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Now it Gets Ugly
 -- Canada Free Press, Erik Rush

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  • Now it Gets Ugly
 -- Canada Free Press, Erik Rush

    Now it Gets Ugly

    Canada Free Press

    Erik Rush


    Americans are confused. I realize that’s probably the understatement of the year, but I am referring not to the apparent insensibility of those who continue to support President Barack Obama, but to the perplexed state of those who are attempting to make sense out of the election outcome itself, as well as events that have taken place since. In short, it is mind-boggling that the man was re-elected considering the shape America is in, and his being the most dismal record of any President in American history.

    The craven but successful ploy on the part of the administration to defer addressing the issue of Benghazigate until after the election is evident, unless one is a consumer of the establishment press (mainstream media). The American public is being encouraged to focus upon the romantic dalliances of fallen CIA Director General David Petraeus with a predatory publicity hound, and obscure emails between an ugly Middle Eastern-American socialite, the publicity hound, and another general. This, I suppose, would be in lieu of focusing upon the effluvia of lies being fire-hosed from the mouths of President Obama and his administration vis-à-vis the events of September 11, 2012, in Benghazi, Libya.

    These deceptions have been so blatant and so outlandish that I can only describe them as surreal. At House and Senate intelligence committee hearings this week, intelligence officials ostensibly tried to explain their deportment on September 11 as regards the reported pleas for aid leading up to and through the attack on the consulate in Benghazi. Meanwhile – with help in distraction from the press – the administration continues to purvey contradicting accounts of whether or not aid was requested by slain Ambassador Christopher Stevens and CIA operatives, while at the same time attempting to clarify that very matter.

    Obama’s faux chivalry in his defense of UN Ambassador Susan Rice

    During a recent press conference, Obama was unable to answer a correspondent’s question addressing whether he had attempted to render aid to the beleaguered personnel in Benghazi on September 11. His obfuscation would have been taken as the mutterings of a mental defective were it any other individual. Obama’s faux chivalry in his defense of UN Ambassador Susan Rice, who blanketed the media with the fairy tale tying the Benghazi attack and other Middle East uprisings to an anti-Islam video, was rife with petulance, comical challenges, and self-contradiction. One can almost hear the scrambling of feet as White House and intelligence operatives scurry to prepare their CYA briefs.

    Now, Americans who made an effort to educate themselves as to the origins, nature, and designs of this President are asking themselves if half of the electorate are really that intellectually compromised, so unaware of the dynamics of the last four years they appear to be. It is painfully obvious at this point that those who don’t have a handle on Barack Obama being a committed Marxist are either dangerously deluded or stupid; there’s no middle ground here.

    Obama’s intention has always been to raze America to the ground and supplant our system with the Marxist paradigm

    Obama’s intention has always been to raze America to the ground (in the operative sense), and supplant our system with the Marxist paradigm. This has become exponentially more apparent only days after his re-election, yet, not an eyebrow is raised when he casually addresses the press using rhetoric right out of Marx’s The Communist Manifesto and Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. Now he claims to have a mandate to raise taxes to the tune of over $1 trillion to fund a cyclopean government that is already about to collapse in on itself.

    And what of the election, our bewildered non-Obama voters wonder. Did the President steal it? A Chicago voting machine technician now claims he observed that machines he was called to service were not counting votes for GOP nominee Mitt Romney. This is an error he claims never occurred when someone voted for Obama. The anecdotal evidence of voter fraud and election machine malfunctions is boundless, and at this writing, there are still congressional races that remain undecided.

    Stolen the election via voter and technical fraud

    Let us presume for a moment that Obama did steal the election via voter and technical fraud. Let’s also consider the possibility that he doesn’t care who knows. He’s not going to leave the smoking gun and body to be found, just some bloody drag marks. This way, engaged, patriotic Americans will be certain of his crime, but the uninformed and the deluded will not.

    Let’s consider further who Obama is – that committed Marxist who wishes to replace our representative republic with a Marxist collective. What have such people done with their political enemies in the past? Typically, they kill or imprison them – and large numbers are of no moment. If Obama has been intent upon orchestrating a scenario whereby government intercession to suppress civil unrest will become “necessary,” then anything to engender tension and strife domestically is a win for him. This he has already done economically and through class warfare.

    Thus, I believe that this president would find mass demonstrations by factions enraged over a stolen election simply delicious.

    .................................................. .

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    Last edited by bsteadman; 11-17-2012, 09:19 PM.
    B. Steadman