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The best DEFENSE is a good OFFENSE! -- Before It's News, Neil B. Turner

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  • The best DEFENSE is a good OFFENSE! -- Before It's News, Neil B. Turner

    The best DEFENSE is a good OFFENSE!

    Before It's News

    Neil B. Turner


    Citizens for the Constitution;

    Instead of defending your position on the DEFENSE of the Constitution, here are some ideas on how to go on the OFFENSE against those who would support and defend ‘the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people’ (© 2012 Clint Eastwood)

    FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions


    FUQs: Frequently Unasked Questions

    A. FUQ for any U.S. Citizen:

    If I put your Social Security number through E-Verify, The U.S. Government program for determining one’s eligibility to even be employed in the United States, do you think you would pass or qualify?

    What do you think should be done to someone currently occupying a very high Office in the U.S. Government who self-publishes a stolen SS# 042-xx-xxxx that fails E-Verify, and therefore would be ineligible for employment in the United States?

    Would you call for their arrest and removal from Office, and, if not, why not?

    B. FUQ for anyone who would call someone a ‘Birther’:

    I gather from your willingness to call Article II Constitutionalists - ‘Birthers’ - that you also must have reached the conclusion that using a forged Certificate of Birth for identity purposes for employment in high Office would not make one guilty of Mispersonization of Identity – a felony punishable by up to 15 years in prison.

    Knowing this to be true about the person now occupying the Office of President, would you call for their arrest and removal from Office, and, if not, why not?

    C. FUQ for anyone who asks why we should be concerned about Obama’s forged Selective Service Registration:

    I am sure you are aware that in 1980, all male U.S. Citizens were required to register for the draft, and that failure to do so would make one forever INELIGIBLE for employment with the U.S. Government, to include the Office of President – but Foreign Exchange Students were exempt from this requirement, although also making them ineligible for the Office of President.

    Did you register for the draft, or did you serve and take an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, or were you exempt – from the requirement and therefore ineligible for the Office?

    What do you think should be done to someone in a very high Office in the U.S. Government who submits a forged Selective Service Registration form to try to convince a lap-dog media and Congress, and a sheep-like public that he was not a Foreign Exchange Student?

    Knowing this to be true about the person now occupying the Office of President, would you call for their arrest and removal from Office, and, if not, why not?

    D. FUQ for anyone and everyone you meet – worldwide:

    1. If you were paid on a binding contract with a bad check (a forgery) and you reported the ‘passer-of-bad-paper’ to the Police/Sheriff, what would you say or do if the Sheriff said “I’m not accusing the person who defrauded you by passing the bad paper of any crime, but I’ll be raising money to pay for my posse to go after the printing press operator who made the ‘checks’”?

    Knowing that the ‘passer-of-bad-papers’ was unlawfully occupying the Office of President of the United States, would you:

    a. Demand that the Sheriff file formal charges with Congress against the ‘passer-of-forged-documents?, and

    b. Refuse to help fund his efforts to search for the printing-press operator until he did so? … and, if not, why not?

    2. ‘Who (or what) has the power to make the issue of Obama’s INELIGIBILITY and acts of TREASON not fit for discussion, only derision … and to turn otherwise intelligent people into blithering idiots?’


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman