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Obama cracking up? -- Conservative News and Views, Terry A. Hurlbut

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  • Obama cracking up? -- Conservative News and Views, Terry A. Hurlbut

    Obama cracking up?

    Conservative News and Views

    Terry A. Hurlbut


    Is Barack H. Obama starting to crack up? An hour or so ago, a forensic profiler said just that on WND. He said Obama has a guilty secret, namely that he is not a natural born citizen. But what really might crack him is the strain of a job that he simply cannot do effectively.

    Obama on the couch

    Andrew G. Hodges has worked as a “forensic profiler” on several famous cases. Those cases include those of O. J. Simpson, JonBenet Ramsey, and Natalee Holloway. A psychiatrist by training, he recently published a book (The Obama Confession: Secret Guilt, Secret Fury) of his insights from “reading between the lines” of Obama’s speeches and body language.

    Six days ago, Bob Unruh at WND reviewed The Obama Confessions and did his own profile of Hodges and his work. The last public speech by Obama that Hodges had to work with was his September 25 address to the UN. Obama spoke at length about the Muslim mobs that stormed our embassies in the Middle East on September 11, 2012, and the terrorists who overran the Benghazi consulate and killed Ambassador J. Chris Stevens and three others. Obama called these

    an assault on the very ideals upon which the United [States] was founded.

    But according to Hodges, Obama was really talking about his own assault on the Constitution. And what assault was that?

    • Obama was born in Africa, not America. (Actually, it is enough that his father was a British East African colonial subject. But Hodges suggests that Obama has alienage from his place of birth, not just his parentage.)
    • Obama became President illegally, and did so to destroy America.

      Note the phrase: ‘the revolution, he supported the birth.’ The super-intel suggests that Obama, the foreigner in America, leads a secret revolution in which his foreign birth subverts America’s constitutional requirements.

    But now, on the eve of the Third Presidential Debate, Dr. Hodges speaks directly to the American people. He now says that Obama was “confessing” his guilt in the first two debates. In the first, he was an effective no-show, as others have said. In the second, he showed up, all right. But he became terrifically angry when Mitt Romney (and, to a far lesser extent, Moderator Candy Crowley) questioned him on anything. He also threw off on Romney, when he spoke of “outsourcing” and “people playing by a different set of rules.” Everything he accused Mitt Romney of doing (or wanting to let others do),he has done and is now doing.

    Dr. Hodges confidently says that Obama will do the same thing in his third debate, in a little more than two hours at time of posting.

    Guilt, incompetence, or both?

    Dr. Hodges says Obama feels guilty and is about to crack, just as a guilty suspect cracks when the police question him closely enough. But Dr. Hodges assumes that Obama still has a conscience. Hodges might not have a good-enough warrant to assume that.

    But Obama has another reason to crack. He is in over his head. In the second debate, as CNAV said, he shouted and harangued his audience, Romney, and the moderator, as if he were back in a factory or aircraft hangar and speaking only to well-wishers. He was doing more than throwing off on his opponent. (That, by the way, is standard fare for politicians.) He was desperately trying to tell the American people what he had done for them


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    Last edited by bsteadman; 10-23-2012, 02:47 PM.
    B. Steadman