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Transformation of America Equals turning legal civil society into illegal one

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  • Transformation of America Equals turning legal civil society into illegal one

    Fundamental Transformation of America Equals turning legal civil society into illegal one

    Canada Free Press

    Judi McLeod


    In the ongoing forced Battle Royale between a president and what he sees as his all but captured USA civil society, there’s no longer any mystique behind the “Fundamental Transformation of America”. It’s becoming more clear by day that the ‘Fundamental Transformation of America’ is a long-planned formula that is forcing legal civil society into a complete illegal society.

    A new kind of segregation has returned. Decency, law-abiding, individual, God and liberty loving are being strategically culled from humanity’s herd. Goodness is punished by Marxists in control of government and those adjectives above is how they identify “the enemy”. With all the heady power of How the West was Won now centralized in one high-handed administration, President Barack Hussein Obama is creating a new society that can be described in three little words: illegals trumping legals. It makes no difference to the regime that theirs is no different than the Politburo, other than no people are being killed off openly—yet.

    Obama took a 9-hour plane ride to Las Vegas yesterday at a cost of $1.6 million to unemployed Americans, all to make a speech about the new world order that now describes immigration reform: wholesale amnesty with no borders in between.

    You don’t have to be conservative or libertarian to be aware that virtually all things America stands for are disappearing from the landscape. With November 6 still viewable in the rearview mirror, the Second Amendment is being wiped off the books, borders are being made to disappear, the military. already being gutted by massive defunding, now includes sending women to the front.

    Just as there is no mystique behind the Fundamental Transformation of America, there is no mystery behind Obama’s 9-hour, $1.6 million plane ride to Vegas yesterday. It was merely the best way to drive home his in-your-face, “I’m-in-the-driver’s-seat-now-and-there’s-no-way-to-stop-me, point. With school children being taught songs to praise him, Hollywood stars and non-elected czars kissing his rear, the message being driven to the masses is that he’s in charge and America will no longer be America when he’s finished.

    Watch for his next Marxist tactics. The hedonistic couple known worldwide as Barack and Michelle will soon media-announce another holiday.

    Going on holiday is nothing to do with Obama’s incessant rounds of golf, hoop shooting or pretense at “all the time” Camp David skeet shooting.

    Since bursting onto the world stage as the “watch-them-faint” celebrity cult leader of all time, Obama’s style has been one of taunting, ever taunting.

    He’s cellophaned his wife and children as being more precious than yours, while pretending to be a defender of women and children.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman