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WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: “We Done Good. Win Or Lose, We Done Good.”

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  • WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: “We Done Good. Win Or Lose, We Done Good.”

    WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: “We Done Good. Win Or Lose, We Done Good.”

    The Ulsterman Report



    A brief and final 2012 Election message from a longtime D.C. political operative who has devoted much of the last two years to exposing the truth of the Obama White House, and working to secure its defeat in 2012. Today, we all watch and wait to see if those efforts ultimately prove successful.

    (Has time finally run out for the Obama White House?)


    WHI: On ground reports coming back very positive for the governor. Enthusiasm gap def. holding for us. Independents are breaking real strong for the governor and turnout is fantastic. Leaking some of that back to the WH just to mess with them. Can’t help myself. Remain confident we should know around 10:00 – 11:00 tonight on who will be sitting in the White House for the next four years. Got another little bit of information on Romney and his choice to campaign today. Seems there was a split in-house on that. Some staffers worried it might jam up the turnout in those areas. The governor’s reply to them was the kind of thing I just love hearing come from a leader, probably because you don’t hear this kind of thing often. Even the best of them I’ve worked with over the years are at heart selfish and lazy bastards:

    (“We have people out there working on my behalf. The least I can do is to keep on working for them right to the very end. Isn’t that what this is really all about?” -Mitt Romney on why he chose to keep campaigning on Election Day)

    Earlier in all of this, I really didn’t fully appreciate the kind of man Mitt Romney is. It’s a rare thing to have a quality human being in politics at this level. Everything I hear, everything that has come back to me, points to the governor as being that rare thing, a real quality human being who happens to also be running for President of the United States. If this all comes down to “may the best man win”, Mitt Romney wins this thing in a landslide.

    As for you, I want you to know that we done good. Win or lose, we done good. This thing you put together grew into something way beyond my expectations. And to your readers, who I didn’t always think much of, I apologize to them. I really mean that. There are some smart people out there. A lot more than I realized. You kept sending me their comments or links to things they sent you, and at first I didn’t pay any of it much attention. But over time I started to realize some of them really knew this stuff. The Old Man kept pushing it on me too. Read this. Read that. See what they are saying. Listen to those two women and their radio program. On and on he would go on about it, and eventually it started to sink into this hick head of mine. We went from just me venting and messing with the minds of the Obama WH to actually influencing the national discussion from time to time. That’s pretty damn impressive and if you ask me, spells doom for the old media. They’re no different than me now. A bunch of washed up dinosaurs too dumb to figure out they have become old news.

    I’ll be in touch around 10:00 tonight.

    Drinks on me.


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    Last edited by bsteadman; 11-07-2012, 12:44 PM.
    B. Steadman