s Security and Prosperity Act of 2009.”

    The act, introduced Dec. 15, 2009, by Reps. Solomon Ortiz, D-Texas, and Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., with 91 original co-sponsors, has yet to pass.

    The bill’s provisions, however, form the generalized basis for the progressive organizations’ specific policy reports and recommendations on how Obama should approach the issue of amnesty, including during a second term. These same organizations were instrumental in helping craft Obama’s first-term policies on immigration reform, Klein and Elliott show.

    Specific amnesty plans documented in “Fool Me Twice” include a call for new restrictions placed on apprehending illegal aliens who are members of a newly defined “vulnerable population.”

    The “vulnerable population” definition includes “individuals who provide financial, physical and other direct support to their minor children, parents or other dependents” – in other words, most illegal aliens inside the U.S.

    Also grouped into the “vulnerable population” definition are “individuals who have been determined by a medically trained professional to have medical or mental health needs.” The specific mental or health needs are not defined.

    Progressive policy reports delivered to the White House, mirrored by directives in the amnesty bill, invent a new class of illegals – those from “community-based” and “faith-based” organizations.

    The amnesty plan would make it illegal to apprehend “undocumented” persons in the “premises or in the immediate vicinity of a childcare provider; a school; a legal-service provider; a federal court or state court proceeding; an administrative proceeding; a funeral home; a cemetery; a college, university, or community services agency; a social service agency; a hospital or emergency care center; a health care clinic; a place of worship; a day care center; a head start center; a school bus stop; a recreation center; a mental health facility; and a community center.”

    The plans also prohibit the apprehension of pregnant or disabled illegals.

    Unrestricted visas, green cards

    Other second-term progressive immigration plans documented in “Fool Me Twice” call for more immigrants to enter the U.S. legally.

    The Center for American Progress, called the “idea center” of the Obama White House, highlighted those plans in a January 2012 report, “Immigration for Innovation: How to Attract the World’s Best Talent While Ensuring America Remains the Land of Opportunity for All.”

    The center’s recommendations include eliminating the cap on the number of the H-1B visas provided to foreigners.
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    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman