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It Was Never About Obama in the First Place—Why Barack is Merely Puppet o’ Hope

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  • It Was Never About Obama in the First Place—Why Barack is Merely Puppet o’ Hope

    It Was Never About Obama in the First Place—Why Barack is Merely Puppet o’ Hope

    Canada Free Press

    Kelly O'Connel


    "If the first debate between Barack and Mitt proved anything, besides this emperor having no clothes, it’s that the point of electing Obama was never about his “genius.” It was simply a convenient leftist power grab, obscured by a ridiculous cartoon of leadership. As has been richly illustrated, despite all his intellectual bluster—Barack is no Einstein. After exposure as a cocky, know-nothing parrot of others’ words, it became startlingly obvious Barack has a very limited pool of knowledge. Like a blind man searching for his cane all evening, was Barack Obama “debating.”

    Now certainly those working with Obama the past 5-10 years knew of his inherent limitations, that he was essentially an unthinking figure head for their movement. Further, they wagered with his grandiose self-image, belief in his own inevitable rise, preposterously condescending manner, and photogenic style, he’d be a perfect Trojan-horse to ride to victory. But finally, Obama was revealed as a charlatan as silly as any from a rock-n-roll opera:
    .................................................. .......

    So what has actually happened the last four years in the White House? Obviously, an elaborate fraud has been foisted upon a credulous, tired and intellectually inert American public. But why? Because liberalism is a movement so inherently illogical, unstable and anti-intuitive it needs leaders who are either dense blowhards, moral misfits, or literally insane to head the cause (see Sources of Madness—The Insane Thinkers of the Modern Age). Alarmingly, modern liberalism (socialism, Marxism, Fascism, etc) is a political religion intent upon converting the world, even by sword, if necessary. So the real star of Obama’s administration is this quasi-religious, atheistic world movement which finds a surprising ideological partner in classic Islam. This menacing, anti-liberty movement will not rest until it has enslaved the globe.

    I. Bait & Switch Puppet Dance Leads to Thousand Year Reign?

    Let’s cut to the chase. Obama is so spectacularly unsuited to the rigors of the presidency and his education so lacking, while his experience is literally nonexistent. Further, temperamentally his instincts are those of an anti-leader—a blamer-in-chief, avoider of tough decisions and an achievement parasite. Yet, Obama qualified as the sacred lamb of political correctness, and so his suspect bona fides could not be challenged. Therefore, the thesis of this article is that Barack was a hand-chosen proxy for the interests of more capable progressives who use his presidency to push their agendas.

    This theory was essentially proved when at the first debate he was exposed as a ninny-without-teleprompter. Barack was so spectacularly unsuccessful arguing he might have appeared a geek gobbling down live fowl for all the abuse heaped on him afterward. This is the kind of person who accepts a preemptive Nobel without a hint of irony. And having been coddled and flattered his whole life, the slacker was simply kneecapped by his own incompetence and appalling ignorance when he could not use a lifeline.

    The American Left obviously believed Barack could be camouflaged permanently. First, his race protected him from any scrutiny from the right. Second, his competence was utterly obscured by a constant Praetorian media guard, 24/7. And Liberals were hoping Barack would be the stalking horse they needed to move them into a position for a permanent coup, like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, George Soros, etc. But now the very thing that made Barack a breeze to control and manipulate, his cynical ignorance and lack of interest in any details of government—such as his laying down asleep during the Stimulus legislation—have blown up in their faces. Because a stupid-is-as-stupid-does leader is not what most Americans were bargaining for in 2008.

    III. Obama’s Trinity: Liberation Theology, Islam & Socialism

    Fascinatingly, all of the major influences of Barack’s life teach the same standards on economics and salvation—being leftist Christianity, Islam and socialism, share a core set of presuppositions. More importantly, all socialists accept these as default positions.

    A. Socialism as Economic Norm

    First, all of these systems employ socialistic economics in their practice. Socialized economies are the norm across the Middle East, and Black Liberation theology is Marxist.

    1. For example, the pan-Arab Ba’ath party of Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan is progressive political ideology...“its main ideological objectives were secularism, socialism and pan-Arab unionism.”
    2. Obama’s home church Rev Wright’s Trinity church employed James Cone’s Liberation Theology, described here by Discover the Networks:
      Working from a strong Marxist base, liberation theology teaches that the New Testament gospels can be understood only as calls for social activism, class struggle, and revolution aimed at overturning the existing capitalist order and installing, in its stead, a socialist utopia where today’s poor will unseat their “oppressors” and become liberated from their material (and, consequently, their spiritual) deprivations. An extension of this paradigm, black liberation theology seeks to foment a similar Marxist revolutionary fervor founded on racial rather than class solidarity.
    3. And obviously socialism is itself collectivism.

    B. Salvation by Group

    On the subject of salvation, again we have a fascinating confluence of these diverse beliefs, all agreeing that only groups can save people.

    1. Socialism/Marxism on Salvation:

    Most obviously, socialism along with Marxism teach that only the group saves people. Eric Voegelin, in The New Science of Politics, taught that Marxism is a political religion which offers salvation only to those who accept its premises and join the group.

    2. Black Liberation Theology & Group Salvation:

    Most interestingly, the normally individualistic Christian Protestant-tinged Black Liberation Theology is also a belief system which preaches group salvation. One hint is the Marxist foundation. Writes one author,

    Collective salvation is a concept contrived by the originators of liberation theology. This way of thinking was introduced in Latin America Catholic churches in the late 1950’s and adopted by many predominantly Black churches in the 1960’s. Liberation theology interprets the teachings of Jesus to mean that we must fight for those trapped in unjust economic, political, or social conditions or to engage in political activism to advance the cause of social justice. Check out the ELCA social issues webpage. In liberation theology, there are only two classes, the oppressors and the oppressed, those with power and those that are powerless. The concepts of collective salvation and liberation theology are the driving forces of the ELCA’s ministry. This fact will not be found on the home page of their website, but the ELCA Bishop, Mark Hanson, spoke about how important social justice is to him, when he referred to what he called the gospel of radical inclusiveness in his most recent town hall meeting. Most troubling is that while he was speaking about this social justice issue, was that he believed that it was as important to a Christian as is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Nothing is more important than our relationship with our Savior!

    3. Islam & Collective Salvation:

    Islam also embraces a kind of collective salvation. This is perhaps not as surprising when one realizes that the political model of Islam developed before the religious doctrines, as difficult as this may be to fathom. It also explains how Islam can demand conversion by sword, or heavy taxation and treaties for non-believers in Muslim lands without any irony. Both main sects of Islam, Shia and Sunni believe that membership in Muslim community saves one. Adbulaziz Abdulhussein Schedina writes in Islamic Messianism: The Idea of the Mahdi in Twelver Shi’ism,

    The Islamic doctrine of salvation was conceived in the formation of an ideal religio-political community living under a fitting legal and social system of Islam on earth…the Sunnites looked upon salvation as possible only through the allegiance and loyalty of all believers in the community. As long as the community continued to be fully committed to the promulgation and observance of the Law (Shari’a), its salvation was guaranteed regardless of the qualities of the leaders.

    Shia agree with the foregoing, except that the leadership of the community must be pure for the community to be saved, as described in Understanding Bibi’s Urgency: Israel is Only Target of Iran’s Need for Islamic Apocalypse.

    Barack has also stated he is a redistribution several times, and also acted like one. But, more fascinatingly, Obama himself has an admitted fixation with group salvation, claiming this as his own belief repeatedly. Barack claims of himself: “My individual salvation rests on our collective salvation.”

    View the complete article at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 10-07-2012, 07:36 PM.
    B. Steadman