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Eric Holder Scrambles To Bury Fast And Furious Scandal For Good -- Ulsterman Report

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  • Eric Holder Scrambles To Bury Fast And Furious Scandal For Good -- Ulsterman Report

    Eric Holder Scrambles To Bury Fast And Furious Scandal For Good (R.I. Related)

    The Ulsterman Report



    Obama Attorney General Eric Holder indicated he was willing to “make a deal” to avoid further legal investigation into the Fast and Furious gunrunning scandal that saw thousands of weapons placed into the hands of known criminals by the Obama administration. Those weapons were then used in crimes that slaughtered hundreds of innocents on both sides of the American-Mexican border.

    EXCERPT (via ABC News)
    Justice Dept, House Seek to Resolve ‘Fast and Furious’ Suit

    The Justice Department said Tuesday that they will try to settle a lawsuit seeking to enforce a subpoena sought by the House Oversight and Government Reform committee to obtain documents related to the ATF’s botched gun trafficking case Operation Fast and Furious.

    …The House then sued Attorney General Eric Holder earlier this year after President Obama invoked executive privilege shielding Holder from turning over the documents. The Committee’s subpoena was seeking internal DOJ documents following the drafting of a February 4, 2011 letter sent to Congress that contained inaccurate information about ATF’s operations. The letter was withdrawn by the Justice Department in December 2011.

    A DOJ Inspector General report earlier this year cleared Holder of knowing about the ATF’s reckless tactics. The Inspector General’s review recommended 14 Justice Department and ATF officials for disciplinary and administrative review. LINK

    I sent the above link to our Republican Insider and received this prompt response back:

    This ABC story is kind of misleading. While DOJ wants to cut a deal badly, House Republicans are (not) so willing to do that. The part about the letter that was retracted is the real sticking point in this thing. Been told when that took place, the cover up was exposed. Then when Executive Privilege was enacted, we knew that the White House was shielding Holder from the ongoing Inspector General investigation and likely protecting the White House as well. There’s the catch right? Why would there need to be Executive Privilege for the president if the Inspector General report says that Eric Holder didn’t even know about Fast and Furious? If the president knew and Executive Privilege applies, then Eric Holder had to have known as well, right? And if you recall, the Inspector General report said its own assessment was based upon information it received from the Department of Justice. The IG asked for other docs but they were not given over due to the Executive Privilege order.

    You had some readers crying about no new news about Fast and Furious a while back. I remember reading some of that. They don’t understand that once the Congressional investigation became an actual legal case, two things happen. The process slows way down and information cannot be made public so easily. So things have been moving but very deliberately. The White House knew that would happen. It pushed everything past the election. Now that we are getting close to the January hearing date, it is no surprise that Holder is letting Republicans know he is more than willing to cut some kind of deal. That means he has some secondary DOJ people lined up to take the fall. It also means he’s guilty.


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    Last edited by bsteadman; 11-30-2012, 05:34 PM.
    B. Steadman