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Rhetorical Questions? We don’t need no more stinkin’ rhetorical questions!

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  • Rhetorical Questions? We don’t need no more stinkin’ rhetorical questions!

    Rhetorical Questions? We don’t need no more stinkin’ rhetorical questions!

    Before It's News

    Neil B. Turner - (Founder, Citizens for the Constitution)


    Rhetorical Questions? We don’t need no more stinkin’ rhetorical questions!

    Questions like:

    • Why would Obama bow down to Dictators, Potentates, and Islamic Kings?
    • Why would Obama say that he gave the order to kill the long-dead Osama bin Laden, and then bury the forensic proof of this ‘re-elect me deed’ at sea? (NOTE: Even Navy SEAL Mark Owen, author of ‘No Easy Day’, said that they couldn’t identify the person they killed and carried away as Osama bin Laden. One of Obama’s ‘people’ had to ‘ID’ it in a hangar in Iraq – before they flew the ‘body’ away again for ‘burial at sea’, a non-Muslim ‘Muslim tradition’).
    • Why would Obama and his thugs say that the Republicans want to kill old people if they (the Republicans) try to kill the ‘old-people-killing’ Obamacare?
    • Why would Obama lie about:
      • Benghazi?
      • His Muslim faith?
      • His Birth Certificate; his forged Selective Service Registration; his stolen SS# 042-xx-xxxx?

    • Why would Obama want to raise taxes in a recession?

    The answers to these and hundreds of other like-minded stupid (yes, STUPID) ‘rhetorical questions’ are obvious:

    • The person who is known as Obama/Soetoro/Soebarakah/AKA??? is:
    • A non-natural born Citizen (the preponderance of evidence would indicate that he is an Illegal-Alien, born anywhere but Hawaii) who is ineligible for the Office of President – making everything he says or does or appoints or signs – NULL and VOID, and making him ‘tryable’ for Treason and/or Sedition;
    • A Muslim and follower of Islam (there is no evidence that he converted from Islam - per his Indonesian school records - to Christianity) – whose political and doctrinal aim is the complete subversion and overthrow of the Constitution for the United States, the annihilation of all those who are unwilling to convert to Islam, and the subjugation of the remaining converts to Islam to Sharia Law; (NOTE: It is now common knowledge that the ‘Obama administration’ has been taken over by the Muslim Brotherhood);
    • A usurper who was ‘installed’, twice, in the Office of President of the United States, - not elected by fair and impartial Constitutional votes of the people. (An Emperor Without Clothes),
    • "The greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people." ((c) 2012 Clint Eastwood)

    No, the real question is the Frequently Unanswered Question (FUQ):

    Who (or what) is it that has the power to turn our Media, our Courts, and our elected and appointed ‘leaders’ into deaf, dumb, and blind ‘blithering idiots’ when it comes to the question of who Obama/Soetoro/Soebaraka/AKA??? is, his obvious ineligibility for the Office of President , and his obvious acts of treason?

    Who (or what) has the power to take the issue of Obama’s INELIGIBILITY and acts of TREASON off the table?

    Since the media, conservative and liberal alike, only ask the rhetorical questions, while continuously paying homage to and legitimizing the usurper, thereby perpetuating these acts of treason, then it becomes obvious that it is the MEDIA, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL ALIKE, who are just as much responsible for the imminent demise of our Constitutional Republic.

    From Glenn Beck to Brian Williams, from Sean Hannity to Chris Matthews, from Michelle Malkin to Rachael Maddow, from Bill ‘I Saw the Birth Certificate’ O’Reilly to Bill Maher, from Ann Coulter to Ariana Huffington, from Mark Levin, Lou Dobbs & Judge Napolitano to Juan Williams, Alan Colmes, & Matt Lauer – all have become like blithering idiots when it comes to the real question of

    Who (or what) has the power to take the issue of Obama’s INELIGIBILITY and acts of TREASON off the table?


    View the complete article at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 03-15-2013, 07:39 PM.
    B. Steadman