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Obama Revealed More Than His Birth Certificate Last Year -- American Thinker

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  • Obama Revealed More Than His Birth Certificate Last Year -- American Thinker

    Obama Revealed More Than His Birth Certificate Last Year

    American Thinker

    Ronald Jay Polland


    When President Obama released his long-form Certificate of Live Birth on Apr. 27, 2011, (Picture 1), everyone in the press and the public had forgotten about the other birth certificate he released in 2008: the short-form Certification of Live Birth that his campaign staff posted on its website ... (image shown in article)

    ...Everyone, that is, except Obama, his White House staff and legal counsel, and CNN.

    At a press conference held the day before, 4/26/2011, a CNN reporter confronted Jay Carney with the following:

    Jay, my colleague, Gary Tuchman, just went to Hawaii and established again that there's evidence suggesting that the President was born in the United States. However, Trump and others keep saying that that's not the actual birth certificate, and as you know, Hawaii Department of Health says that you can request a birth certificate; you put in a Freedom of Information request, and within a few weeks, you'll get a copy out of the vault. Why doesn't the President do that?

    On April 25, CNN had shown Part 1 of a two-part, two-day investigation into Obama's birth certificate. (The network had shown Part 2 on April 26.) The investigation focused exclusively on the short-form while briefly noting that the original vault birth certificate was still available to Hawaiians, but a person had to file a Freedom of Information Act and wait three to four weeks before receiving it. CNN insisted that the short-form was more legal than the long-form because the long-form "is no longer certified for use."

    As for Carney, he angrily responded to CNN that "[t]his is a settled issue. The birth certificate that the campaign put up online has been available for everyone to see around the globe." Carney knew that two copies of Obama's long-form birth certificate had arrived two days earlier, but he kept silent on this fact until the following day, when a special press briefing, known as a "Press Gaggle," was held just prior to Obama's official press conference. No recording devices or photography was permitted. Only paper-and-pencil notes. (Banning physical recordings? What ever happened to transparency?)

    The briefing was actually led by Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer, with Carney and White House Counsel Robert Bauer there for support. After copies of the long-form and short-form birth certificates were handed out, Pfeiffer began to double down on the importance of the short-form; according to Pfeiffer, "the original birth certificate that the President requested and we posted online in 2008" had settled the issue of his birth place and presidential eligibility.

    Pfeiffer then provided the press with a brief history of the short-form birth certificate:

    In 2008, in response to media inquiries, the President's campaign requested his birth certificate from the state of Hawaii. We received that document; we posted it on the website. ... To be clear, the document we presented on the President's website in 2008 is his birth certificate.

    When Robert Bauer got up to speak, one of the reporters asked him, "Bob, can you explain why President Obama let this drag on for four years? Was it Donald Trump who prompted you to issue this?" One month earlier, Trump was a guest on the TV show The View and had asked, "Why does Obama refuse to show his long-form birth certificate?"

    Bauer let Pfeiffer, now noticeably more frustrated, answer the question:

    I don't think this dragged on for four years because this was a resolved -- for those of you who remember the campaign, this issue was resolved in 2008. And it has not been an issue, none of you have asked about it, called about it, reported on it until the last few weeks.

    It was hardly a settled issue, though, since the short-form is what prompted calls for the release of the hospital-issued long-form birth certificate. Since June 2008, there have been more than 80 lawsuits filed to get it released and $2 million spent by Obama to keep it hidden.

    Obviously, the White House wanted to make everyone think that the long-form birth certificate was "an unnecessary distraction," since his birth in Hawaii was a "settled issue" in 2008. When Obama finally arrived at the podium to discuss the release of his long-form birth certificate, he would never mention it by name. In his opening remarks, he said, "As many of you have been briefed, we provided additional information today about the site of my birth." He did mention, however, that "[w]e've posted the Certification that is given by the state of Hawaii on the Internet for everybody to see. People have provided affidavits that they, in fact, have seen this birth certificate."

    This was the first time that Obama had ever personally stated, on national TV, that he had posted his birth certificate on the internet "for everybody to see" -- for everybody, that is, except Obama, who never said that he saw it. Anyone watching CNN the night before also had a chance to see it.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Obama Revealed More Than His Birth Certificate Last Year', which was started 11/4/2012 by 'null and void'

    The thread references the 11/4/2012 American Thinker article written by Ronald Jay Polland -

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:

    The following is COMMENT #37, by 'butterdezillion' in the thread:

    I believe he was born outside the USA. There are at least 4 BC#’s that are on current BC’s that could not have been on those BC’s in 1961, including Obama’s, Stig Waidelich’s, Virginia Sunahara’s, and Johanna Ah Nee. The HDOH has confirmed that the BC# on the WH image is the BC# on Obama’s BC at their office, and the only way that could happen is if they issued a new BC for Obama based upon a law enforcement official claiming it was necessary, to protect Obama - in which case the BC will say whatever Eric Holder (or whichever henchmen he used for this job) says it has to say.

    It is almost certain that the record they had on hand before creating this new BC did NOT claim a Kapiolani birth. If it had been a Kapiolani birth there would be no reason for his record to be legally non-valid. The HDOH at the time double-checked with the hospitals to make sure that any mistakes or problems were corrected.

    The HDOH has confirmed that Obama amended his BC in late 2006/early 2007 and that there is supplemental evidence filed to support the claims on his BC, which would only be the case for a late and/or altered BC.

    My belief is that Obama’s grandmother reported the birth to the local HI registrar in 1961, but since neither the mother nor baby were available to be examined in Hawaii the registrar was unable to get an affidavit from a HI doctor which was needed to complete the BC, which is why he had no 1961 BC#. When Obama was considering a run for POTUS he requested a copy of his HI BC but couldn’t get one because it wasn’t complete. So he amended it to add what was missing, using forged documents, and thought he was fine. But when he requested his COLB in June of 2007 he got back a COLB that was marked as “late” and “altered” and had either a 2006 BC# or else a BC# that was at the tail end of the 1961 BC#’s. That’s when they had to start the criminal fraud.

    They arranged to use somebody else’s BC# on a COLB which they forged to put in the passport file. They took trophy photos of the forged document at that time, in Obama’s Chicago campaign office. It didn’t have a seal on it because the passport office would scan the document and a seal would not necessarily be expected to show up.

    When questions arose they posted an image of the forged COLB, with the BC# redacted. The absence of the seal and BC# were problematic so they digitally added a seal to a couple of the photos they had taken earlier and had Factcheck claim to have taken the photos. They thought they were set.

    When Clintons planned to present a petition challenging Obama’s eligibility at the 2008 Dem Convention, they started the “Recreate ‘68” idea, to try to scare away Hillary based on the threat of race riots. When that didn’t work they killed Bill Clinton’s good friend Bill Gwatney a couple weeks before the Convention - the AK Dem Party chair who had agreed to present the petition at the Convention. When that didn’t work they killed Rep. Stephanie Tubbs, who had agreed to present the petition after Gwatney was killed. When that didn’t work they threatened to kill Chelsea, and that got the Clintons to give it up. They also threatened the media. I believe they also made other threats but what is documented so far is that they threatened the media both before and after the election.

    But people kept pushing to see the long-form. And requests from the HDOH were showing big obfuscation and problems there. And there were state eligibility bills being proposed - most critically in Arizona. After the midterm landslide in Nov of 2010, AZ legislator Judy Burges was saying she would push for an eligibility bill again, only this time with a veto-proof R majority. The bill would require a long-form BC to be submitted.

    Newly-elected HI governor Neil Abercrombie was concerned. He said so publicly shortly before Christmas in 2010 in articles published in the NYT and LA Times - saying he was going to find a way to disclose Obama’s long-form. At the same time, the media was trying to portray Tea Partiers as being “birthers” and being violent. The AZ shooting that killed Judge John Roll (the guy who would hear eligibility challenges and was replaced by an Obama appointee) was framed that way initially.

    At that point I believe that Eric Holder or a surrogate requested Abercrombie’s HDOH to create a new BC for Obama, claiming that it was necessary for his safety.That was the only way they could get the official record for Obama to have the BC# which had been used on the passport forgery/”Factcheck” photos. (New BC’s created this way were required to be given new BC#’s and to NOT replace the original record in the file - so if somebody knows the real information they could get the BC with that info, but the registrant could use this fake BC for “safety reasons”.)

    But there was a snag. Neither Director Neal Palafox nor registrar Alvin Onaka would go along with it. That provision is only allowable for people who were born in Hawaii and there was no legally-valid record showing that Obama was born in Hawaii.

    So Abercrombie balked when asked by a reporter how his search for the BC was going, since he hadn’t yet been able to get a new BC created. Claimed there was something “actually written down” in the archives - which makes no sense if there was a routine BC for him in the bound volumes. That statement got reported on Drudge, and Abercrombie’s friend Mike Evans called him up to see what was going on. Abercrombie told him there was no BC for Obama in HI, and Evans reported it on multiple radio programs. The issue was getting much worse, and Trump started picking up on it.

    Abercrombie got rid of Palafox and put in Fuddy, who immediately set about claiming that they hadn’t been allowing any long-form copies to be issued since 2000. Never mind that there was video footage of long-forms being ordered at the HDOH office. It was necessary to get rid of the ability to get long-forms because they had to shift around BC#’s and it would be a big pain if they had to forge long-forms for all those people. Much easier if everything was done with computer printouts. They switched around BC#’s in the database (using BC#’s held by dead infants and complicit living persons) and released some records trying to make the BC#/”date filed” discrepancies go away (so the BC#’s would seem to be issued either randomly or alphabetically).

    Onaka created a new BC for Obama under orders from Fuddy, but had it done poorly, in protest. He let Fuddy see it copied and certified (but with a certifying statement she didn’t know said TXE instead of THE, again in protest). After Fuddy saw the copy being made and left, Onaka had the BC stamped with LATE and ALTERED, and typed in a notation of the evidence submitted for Obama’s original, non-valid BC. The state registrar has the authority to refuse to issue a certified copy of a fraudulent BC, and Onaka knew that without the references showing the BC to be non-valid this would be an unlawful BC, since it was created for somebody who was NOT known to be born in Hawaii using a provision only allowable for Hawaii-born persons. He added a tiny smiley face to his signature as another red flag and put the copy in a sealed envelope, to surprise Obama’s attorney when she opened it up.

    When Corley opened it up she had a cow. They had to get somebody to take off the LATE and ALTERED stamps and get rid of the notations of the evidence filed. That’s why they had to use layers to create the forged BC image even though Hawaii says their record makes the same claims as is on the WH image and they claimed to have given a certified (and thus paper) copy of the BC to Obama’s lawyer.

    And since then Onaka’s red flags have caught the attention of a lot of people, including Sheriff Joe’s posse. Lead investigator Mike Zullo has said that the smiley face and TXE was what initially changed his mind from thinking the “birther” stuff was a bunch of garbage.

    When Onaka confirmed to AZ SOS Ken Bennett that Obama’s BC is non-valid, I began to think that Onaka is one of the good guys. Or at least somebody who knows that when the computer and microfilm records are audited (hopefully in a criminal investigation after Obama is ousted) this whole big mess will be exposed. He has been consistent in 3 verifications now, and my opinion of him has drastically improved with each red flag he has put out there.

    Though this is long, it is extremely condensed, leaving out a lot of details and supporting evidence that all lines up. I’ve left out a lot. But this scenario explains the “WTF” events we’ve all observed in the past 4 years and I know of nothing that contradicts anything in this theory.

    Somebody admitted to me in a comment to my blog that he helped commit the felony of Obama’s forgery but said that it would be useless to report him because Obama is immune and so is he. Said the FBI would laugh if I reported it because the FBI knows they did it and would cover for those involved. Could be somebody just goofing, but he went to the trouble of using a gateway to hide where he posted from, and tripwires to fry the computer of anybody who got close to finding where he really posted from. That seems a bit excessive for somebody who was “just kidding” , wouldn’t you say?
    Last edited by bsteadman; 11-06-2012, 04:25 PM.
    B. Steadman

