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Video: Forensics Profiler Deconstructs Obama's Controversial Birth & Muslim Childhood

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  • Video: Forensics Profiler Deconstructs Obama's Controversial Birth & Muslim Childhood

    Video: Forensics Profiler Deconstructs Obama's Controversial Birth & Muslim Childhood

    Birther Report



    Forensics Profiler Deconstructs Barack Obama
    By George Spelvin @ Western Center of Journalism

    Cutting edge forensic profiler Dr. Andrew G. Hodges is using his skills to decode the psychological construct of President Barack Obama to uncover the reasons for what the doctor believes to be the president’s “deep misguided fury … toward America.” Using a method he calls “thought print decoding”, Hodges explains the shadow side which Obama reveals in his speeches and especially his letters to his daughters. “These communications result from part of the subconscious called super intelligence,” says Hodges.

    Thought print decoding enables Hodges to read between the lines of Obama’s thought processes to reveal secret traumas controlling his life. The forensic psychiatrist asks in his new book THE OBAMA CONFESSION “What does he (Obama) truthfully tell us about his birth certificate?”

    Secret fears and secret fury concerns are based in the President’s memories of his father, Barack Obama I, a man who held deep seated anger against the concept of colonialism that the elder man experienced while living in Africa. Also, one anecdotal story concerns the younger Obama coming upon a conversation involving his mother about the topic of abortion. He somehow felt perhaps he was considered a candidate for the procedure given the questions of his parentage and the matrimonial bond; he wanted women to have a pro-choice orientation to life.

    Hodges traces the shadow side of powerful hidden forces driving Obama. These include his controversial birth, Muslim childhood, indoctrination by radical left wing activists and present day ascension to the White House. In a series of very deeply specific videos (below), Hodges explains to viewers just what to notice in Obama’s speeches.


    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman