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Influential U.S. Congressman: We Know Obama Birth Certificate Is Fake; Soebarkah Safe

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  • Influential U.S. Congressman: We Know Obama Birth Certificate Is Fake; Soebarkah Safe

    Influential U.S. Congressman: We Know Obama Birth Certificate Is Fake; Soebarkah Safe?

    Birther Report



    Influential U.S. Congressman: We Know Obama Birth Certificate Is Fake; Soebarkah Safe While In The White House; Fear Ridicule
    Excerpt Via Lord Monckton @ WND

    Saul Alinsky, a “community organizer” (i.e. communist agitator), wrote “Rules for Radicals” (i.e. “A Code for Communists”), telling them how to bring down the West.

    One of the key rules was never to meet the left’s opponents in argument, but to trash their reputations instead. That way, anyone who might otherwise dare to challenge the left will keep his head down.

    I recently asked an influential Republican congressman why neither he nor his party would do anything at all about Barry Soetero’s obviously bogus “birth certificate” on the White House website.

    He replied: “Look what the left have done to your reputation because you spoke the truth about the non-problem of global warming. We know the president and his ‘birth certificate’ are fake. But – to put it bluntly – my reputation matters to me. And that goes for all of us.”

    “So Soebarkah is safe in the White House?”

    “Yes, but just wait until he leaves office. The left will not be able to defend him then.”

    We shall see. I told the congressman I did not propose to hold my breath. Rampant funk on the part of those who ought to know better has heartened the champagne-swilling apes of Trafalgar Square to do their gibbering best to blacken the name of Thatcher even in death.

    For now, let them have their hate-filled party. Their savagery is a fine advertisement for the necessity of sweeping their brutish, failed totalitarianism off the face of the Earth. They cannot trash Margaret Thatcher’s reputation, but they have certainly trashed their own and that of their collapsing cause. - Full commentary on Margaret Thatcher's passing continued at WND.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman