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Indict: Hawaii DOH's Loretta Fuddy Fingered In Obama Identity Document Fraud Scandal

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  • Indict: Hawaii DOH's Loretta Fuddy Fingered In Obama Identity Document Fraud Scandal

    Indict: Hawaii DOH's Loretta Fuddy Fingered In Obama Identity Document Fraud Scandal

    Birther Report



    Hawaii DOH's Loretta Fuddy Fingered In
    Obama Identity Document Fraud Scandal
    - Excerpts Via Butterdezillion's Five-Part Report -

    Part Five: Fuddy Illegally Executes the Plan

    In Part Four (25) we saw that Department of Health (DOH) Director Neal Palafox was forced to resign on Jan 26, 2011 – the same day as the story about Mike Evans’ conversation with Gov. Abercrombie went viral on the internet. Abercrombie had denied that he asked Palafox to resign, DOH Communications Director Janice Okubo had said he resigned for personal reasons, anonymous sources at the Attorney General’s (AG’s) office had said he was being investigated for patient billing fraud, and AG Louie refused to say whether he was or was not being investigated. Three days later, when Palafox told a news reporter that he had no idea why he resigned, the governor’s office admitted they had asked him to resign but wouldn’t say why. His duties were immediately taken over by Loretta Fuddy. Unlike Palafox, Fuddy did not resist Abercrombie and Louie’ plan to create a new birth certificate (BC) for Obama at the request of law enforcement, but was instead willing to break multiple laws in order to hide the problems with Obama’s documentation – which Abercrombie had openly admitted to his friend, Mike Evans.

    According to Abercrombie’s statements to Evans, there was no hospital BC or other proof of a Hawaii birth for Obama in Hawaii but there was something “actually written down” in the State Archives. Having gone to the hospitals with a search warrant, he would have been allowed to see the labor room log in the archives at Kapiolani Hospital, which is open to the public but which Cold Case Posse Commander Mike Zullo was not allowed to see. (1) It would list Obama’s mother’s name if she had been admitted to deliver a baby there. Since Abercrombie said there was no proof of a Hawaii birth, her name was presumably not on that log. Her name on that log would have been discloseable to the public and convincing proof – exactly what he was looking for! Instead, he told Mike Evans there was no proof of a Hawaii birth to be found, even with a search warrant. Presumably her name was not on those lists. Obama did not have a hospital-generated BC as of January 2011.

    And that made sense with previous disclosures. Former DOH Director, Chiyome Fukino, had made a public statement on Oct 31, 2008, confirming that Obama’s original birth record was on file in accordance with the rules and regulations (but she had illegally hidden those rules from the public until almost a year after Obama was elected) (2)(and Exhibit H). Later (July 27, 2009) she said she had seen the vital records (plural) verifying (swearing )that Obama was born in Hawaii. And still later she said that his birth record was half written and half typed (unlike the White House image, which is all typed). Open records requests effectively confirmed (3) that affidavits and/or other evidence had been submitted in support of the claims in the birth record (which is only necessary for late and/or amended BC’s and would not be necessary for a hospital BC) and that his BC was amended in late 2006 (4).

    Taken together, Abercrombie, Fukino, Office of Information Practices Director Paul Tsukiyama, and DOH Communications Director Janice Okubo all seemed to agree that Obama had a birth record based on affidavits rather than on a hospital birth certificate and he had amended that birth record in late 2006. [...]

    ( uncut version )

    At 8:48am EDT on April 27 a press gaggle was begun, with Obama’s announcement following. At 9:26 the link to a White House PDF was linked at Free Republic (22) The link given (23) now has a creation time of 12:09pm. The PDF that was posted at 9:26 had not been “flattened” so the layers used to create the forgery were still available to be viewed. That was noticed immediately, by everybody including me, the computer moron, when I tried to copy the document into a Word file. Somebody flattened the file at 12:09pm and replaced the revealing PDF with the flattened version. At 12:50am a Freeper noticed the red-flag TXE instead of THE in Onaka’s certifying statement .(24) That was before the DOH office even opened in Hawaii.

    Probably before even realizing that something was terribly wrong, Abercrombie created and posted a PDF telling about the fulfillment of Obama’s request for his “records” (again, that plural word) . At 10:27am someone at the DOH office created the PDF of the supposed 2001 “memo” saying they would only issue short-form birth certificates (see Exhibit E). This “policy” is not lawful, since it not only violates Chapter 8b of the Administrative Rules but also raises the cost of getting certification of ALL the birth facts for Department of Hawaiian Homelands purposes from $10 to $15 – which is more than a 10% increase and thus HAS to go through a rule change and not just a “policy” change. But even if it WAS lawful without the formal rule amendment procedures, it cannot go into effect until it is posted publicly (see Exhibit F)– which means this policy was put into effect by Loretta Fuddy on the very day that Obama’s forged birth certificate was made public.

    Additional confirmation that this memo did not exist until the PDF was created on April 27th is the DOH’s response that they had no such records, when I specifically asked for all such records that defined and described the procedures for “abbreviated and standard copies” (the short-form and the long-form).(See Exhibit G)

    So Fuddy orchestrated the alteration of the BC#’s, the stunt with CNN to disclose Waidelich’s altered BC# in order to hide the BC numbering method, and the illegal refusal to allow personal records to be disclosed even though required by statute. She or someone under her orders forged a 2001 memo that contradicts video footage, a certified long-form, the requirements listed on the Department of Hawaiian Homelands website until early June of 2009, and the DOH response to my request for any documents like this memo).

    Because it’s too easy to manipulate a computer printout (so short-forms prove nothing) she had to turn to other long-forms to try to spread the alphabetization theory. Long-form BC’s had to be from before 2001 because there weren’t supposed to be any long-forms issued after 2001. So around September of 2011 she ordered a long-form birth certificate for Johanna Ah Nee to be forged with a fake way-too-early BC#, with forged certification as if it had been issued in 1995. But the worker forced to forge it put in red flags (overlapping BC# digits and a clearly forged signature for Onaka – someone trying too hard to make it look like the signature stamp on Peter Kema’s COLB) (see Exhibit J). Through Ah Nee, she fed it to World Net Daily who believed it to be genuine because the seal was from the HDOH.

    Then when Duncan Sunahara wanted his deceased sister’s birth certificate they had to come up with something for her. The difficulty was that by then they were running out of people born within the relevant time period who were already dead and so wouldn’t have the risk of genuine 1961 BC’s showing up and exposing their fraud. They had to use either dead or complicit people, and they were running out of them. They gave Sunahara a BC# that didn’t work with the alphabetization theory. The HDOH forger went to extra trouble to deliberately put in the red flags of mismatched and misaligned fonts, a birth code on a death certificate, and Territory of Hawaii abbreviation on a State of Hawaii certificate – all on the same line as a handwritten BC# that should have belonged to someone born in Honolulu rather than in Wahiawa where she was born (26).

    Summary: When Loretta Fuddy took over, after Palafox’s forced resignation, she had a new BC created for Obama at the request of law enforcement using Stig Waidelich’s BC#.

    In order to hide that Obama’s BC# was illegally stolen from Waidelich, she altered at least 3 other BC#’s and fed them to the public via a stunt orchestrated with CNN and Stig and Monica Waidelich, a complicit Johanna Ah Nee, and a death certificate forgery - to try to hide how the BC’s were numbered.

    After first conspiring with the AG’s office and Michael Issikof to lay a foundation of lies about what she can lawfully do, she violated the Administrative Rules and at least 3 statutes by instituting an illegal “policy” to keep people from being able to get photocopies/scans of original birth certificates, and at the same time forged and posted a 2001 memo to make it look like the policy had been in effect for a long time – to match the inaccurate statements given by Bob Bauer at the press gaggle. She illegally instituted that policy (by posting the forged memo) on the very day that Obama released his forged long-form image.

    But she didn’t get away with it because others at the HDOH followed in the footsteps of the fired Neal Palafox, resisting the lawless deeds they were ordered to do, The clues they left are how we can know what really happened. The next article will be about one very prominent man at the HDOH and how he resisted.



    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Part Five - Fuddy Illegally Executes the Plan', which was started 4/8/2013 by 'butterdezillion'

    The thread references a 4/8/2013 post on Butterdezillion's Blog -

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:

    Summary: When Loretta Fuddy took over, after Palafox’s forced resignation, she had a new BC created for Obama at the request of law enforcement using Stig Waidelich’s BC#.

    In order to hide that Obama’s BC# was illegally stolen from Waidelich, she altered at least 3 other BC#’s and fed them to the public via a stunt orchestrated with CNN and Stig and Monica Waidelich, a complicit Johanna Ah Nee, and a death certificate forgery - to try to hide how the BC’s were numbered.

    After first conspiring with the AG’s office and Michael Issikof to lay a foundation of lies about what she can lawfully do, she violated the Administrative Rules and at least 3 statutes by instituting an illegal “policy” to keep people from being able to get photocopies/scans of original birth certificates, and at the same time forged and posted a 2001 memo to make it look like the policy had been in effect for a long time – to match the inaccurate statements given by Bob Bauer at the press gaggle. She illegally instituted that policy (by posting the forged memo) on the very day that Obama released his forged long-form image.

    But she didn’t get away with it because others at the HDOH followed in the footsteps of the fired Neal Palafox, resisting the lawless deeds they were ordered to do, The clues they left are how we can know what really happened. The next article will be about one very prominent man at the HDOH and how he resisted.

    Continued: COMMENT #1 by 'butterdezillion'

    This is too graphic-intensive to get the whole thing posted here. At the blog you'll have the option of a Word file with clickable links or a PDF whose links don't work (but I give links in the endnotes).

    A lot of information here, beyond the main points in the summary. I want people to see the lawlessness we're dealing with here, within the government itself. This is sort of outside the realm of the Cold Case Posse but it IS within the realm of a federal investigation.

    I didn't point it out in this article, but the HDOH's Administrative Rules authorize vital records to be released to authorized federal investigations, as well as in response to subpoenas issued by members of the HAWAII legislature. If you're in Hawaii and are sick of this crap, take note. If there is one good legislator in your state, they can make a difference.

    Regardless of what happens with HI legislators, we NEED Congress to appoint an independent investigator/prosecutor to let the people involved in these criminal actions know they cannot do this to the American people. Please let your members of Congress know that the lawlessness needs to stop.
    Last edited by bsteadman; 04-09-2013, 04:35 PM.
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      The following is COMMENT #18 by 'butterdezillion' in the thread:

      That’s right; to access the links in order you have to start at my welcome page, which a person doesn’t necessarily know when I send you to one of the parts. Sorry about that. If you start at my welcome page the list is there, at .

      I’ll just copy from that page to save some clicks:

      The Putting-it-All-Together Series:

      Part 1: HDOH Red Flags http://butterdezillion.files.wordpre...-red-flags.pdf

      Virginia Sunahara’s death certificate shows us not only that the HDOH is fabricating vital records, but that the subordinates ordered to do it are resisting by raising red flags in the forgeries they create. This is one of the central pieces to finishing this puzzle.

      Part 2: Clue Number Two

      Four August 1961 BC#’s were changed by the HDOH, based on the BC numbering system documented by CDC records. Obama was given the BC# that originally belonged to the 3rd Honolulu birth after Gretchen Nordyke – almost certainly Stig Waidelich.

      Part 3: The Law Enforcement Provision

      The alteration of 4 out of the 6 disclosed August 1961 BC#’s (including one deceased infant) makes it almost certain that the HDOH shifted BC#’s in order to give Obama a new BC# on a BC created at the request of law enforcement and claiming whatever law enforcement said it should say. There is a BC in Hawaii that has the BC# 10641 and whatever law enforcement ordered it to say, for Obama’s safety. There is also the record that Obama originally had, which has a different BC# and reveals something so drastically different that law enforcement claimed that real record would put Obama’s life at risk. Either that, or the HDOH falsified at least 4 August 1961 BC#’s without even trying to legally justify it.

      Part 4: Three Bizarre Events

      Three events are bizarre unless you realize what was going on:

      1. Abercrombie claimed an investigation of Obama’s birth record found something actually written down in the State Archives.

      2. Mike Evans claimed Abercrombie told him he had gone to the hospitals with a search warrant, and there is no birth certificate or other evidence that Obama was born in Hawaii.

      3. When the story of Evans’ claims went viral Abercrombie and AG Louie forced HDOH Director Palafox to resign and lied about it while anonymously threatening to investigate him for medical billing fraud. Three days later Palafox forced them to tell the truth about firing him by saying he didn’t know why he resigned.

      I believe Palafox was the snag in the plan to create a new BC for Obama based on law enforcement saying it was necessary to protect Obama from those “crazy Arizona birthers”. Palafox wouldn’t create a new BC for Obama because the only record they had for Obama was non-valid and couldn’t legally be presumed as true, and the law only allows a new BC to be created for someone who was born in Hawaii. So Gov. Abercrombie and AG Louie got rid of Palafox and replaced him with Loretta Fuddy who (as we will see) proceeded to execute the plan – including (among other things) the unlawful shuffling of 4 August 1961 BC#’s in order to land Obama with a BC that claimed a Kapiolani Hospital birth and had the BC# that had been used on the forgery to sanitize Obama’s passport file 3 years earlier: Stig Waidelich’s.

      Part Five: Fuddy Illegally Executes the Plan

      The following is COMMENT #24 by 'butterdezillion' in the thread:

      All along I’ve wanted to be able to get my research together and present it to law enforcement so they could fly with it. But it doesn’t really work that way. If it was a federal investigation it could work that way - but then if it was a federal investigation they could find out in 10 minutes what I have spent literally thousands of hours laboring over. I guess some people’s time is more “equal” than others’.

      I enjoy doing the work; it’s like a giant puzzle. When it suddenly makes sense it’s a great feeling. What disgusts me is that a housewife has to be doing thousands of hours of work that the media and federal law enforcement could have finished up in days, if subpoenas were honored. But they won’t. We pay Congress, the media, and the injustice department to sit on their butts and ridicule us.

      I hope and pray that the “VIP’s” that Mike Zullo spoke to are men enough to stand up and say enough is enough.

      I feel like saying to all of them, “If you get your legs blown off by a North Korean or Iranian nuke because of the foreign enemy combatant you’ve allowed to remain in our White House, don’t come running to me!” lol

      It’s really not funny though. We are in an incredibly dangerous place right now because our supposed Commander-in-Chief is playing for the opposition. He has been their pals his whole life long and they put him into power through a coup because they had something they wanted him to do for them. He has been bought and paid for, and it’s NOT by the American people. No man can serve two masters. He can’t serve America AND the communist-Islamist alliance that put him in power. When North Korea, Iran, China, Russia, Venezuela.... are trying to bang down our door and Obama gets the 3am phone call, who is he going to obey - us, or his masters?

      As I’ve said before, 9-11-12 showed us exactly what Obama will do when he gets the 3am call: go back to bed to get his beauty sleep while our enemies kill us as we try to fight them off alone.

      The following is COMMENT #36 by ecinkc in the thread:


      Quick question, and many apologies if you've already addressed it.

      Have you seen Fuddy's Fiscal Interests Disclosure forms from 2011 and 2012? -

      I realize there are myriad perfectly innocent explanations for the $500,000.00 of interest that appears in the "Held Property" section of her 2012 disclosure but is entirely absent on her 2011 form. Nevertheless, I didn't want to leave any stones unturned.

      I have a copy of each disclosure saved to my local computer and would recommend that others do the same in case there is anything in them which is eventually determined to be fit for scrubbing.

      I cannot thank you enough for your work. In my mind, these newest five articles represent thus far your opus magnum. Although your research has always been fantastic, with these reports, I think you have achieved a new height in clarity, focus and gravity.

      The following is COMMENT #47 by 'butterdezillion' in the thread:

      The CCP knows about my research, but unless they want to charge Fuddy (for instance) with crimes against Arizonans, the corruption and crimes at the HDOH are sort of beyond the scope of their investigation, which is about forgery and fraud. The crimes at the HDOH, HI AG’s office, etc have been to try to make it seem like there is no reason to investigate the forgery and fraud that the CCP is investigating. If the CCP can find somebody who is able to get an independent federal investigation, the fraud and forgery will be exposed, as will the crimes in Hawaii and elsewhere. So I believe the approach of the CCP is to provide overwhelming evidence of the forgery and fraud so that somebody will investigate.

      What I’m doing sort of piggy-backs with that, because if these conservative “VIP’s” can see the systematic disinformation and fabrications that have taken place over an extended period of time, they will not be so quick to say that this could never happen because it would require such a big conspiracy. The evidence speaks for itself, when it’s all lined up in a row.

      So the goal of both the CCP and myself is to get an independent federal investigation which can subpoena the records and settle this issue once and for all - the microfilms, paper records, scans, computer transaction logs, depositions, phone logs, etc. That’s what it would take to finally determine for sure exactly what happened. That’s the only way you or I will be convinced, and it’s the only way the general public will even realize there is a serious question.
      Last edited by bsteadman; 04-09-2013, 04:58 PM.
      B. Steadman


      • #4
        Fuddy File: Hawaii DOH's Loretta Fuddy Financial Disclosure Forms Reveal Possible Payoff?

        Birther Report



        Tale Of The Two Long Forms: Hawaii Department Of Health's Loretta Fuddy Financial Disclosure Forms Reveal Possible Payoff?

        Via Free Republic thread on Butterdezillion's latest reports on the Hawaii DOH and Obama's forged birth certificates.

        By ecinkc:

        Quick question, and many apologies if you've already addressed it.

        Have you seen Fuddy's Fiscal Interests Disclosure forms from 2011 and 2012?

        I realize there are myriad perfectly innocent explanations for the $500,000.00 of interest that appears in the "Held Property" section of her 2012 disclosure but is entirely absent on her 2011 form. Nevertheless, I didn't want to leave any stones unturned. [...] --- BR/ORYR: Hat tip to Pixel Patriot for combining the docs.

        By saleman:

        Interesting on the financial disclosure. She managed to pay her debt down 78,000 dollars and also purchase a, what they call an apartment, for apparently 500,000 cash. Not bad for someone on a 100,000 dollars salary.

        BTW if you go to Google maps and use the address listed 1629 Waikahalulu Ln a211, Honolulu, Hi 96817, there is a great picture of the house. In case ya’ll are interested...

        As far as the apartment. Maybe didn't pay 500,000. Could be just what it is worth? Coulda paid less, I guess. But still, no mortgage on it. [...] --- BR/ORYR: Zillo property listing for Fuddy's Pad via rolling_stone: listing/value here.

        By ecinkc:

        Then there are also the gift disclosures, wherein Fuddy's total disclosed amount jumped quite substantially for gifts coming after April 1, 2011. Again, you'll want to download and save a copy.

        If the amounts reported in the lower attached page of that document contain several entries that are merely duplicates of the ones above, then she took in about $18,000 in moneys she chose to disclose as gifts.

        On the other hand if the amounts in the attached page
        (embedded in post) are intentionally disguised as duplicates, but are, in fact, second halves of the entries above, so that no single entry looks very large, then she brought in over $25K. (this interpretation, I admit is a stretch, but one of the amounts is off by a single dollar.) [...] --- BR/ORYR: I'm sure there's nothing to this... move along... ;-)


        FINGERED: Hawaii DOH's Loretta Fuddy Fingered In Obama Identity Document Fraud Scandal - DETAILS
        (linked in original post).

        Fuddy File: Hawaii DOH's Loretta Fuddy Long Form Financial Disclosure Forms 2011-2012 by ObamaRelease YourRecords

        View the complete Free Republic thread at:

        B. Steadman

