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Nuts: National Review Online; GOP Must Insist Obama Deliver Transparency Promise

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  • Nuts: National Review Online; GOP Must Insist Obama Deliver Transparency Promise

    Nuts: National Review Online; GOP Must Insist Obama Deliver Transparency Promise

    Birther Report



    Transparency: Walk the Walk, Mr. President
    For fiscal-cliff talks, the GOP must insist that Obama deliver on his promise of openness
    By John Fund @ National Review Online

    Conservatives are worried that the negotiations that will begin this week to avoid the “fiscal cliff” will end in disaster. Tax increases that will weaken the economy could be combined with spending cuts that never materialize in an agreement that will leave many Republicans — especially those who have signed the “no net new taxes” pledge promoted by Americans for Tax Reform — vulnerable to public outrage, and indeed to primary challenges in the midterm elections.

    The way to avoid that outcome may be for conservatives to insist on the transparency and openness that Barack Obama has spent much of his career promoting but has almost never delivered in practice. The White House has asserted false claims of executive privilege to avoid questions on the Justice Department’s Fast and Furious gun-running scandal. The Washington Post reported last year that a large number of requests for public records elicited no material at all from the administration. The same Barack Obama who as a 2008 candidate promised that health-care negotiations would be shown on C-SPAN instead cobbled together the abomination of Obamacare behind closed doors.


    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman