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Who Is Barack Hussein Obama? And What Is He Really Up To? -- American Thinker

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  • Who Is Barack Hussein Obama? And What Is He Really Up To? -- American Thinker

    Who Is Barack Hussein Obama? And What Is He Really Up To?

    American Thinker

    J.T. Hatter


    The Great Wonder

    The great wonder of contemporary American politics is how Barack Hussein Obama got elected to the office of president in the first place. How did this unknown politician even wrest the Democratic Party nomination away from Hillary Clinton? How could Americans have voted for someone with no practical qualifications or experience for the job?

    After four years of trying to deal with the mysterious stranger in the White House, Americans are wondering why they voted for Obama. Voter remorse has never been higher, and more than half of our electorate continues to be troubled by serious questions that refuse to go away:

    • Is Barack Obama a natural-born citizen? Is he even eligible to be president?
    • Why is Obama trying to transform America into a socialist state?
    • Why are his programs and policies so destructive? Could this be deliberate?
    • What is Obama really up to?

    And these central questions only give rise to others. Why do Obama's words seldom match his actions? Why do we find, time after time, that Obama has lied to us, and that the American people face catastrophic long-term consequences as a result?

    After four years under Obama, we now find our nation bogged down with five trillion dollars of additional debt -- with nothing to show for it -- a trillion-dollar annual budget deficit, worsening unemployment and a wrecked economy, a perilous national security situation, and a threatened health care system. Even worse, Obama has fractured our society along racial, class, and cultural lines. The United States is no longer united.

    Americans are incredulous. We cannot believe what the Obama administration and the Democratic Party have done to us. We are now forced to confront the reality that our own government is working hard to bring about our demise. When we look to our government to find the cause of our societal destruction, we first see the face of Barack Hussein Obama.

    Who is Barack Hussein Obama?

    The second great wonder of contemporary American politics is that Barack Hussein Obama has so easily deceived so many people. He is a beguiling character, a poseur, and a fraud. His deceit is transparent, yet many simply cannot (or refuse to) see who he is and what he is really up to.

    Obama is an ardent disciple of the communist agitator Saul Alinsky, who taught that radical change of America's socio-economic structure is necessary to achieve the ultimate goal of a socialist state. Alinsky is the key to Obama. Alinsky's infamous book, Rules for Radicals, gives instruction for socialist revolutionaries to cut their hair, put on a suit and tie, and infiltrate the organizations they wish to overthrow. Nobody has been more successful at this than Barack Hussein Obama.

    .................................................. .....

    Waking Up to the Obvious

    Peggy Noonan had a recent piece in the Wall Street Journal titled "When Americans Saw the Real Obama." Ms. Noonan is regarded as a conservative literary and journalistic icon...or at least she was. She was a speechwriter and special assistant to President Ronald Reagan. She is a bestselling author and a trustee of the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research (a conservative economic think-tank) and she has been awarded many honorary doctorate degrees in recognition of her life's work.

    And yet, she too was mesmerized by Barack Hussein Obama's spellbinding oratory and his dreamy narrative of hope and change. Her October 31, 2008 Wall Street Journal piece, titled "The Case for Barack Obama, in Broad Strokes," convinced her readers and fans that she had lost her mind. Noonan boldly proclaimed that Obama was the hope of the nation, that he would change the course of world history for the better, and she practically wept over his exemplary personal qualities. The left-wing vilifier-blogger, Wonkette, praised Noonan as "Obama's #1 Fan."
    .................................................. ...........

    What Is He Really Up To?

    Here is a simple explanation of who Barack Hussein Obama is and what he's really up to:

    Barack Hussein Obama is a Marxist socialist revolutionary, and his goal is to transform the Unites States of America into a socialist state.

    It really is that simple.

    Oh, he certainly has secondary goals. He believes that America is too powerful and must be brought down economically and militarily, hence the multi-trillion-dollar debt, trillion-dollar annual deficits, the debilitating attacks on the military, and the dismantling of our industrial and energy sectors. He believes that America is an oppressor nation that should be made to pay restitution to oppressed minorities, inside the USA and elsewhere. He has other, equally destructive goals and ambitions.

    We have a President, a major political party, and mainstream news media that see America as the enemy. Obama's goals are transparent, and there are many of us who do not want him to succeed. The real question is: what are Americans going to do about Obama and his socialist fellow travelers? It is not possible to make a composition with them. Their aim is to destroy us.

    Are we going to fight them with every resource at our disposal? Or are we going to let them win?

    Whatever the outcome of November 6, each of us has a personal decision to make. And then we must take action.

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman