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Patriots Question Michele Bachmann On Her Inaction on AKA “Obama”

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  • Patriots Question Michele Bachmann On Her Inaction on AKA “Obama”

    Patriots Question Michele Bachmann On Her Inaction on AKA “Obama”

    Obama State Ballot Challenge



    —–Original Message—–
    From: Jack
    To: Tom
    Cc: info <>
    Sent: Fri, Mar 1, 2013 7:19 pm
    Subject: Re: #1 Target — Switch the target off yourself onto Obama — something you should have done a few years ago. Not too late to do so.

    Michelle, I agree with Tom.

    In the past I donated to you, but you proceeded to do NOTHING — not even lift your little finger to demand a Hearing on Obama’s eligibility. You could have done something, but you didn’t. You could have achieved something GREAT for your country, but you took the easy way out. Too bad, but you missed the ship — as did ALL of the GOP office holders. I feel sorry for you — and them — because you allowed the Usurper to continue to afflict the many good people of the United States.

    If you lose in 2014, don’t blame us. Blame yourself for not doing your job or living up to your Oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution.

    There is one way that you do not have to remain the ”#1 Target” anymore. How ? Just turn your guns on Obama and make him the target by demanding a Congressional Hearing on his lack of eligibility. I realize this may go against the plans of the GOP Establishment, but you need to honor your Oath and your conscience –not Karl Rove.

    Do me a favor — pass this message along to the rest of the GOP enablers of the Usurper. You can make a difference, So far you haven’t. I’m disappointed in you. Look in the mirror. Are you still proud of who you are ?

    You still have a chance to be a real patriot and hero — rather than a pretend patriot.Take a stand against Obama and put the target on his back in the Congressional Hearing hotseat. Otherwise, stop crying. You’ll get no sympathy (or donations) from me.or other true Conservatives. Yes, you could lose — unless you do your job. The choice is yours.


    From: “Tom”
    Sent: Friday, March 1, 2013 1:29:37 PM
    Subject: Re: #1 Target


    What bull hockey
    You’re a target all tight but still a coward.
    Why are you NOT smashing Obama by publicly endorsing the work of Dr. Orly Taitz?
    There is irrefutable & overwhelming evidence that Obama has an forged birth certificate, a forged Selective Service Registration card and is illegally using someone else’s Social Security number…yet you say nothing.
    You’re NOT a Patriot.
    You are a Collaborator.
    -Thomas XXXXXXOn Thursday, February 28, 2013


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    B. Steadman