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The Manchurian President -- Western Journalism, Kris Zane

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  • The Manchurian President -- Western Journalism, Kris Zane

    The Manchurian President

    The Western Center for Journalism

    Kris Zane


    Conservatives are constantly bombarded with being referred to as conspiracy theorists: everything from a belief that Eric Holder was shipping guns to Mexican drug cartels in order to curtail the Second Amendment, to probably the most serious, if true, that Barack Hussein Obama is a foreign plant—that is, a Manchurian President.

    The latter is the stuff of spy novels and Hollywood make-believe, not real life, right?

    Perhaps. Perhaps not.

    For those of us who did even a modicum of research prior to Obama’s election in 2008, we knew that his ties to radicals ran deep—not the obvious, like domestic terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn or anti-Semites like Edward Said or Rashid Khalidi. But an extremely close relationship with such groups as the DSA—the Democratic Socialists of America—that lasted for years, if not decades.

    In 1996, the DSA backed Obama for Illinois State Senate.

    In 2000, the DSA continued to support Obama, this time when he was running for Congress. In their endorsement, they mention Obama frequently attended socialist events, specifically naming a YDS (Young Democratic Socialist) event he attended in 1996.

    Obama had been a dues-paying member of the DSA’s political party, the openly Marxist New Party. In fact, we know through New Party minutes the exact day Obama joined—January 11, 1996.

    The New Party News, a publication of the New Party, in 1996 had identified Obama as a New Party member, along with Danny Davis, who at the time was a card-carrying member of the CPUSA, the U.S. branch of the Communist Party.

    Obama, as reported in the socialist-linked journal Social Policy Winter 2003 edition, had trained the socialist front group ACORN’s activists for years. (This of course directly contradicted Obama’s lie in 2008 that the only contact he had with ACORN was as their attorney for the so-called “Motor Voter” lawsuit).

    Obama more than likely also had contact with Marxist sociologists Francis Fox Piven and Richard Cloward. With deep ties to ACORN, they advocated collapsing the American economy in order to usher in a socialist utopia.

    Of course, Obama’s presidency is following what is called the Cloward-Piven plan to a tee—that is, creating a crisis where the welfare state, through an unsustainable debt, collapses the economy, creating an economic apocalypse whereby the central planners can then easily usher in a totalitarian Marxist state.

    If Barack Obama is in fact a Marxist plant, then his actions since coming to power make complete sense.


    View the complete article, including video, at:
    B. Steadman