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Barack Obama’s Impeachable Offense -- Western Journalism, Kris Zane

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  • Barack Obama’s Impeachable Offense -- Western Journalism, Kris Zane

    Barack Obama’s Impeachable Offense

    The Western Center for Journalism

    Kris Zane


    Reading the headlines the past few weeks has been like a page out of the book of Revelation. Barack Obama riding on his red horse has been foretelling a literal Armageddon if the so-called “draconian” sequestration cuts go into effect.

    But Armageddon turned into Chicago’s cutthroat streets with Obama’s Al Capone-like thugs shaking down enemies when pundits, politicians, and journalists began to show that Obama as John the Baptist crying in the wilderness was really the boy crying wolf.

    That the sequestration amounted to about two percent of the budget, that the “draconian” sequestration cuts were Obama’s idea. That it was all a sham to get another tax hike on the “fat cat millionaires and billionaires.”

    Of course, the leftist media easily spun the narrative for Obama, blaming those evil Republicans.

    At least until journalistic giant Bob Woodward came on the scene, setting the record straight. It was hard to argue against Woodward’s facts, given that he had written an entire book, The Price of Politics, describing the whole sequestration debacle.

    So the Obama White House did what they do best: the shakedown.

    Obama minion and thug Gene Sperling sent Woodward a threatening email, basically telling him to keep his mouth shut:

    But I do truly believe you should rethink your comment about saying saying that Potus asking for revenues is moving the goal post. I know you may not believe this, but as a friend, I think you will regret staking out that claim.

    Team Obama’s mistake was that they weren’t dealing with one of their hacks in the mainstream media. This was the man who had brought down Richard Nixon. This was the man who, as the mainstream media began to drink Obama’s Kool-Aid, remained at the water cooler of real journalism.

    And he began to sing like a canary. First on CNN. Then on Fox. Then, well, his words were beamed as millions of ones and zeros over the Internet, and Team Obama and the Left did the only thing that was left: mockery.

    This was exemplified with Obama henchman David Plouffe’s tweet that Woodward’s statements were merely rantings of a senile old man. And the Left parroted this narrative ad nauseam. Woodward was washed up. Put him out to pasture. Nothing to see here, move on. Give Woodward a teaspoon of Geritol and wheel him out onto the patio.

    Except then came Lanny Davis, former Bill Clinton special counsel who had been writing a column for the Washington Times. He too received the shakedown treatment from Team Obama.

    Then the wheels began to fall off the sequestration bus.

    The media began to turn on Obama.

    Arne Duncan, Obama’s Education Secretary, was caught in a lie about the sequestration resulting in “thousands of teacher layoffs,” which was a total fabrication.

    But this was only the innocuous part of Obama’s spin machine.

    Beneath the surface, there was simmering what can only be called treason.

    Barack Obama, putting politics above his primary duty as Commander-in-Chief—that of protecting it’s citizens—pulled the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Harry S. Truman out of commission, citing his phony sequestration cuts.

    But this is mild compared to what he did next. Citing the “draconian” sequester cuts, Barack Hussein Obama opened the jail cells of hundreds of illegal aliens, letting them roam the streets to rape and maim and kill. And this is only the beginning. It has been reported that Obama will release ten thousand jailed illegal aliens.

    And when his army of ten thousand criminals are done—make no bones about it—there will be dead bodies.

    And Barack Hussein Obama will be an accessory to murder.

    And that is an impeachable offense.


    View the complete article, including video, at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Total illegals released as part of Frankenquester: 2,000

    American Thinker

    Rick Moran


    The original reports had just 500 or so illegal immigrants released in advance of the sequester, ostensibly to save money.

    Now the AP is reporting that the total number of released illegals is 2000 with another 3,000 to be released in March:

    The Homeland Security Department released from its jails more than 2,000 illegal immigrants facing deportation in recent weeks due to looming budget cuts and planned to release 3,000 more during March, The Associated Press has learned.

    The newly disclosed figures, cited in internal budget documents reviewed by the AP, are significantly higher than the "few hundred" illegal immigrants the Obama administration acknowledged this week had been released under the budget-savings process.

    The government documents show that Immigrations and Customs Enforcement released roughly 1,000 illegal immigrants from its jails around the U.S. each week since at least Feb. 15. The agency's field offices have reported more than 2,000 immigrants released before intense criticism this week led to a temporary shutdown of the plan, according to the documents.

    The states where immigrants were released include Arizona, California, Georgia and Texas.

    The White House has said it was not consulted about the releases, and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has acknowledged they occurred in a manner she regrets. White House spokesman Jay Carney on Wednesday said the government had released "a few hundred" of the roughly 30,000 illegal immigrants held in federal detention pending deportation proceedings. Carney said the immigrants released were "low-risk, noncriminal detainees," and the decision was made by career ICE officials.

    As of last week, the agency held an average daily population of 30,733 in its jails. The internal budget documents reviewed by the AP show the Obama administration had intended to reduce those figures to 25,748 by March 31.

    The White House did not comment immediately Friday on the higher number of immigrants released.

    Five thousand illegals released and the White House knew nothing of it? That strains credulity.

    .................................................. ...

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Abraham Lincoln Freed the Slaves, Barack Obama Freed Illegal Aliens!

      Canada Free Press

      JOhn Lillpop


      In his hysterical scramble to reinvent himself as one of America’s “great” Presidents for historians, the not-so-great Barack Hussein Obama actually betrays any proximity to Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, or other notable great men, and, in fact, makes a strong argument against his being regarded as even modestly gifted intellectually.

      The president’s own anti-Obama campaign features incredibly bizarre presidential actions which can only be described as breathtakingly, mind-numbingly stupid.

      For example, Father Abraham Lincoln, America’s 16th President, is credited with freeing millions of African-Americans from forced indenture (slavery), a modest first step in putting teeth into the notion that “all men are created equal” as trumpeted in the Declaration of Independence.

      Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation and victory in the US Civil War paved the way for the rehabilitation of African- Americans from the curse of discrimination and dehumanization at the hands of those who would deny the black man his rightful place in the community of God’s children, solely because of skin color.

      Remember, too, that most slaves were born on American soil and were, therefore, technically legal citizens, notwithstanding the despicable Dred Scott Supreme Court decision of 1857 which wrongly ruled in favor of barbaric, anti-human intolerance which, as Lincoln correctly pointed out, was unsustainable.

      Fast forward to 2012 where we have the foolish spectacle of an inept community organizer posing as an American president.

      Barack Hussein Obama glibly likens himself to the legendary Abraham Lincoln and to prove his Lincolnesque mettle, our befuddled community organizer has decided to free the 11 million or so invading criminals who have ignored US borders and immigration laws and have taken up residency where they are neither welcome nor deserving.

      Whereas Abraham Lincoln freed African-American slaves largely in the pursuit of justice and humanitarian considerations, Barack Obama’s advocacy on behalf of foreign invaders is a ruthless, reckless act waged to increase the numbers in his corrupt Democrat party.

      Whereas African-Americans were forced to provide labor without compensation, illegal aliens advocated by Barack Obama compete with American citizens for jobs in an environment of ultra-high unemployment.

      Obama’s illegal aliens also cost American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars each year at a time when the federal government is bankrupt.

      Barack Obama as Lincolnesque? Hell no!

      .................................................. ..

      View the complete article at:
      B. Steadman


      • #4
        Uncovered: Obama’s Plan to Release Thousands of Illegal Aliens

        FrontPage Magazine

        Michael Volpe


        A new internal US Immigration and Customs Enforcement document that the US House of Representatives Judiciary Committee retrieved and then released to the public earlier this week has added another layer to the conflicting set of stories coming out of the Obama White House as to exactly why it released thousands of illegal immigrants from ICE jails on the eve of sequester.

        According to this document, the detainees released from ICE facilities beginning at the end of February are part of a larger plan to release thousands of prisoners so that ICE facilities would only be operating at about 70% full capacity. ICE has just more than 34,000 beds that it operates.

        Starting shortly after February 15, 2013, media reported that a few hundred and then a few thousand prisoners had been released from ICE prisons, and the initial explanation was that these detainees were being released due to budget cuts related to sequester.

        At any given time, there are roughly three hundred thousand individuals with a case in federal immigration courts. ICE facilities can only hold about one in nine people in the system as it is.

        When asked to explain why ICE facilities would operate at 70% effectiveness because of 2.4% worth of cuts, Gillian Christenson, a spokesperson for the Department of Homeland Security’s Media Relations team in Washington, D.C., blamed across-the-board spending cuts in the sequester:

        As fiscal uncertainty remained over the continuing resolution, and with the strong possibility of sequestration, ICE officials identified and released detained individuals who posed the least threat to public safety, were not subject to mandatory detention and who were appropriate candidates for supervised release. These decisions were made on a case by case basis, by career law enforcement officials in the field, in order to ensure that ICE maintained sufficient resources to detain serious criminal offenders and other individuals who pose a significant threat to public safety through the end of the continuing resolution.

        Christenson further claimed, “With sequestration now in effect, ICE must reduce expenditures by $294,000,000 across all of its programs, which represents a 5% cut to all accounts across ICE’s budget and will reduce ICE’s actual annual detention budget going forward.”

        House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) wasn’t buying Christensen’s explanation. He said of the decision

        that Administration officials at ICE prepared cold calculations to release thousands of criminal aliens onto the streets and did not demonstrate any consideration of the impact this decision would have on the safety of Americans. The decision to release detained aliens undermines the Department of Homeland Security’s mission to keep our homeland secure and instead makes our communities less safe and more vulnerable to crime.

        Goodlatte pointed out that there were “clearly” better ways to make the cuts other than releasing “criminals onto the streets.” He continued:

        The House Judiciary Committee has found several ways the Department could save money in light of sequestration, such as reducing staff bonuses and performance awards and using unspent funds from inefficient state and local grant programs. But regardless of sequestration, DHS actually has plenty of funding to pay for the detention of criminal aliens. Unfortunately, it seems Administration officials are more interested in using sequestration to promote their political agenda than as an opportunity to get our nation’s fiscal house in order. The Judiciary Committee plans to hold a hearing on this issue soon to get down to the bottom of this problematic situation.

        Furthermore, Republican senators and congressmen have been complaining that these cuts come even though DHS didn’t spend $8 billion in allocated funds. Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley sent a letter to DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano on February 27, 2013 and was concerned that these cuts come even though $8 billion was allocated but unspent in 2012.

        While the Department released illegal alien detainees into the population on the basis of cost cutting, we find this decision particularly troubling because the Department has carried or will carry forward billions of dollars in fiscal years 2012 and 2013. Last year, the department announced an unobligated balance of over $8 billion.

        While the administration claims everyone released so far does not pose a danger to the public, anecdotal evidence shows otherwise. In a New York Times report on the program, the paper featured one individual named Anthony Orlando Williams that was released and appeared to present a danger to the public.

        Among those released in the past week was Anthony Orlando Williams, 52, a Jamaican immigrant who spent nearly three years in a detention center in Georgia. “I’m good, man,” he said. “I’m free.”

        Mr. Williams, in a telephone interview from Stone Mountain, Ga., said he became an illegal immigrant when he overstayed a visa in 1991. He was detained in 2010 by a sheriff’s deputy in Gwinnett County, Ga., when it was discovered that he had violated probation for a conviction in 2005 of simple assault, simple battery and child abuse, charges that sprung from a domestic dispute with his wife at the time. He was transferred to ICE custody and has been fighting a deportation order with the help of Families for Freedom, an immigrant support group in New York.


        View the complete article at:
        B. Steadman


        • #5
          There is a published list of more than 50 impeachable offenses by obummer .

