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WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: The Only Way Obama Wins This Election Is To Steal It

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  • WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: The Only Way Obama Wins This Election Is To Steal It

    WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: The Only Way Obama Wins This Election Is To Steal It

    The Ulsterman Report



    As Benghazi news reports now pummel down upon the head of President Barack Obama, a longtime D.C. political operative who has spent the past three years attempting to correct the mistake that was the 2008 election, declares in this brief communication that the only way Obama can now be allowed a second term is if he steals the 2012 election.


    Ulsterman: Can you confirm the Benghanzi news reports? The emails? Was this the breaking story you referenced earlier? Is momentum still with Romney? How does Obama try to win this? Or does he? Please respond ASAP. I’ve kept quiet as requested. Now with media openly reporting on the emails I am hoping to get feedback directly from you again. -UM

    WHI: Which question you want answered? You got a list there.

    UM: You choose.

    WHI: Benghazi story now breaking out even bigger. As promised. I was pissed the governor did not push the issue during last debate. Now I understand. I was not in the loop on that but that’s ok. Very smart move by the campiagn. Don’t count on media falling over themselves to make this a headline though. That will be done with them kicking and screaming. And read that first report carefully. And then smile. The Old Man made this happen. At least some of it. It’s pretty much spelled out in first report. He’s got to have logged about 30,000 miles in the last month alone. Don’t know how he’s doing it healthwise. But he is. Thank God.

    UM: So how does Benghazi story now play out?

    WHI: Let the roll out complete itself. Then we watch and wait. Need enough in media to confirm, question, and then demand WH response. That will take about 48 to complete. Cannot guarantee success, but like our odds. It’s the timeline that is so offensive. Security could have been deployed within 3 hrs. At the most is what I was told. 3 hrs. There was a 7 hr. gunfight. With a break in between. Simple math. The ambassador and the other three could have been saved. Obama let them die. And I go back to why. What the f-ck were they covering up out there in Libya? That’s the info I really wish I had but for now, the emails are what we got and they sure as hell pin the Obama WH to the wall on this thing.

    UM: Do you remain confident with the Romney campaign?

    WHI: Yes.

    UM: Elaborate.

    WHI: Momentum. Momentum. Momentum. We got it. They don’t. There is some feedback circling the drain from the Obama side. Operatives saying they are going to lose this thing. When people in the campaign start to voice that stuff enough that the other side is hearing it, that gives you a snapshot of where the campaigns are really at. I put the governor’s chances at 70% right now. Did you notice the Oregon news? I told you the internals on that about two weeks ago, right? Nobody in the media saw that coming. Now they are confirming Oregon is in play. Oregon! And there is a ton more like that on the map. And the Obama campaign knows it. We’re feeding it to them. A little here and there. Pissing in their cheerios every morning. Hey look guys! Now Pennsylvania is trending Romney. Enjoy the rest of your day now. They don’t know where to go from here. Having to borrow money. Obama has about 7 maybe 8 states locked up. That is it. And now whole ton of leaners in play. If the momentum holds for Romney I’m calling it now.


    UM: Really?


    UM: How does Obama counter that scenario?

    WHI: The only way Obama wins this election is to steal it. Period.

    UM: Is that a possibility?

    WHI: Yes. You know enough about these people to not have to ask that.

    UM: How?

    WHI: Fraud. Intimidation. All that foreign money I know is coming in. Anything they can think of.

    UM: You called BS on the voting machine story I sent you.

    WHI: Yes I did. You know who didn’t?

    UM: Who?

    WHI: The Old Man.

    UM: Really? Didn’t know that.

    WHI: Yes. Not only did he review that information it lit a fire under his ass. There was a meeting. Five of them. Five of the biggest motherf-ckers on the planet. Talking old school sh-t here. Old World sh-t. Planets colliding. You get the picture.

    UM: I have no idea what you are talking about here.

    WHI: You’re the word guy. Ask him about it. See if he wants to share. He just might. Reminds me when I was a kid and I would watch those old movies about the Greek gods on Olympus fighting it out. The thunder you heard in the sky was the gods waging war against each other and all the humans would just be running for cover to keep out of their way. That’s what that meeting was. That’s how I picture it. And there had to have been a hell of a lot of thunder at that meeting.

    UM: ??????????

    WHI: Soros.

    UM: The Old Man met with Soros?

    WHI: You ask him about it. Not just him. If he wants to share he will. Just picture it in your head. Five fingers pointing down at Soros and telling him to sit the f-ck down. That there wouldn’t be any of that bullsh-t this time. This time he just shuts the f-ck up and counts the money they let him keep. I think I remember him giving you some hints about that.

    UM: This is monumental what you are describing here. And I really appreciate the thunder reference. Now I’m getting the picture. Are you familiar with a show called Deadwood? It was on HBO a few years back.

    WHI: No. But at my age I know all about dead wood. (Note: apologies to readers possibly offended by Insider’s attempt at humor here. -UM )

    UM: There was a scene in Deadwood where the character of Wild Bill is talking to a woman and telling her to make sure she listens to the thunder. I just got a picture of the Old Man “speaking in thunder” to Soros. Don’t know if that’s how it really played out, but I really like the visual. Seems appropriate given what is at stake.

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    " WE THE PEOPLE " are forever extremely grateful to Ulsterman , Whitehouse Insider , and ' THE OLD MAN ' ( whoever he is ) .
    Let us hope and pray that the HONEST team of R & R get 70 % of the vote - as WHI suggested .
    Would it be the greatest event in our lives to learn who these people are , and even to meet them after the victory for AMERICA ?
    VERY IMPORTANT NOTE . The Whitehouse Insider said that Romney has a 70 % chance of winning the election .
    SUNUNU said he believes that Romney will get more than 300 electoral votes .
    WE hope everything they say comes true .
    Last edited by AMERICAN ADVOCATE; 10-26-2012, 06:46 PM.


    • #3
      BRUCE , how can i forward this article to my contacts ? There is no info or link on the page .


      • #4
        Originally posted by AMERICAN ADVOCATE View Post
        BRUCE , how can i forward this article to my contacts ? There is no info or link on the page .
        Hi MAK,

        The 'link' you need to use for the article is the URL in the long, narrow box you will see on the very top of your screen when you view the article.

        That is, the 'link' you need to use for this Ulsterman Report article is:

        Details of the Entire Operation:

        • Bring up the Ulsterman article on your computer
        • Click on the URL box on the top of your screen using your mouse cursor to highlight the URL on the article
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        • Select 'Copy' from the drop down menu
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        You will probably also want to use the same 'Copy and Paste' technique to add the title, author and date of the article to your email.

        For example, I used the 'Copy and Paste' technique to record the following information from the article:

        WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: The Only Way Obama Wins This Election Is To Steal It

        by Ulsterman on October 24, 2012

        I hope my above explanation answers your question. Good luck!

        Keep up the great work on your email project!
        Last edited by bsteadman; 10-27-2012, 12:06 PM.
        B. Steadman

