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Sen. Crapo Confirms Sen. Cruz Ineligible To Be President: Lies About Obama BC

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  • Sen. Crapo Confirms Sen. Cruz Ineligible To Be President: Lies About Obama BC

    Sen. Crapo Confirms Sen. Cruz Ineligible To Be President: Lies About Obama Birth Certificate

    Birther Report



    Senator Mike Crapo Lies About Obama's Forged Birth Certificate: Attempts To Define Natural Born Citizen; Confirms Senator Ted Cruz Not Eligible To Be President

    CRAP: "The Certificate of Live Birth released by the White House bears the certification of the Hawaii State Registrar. Experts reviewing the documents generally concur it contains all the elements of a valid Certificate of Live Birth, including all the relevant data and signatures. Claims that the document was forged have not been substantiated." - U.S. Senator Mike Crapo - February 25th, 2013 -

    FACT: "Investigators for an Arizona sheriff's volunteer posse have declared that President Barack Obama's birth certificate is definitely fraudulent. Members of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's posse said in March that there was probable cause that Obama's long-form birth certificate released by the White House in April 2011 was a computer-generated forgery.

    Now, Arpaio says investigators are positive it's fraudulent." - Associated Press - July 17th, 2012 - [ ]

    Senator’s "NBC" Response To Constituent’s Info Request
    By BobJen3 and The National MiddleClass Network @ BIN

    Recently, we initiated a pilot poll which we call the "Generally Recognized As Safe Definition of Natural Born Citizen" Project or the "Gras nbcdef" Project.

    This came about due to many factors such as: our years of debating the issue with others, conflicting source details, and especially numerous columns on the subject, even recently one by the NY Times-Politico-Breitbart combination, all recently posted in our national newsletter.

    We asked a few selected group members to email/contact their senators and representatives in Congress to obtain an idea of their accepted definition of "Natural Born Citizen". We suspected the responses would be all over the place...and so far, mostly they are.

    However, this column is not about any final results (as more members will be participating in Phase 2). This is about one senator's attentive, "over and above", detailed response to a constituent's request on the issue.

    Our position in this is not to support any side; this first phase is simply to obtain accepted definitions of "natural born citizen". Still, it would be inappropriate to let stand certain misstatements made by the senator.

    So here, with all due respect, are just a few points, for the record, that need amending in his response:

    1) "The White House" (meaning Mr. Obama) released nothing of a related kind in six years.

    2) Mr. Obama has refused to release the one actual document that everyone wants to see...HIS OWN ORIGINAL birth certificate...the one allegedly sealed and vaulted at $5 million taxpayer expense.

    3) The "certification" on the 4-27-11 one has itself clear issues which alone invalidate it's credibility, such as a typo ("TXE" apparently instead of "THE"...How many others have that?) and, most troubling, it simply is NOT certified as anything even remotely close to "This is a true and accurate copy of Mr. Obama's Original Hawaiian Birth Certificate". See attachment.

    One final point: Exactly to which alleged "experts" does the senator refer, that "generally" concur?

    The list of experts that proclaim the 4-27-11 one to be a forgery is virtually mountain-high, including law enforcement, forensic experts, etc. Add to that many others, including a former state supreme court judge, who have publicly said that there is no proof that the birth certificate is legitimate, a newspaper publisher who calls for an investigation saying the birth certificate is a doctored fake...and on and on. [...] Excerpt via Before It's News.


    As Joe Mannix points out: Senator Crapo specifically states this:

    "only native-born U.S. citizens (or those born abroad, but only to parents who were both American citizens) are eligible to be President of the United States."

    One thing is clear with that statement, he verifies that Ted Cruz doesn't qualify as eligible to be president. [ ]

    Hat tip thalightguy. Learn the truth about "NATURAL BORN CITIZEN" and why it is important,

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    Last edited by bsteadman; 03-15-2013, 04:31 PM.
    B. Steadman