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Moving the Arpaio Investigation of Obama’s Identification Documents Forward.

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  • Moving the Arpaio Investigation of Obama’s Identification Documents Forward.

    Moving the Arpaio Investigation of Obama’s Identification Documents Forward.

    Obama State Ballot Challenge


    Since September 15, 2011 the investigation into Barack Obama’s Certificate of Live Birth has been ongoing by Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse. Having developed the plan to investigate the authenticity of the Obama Certificate of Live Birth and having worked as a member of Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, I believe I have more than a little knowledge about what has transpired since 242 of my fellow Maricopa citizens signed my petition requesting the sheriff’s investigation on August 17, 2011. Sheriff Arpaio accepted our request and I was informed that the investigation would be done with the “utmost diligence.”

    As you may know, Sheriff Arpaio’s office developed probable cause that the Obama long form birth certificate that was posted as a PDF file on the White House website on April 27, 2011, is indeed a computer generated forgery. Also, examined was information that determined that probable cause exits that the Obama Selective Service System registration form is also a criminal forgery. The Obama Social Security number has also raised serious questions about its legitimacy. All of this information was presented to the press on March 1, 2012 with little exposure given to the public by the news networks. As a result of the lack of news coverage, on March 31, 2012, my wife Denise and I organized a repeat press conference held at the Church on the Green in Sun City West, AZ. Over 1,200 people came to the press conference to learn the facts about Obama’s identity documents that had been so carefully hidden by the media.

    Fast forward to March 18, 2013. No state prosecutors will assist Sheriff Arpaio with his investigation. The local media has treated the investigation as a joke. Federal authorities have turned a blind eye to alleged criminal acts. Conservative news outlets appear to be afraid to address the birth certificate issue. And last but not least, the investigation is sure to be a major sore spot with the Arpaio foes who are attempting to recall the good sheriff. This, all because Sheriff Arpaio stood up for the Rule of Law and performed as a public servant as requested by his Maricopa County constituents.

    Many times, over the course of the investigation, Sheriff Arpaio has stated that there simply is nowhere to go with the investigation for enforcement. My contention is that there is now only one appropriate place to go with probable cause that crimes have been committed, and that is to the United States Congress. I believe that the time is appropriate for Sheriff Arpaio to mail 435 certified letters to every member of the House of Representatives, demanding in no uncertain terms, that President Obama, as the direct beneficiary of alleged, criminally forged identification documents should now be Impeached for “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” under Article II, Section 4 of the United States Constitution
    - (bold and color emphasis added)

    Arpaio’s decisive action will accomplish several objectives: 1.) The Impeachment process will result in a full Congressional investigation. 2.) Sheriff Arpaio will have completed his investigation and transferred the onus of enforcement onto the members of Congress. 3.) By publicizing the 435 Representatives contacted by Arpaio’s office, their constituents can hold their elected U.S. Representatives responsible for adhering to their oaths to support and defend the Constitution. 4.) Sheriff Arpaio will have left no stone unturned and completed his investigation with the “utmost diligence” as promised. 5.) And, finally, Sheriff Arpaio will be forever known as the first county sheriff to ever ask Congress to Impeach a sitting U.S. President. Does it get any more courageous then that?

    At 80 years of age, “the Toughest Sheriff in America” taking decisive action, may well be the chink in Obama’s armor and bring this nightmare to an end.

    Brian Reilly
    Sun City West, AZ

    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Moving Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Obama Identity Document Fraud Investigation Forward

    Birther Report



    Moving Arpaio’s Investigation Forward
    By Brian Reilly via Email

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman

