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The Muslim Agent Who Pulls Obama’s Strings -- Political Outcast, Tad Cronn

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  • The Muslim Agent Who Pulls Obama’s Strings -- Political Outcast, Tad Cronn

    The Muslim Agent Who Pulls Obama’s Strings

    Political Outcast

    Tad Cronn


    A lot has been said — in the press, by the president, by others –about President Obama’s affinity for the Muslim world.

    From his promise that “I will stand with them (Muslims) should the political winds shift in an ugly direction” to his description of the Muslim call to prayer as one of the prettiest sounds on Earth to his bowing before the Saudi king, Obama’s actions have convinced many people that the president is a Muslim, despite his protestations and claims to the contrary.

    What hasn’t often been asked but should be, given recent evidence of infiltration by the Muslim Brotherhood in most if not all levels of government, is whether there is a Muslim agent working in the White House to manipulate the president.

    One of Obama’s few actions that has shown any willingness to combat Muslim terrorism in defense of the U.S. has been his much-ballyhooed decision to order Navy SEALs to kill Osama bin Laden.

    Now, U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely has issued a report based on an insider intelligence source that says Obama actually was clueless about the effort to get Osama, deliberately kept out of the loop by some of his senior Cabinet officers.

    According to the report, Director of Central Intelligence Leon Panetta was the key player who made the call to get bin Laden, with the assistance of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Adm. Bill Mullen and Gen. David Petraeus.

    Obama was not told about the effort until the SEAL team was already in Pakistani air space. The president was on the golf course when he was informed.

    The reason for the sneaking about was that Panetta and the other staffers were tired of Obama nixing their efforts to take out the leader of al-Qaida. According to the report, Obama had rejected three kill missions earlier in the year.

    In his book “Leading From Behind,” author Richard Miniter wrote that adviser Valerie Jarrett was the voice who kept urging Obama not to kill bin Laden.

    Jarrett is a powerful figure at the White House, an Obama family friend who has an unexplained hold over the president and first lady.

    Jarrett was born in Iran to American parents and lived there until about the age of 5. As a child, she spoke Persian and French. She and her parents spent one year in London, then came back to Chicago.

    Her father-in-law is journalist Vernon Jarrett, who worked closely with Communist Party member and Obama mentor Frank Marshall Davis. Valerie Jarrett headed Obama’s transition team and personally vetted communist Van Jones and all the other extremists Obama has appointed.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman