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Press Release, Atty. Orly Taitz, Letter from Major General Chlders to Judge England

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  • Press Release, Atty. Orly Taitz, Letter from Major General Chlders to Judge England

    Press release from law offices of attorney Taitz. Letter from Major General Childers to Judge England. 17 more high ranking officers of the U.S. military signed similar letters. Please, forward to and any other publication you can think of

    Defend Our Freedoms Foundation

    Orly Taitz, Esq.


    Law Offices of Orly Taitz

    18 high ranking officers of the U.S. military signed letters urging Judge Morrison C. England, Chief District Judge of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California to hear on the merits the legal challenge brought by Attorney Orly Taitz on behalf of Presidential Candidates and Presidential Electors in light of evidence of forgery in Obama’s IDs. Contrary to reports of a 100% controlled and censored U.S. main stream media, aka Obama regime propaganda machine, none of the legal challenges against Obama was ever ruled upon on the merits.Not one single judge compelled production of the original IDs for Obama, not one single judge or jury saw the original birth certificate, original Selective Service certificate, original Social Security application and all the copies released so far were deemed by experts to be flagrant crude forgeries. Not one single judge or jury have seen the application SS-5 for the Connecticut Social Security number 042-xx-xxxx, which Obama is fraudulently using, even now, in the White House, while it failed both E-Verify and SSNVS and showed in multiple databases to be assigned to an immigrant from Russia, Harrison J. Bounel, who was born in 1890, presumed to be deceased without heirs and whose number was illegally assumed by Obama.Why doesn’t he have a valid Social Security number? Sworn affidavits of top law enforcement officers and experts show him using a forged birth certificate, forged Selective Service certificate, Indonesian citizenship and a last name not legally his. Top ranking officers of the U.S. military have a right to know whether we have a legitimate Commander -in-Chief giving them orders. Other members of the U.S military, law enforcement, FBI, Sheriffs, police officers, District Attorneys, assistant U.S. attorneys and assistant AGs, who share the same concerns as Major General Childers and other officers can write to Attorney Taitz at

    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Army Major General Pleads With Judge England To Hear Obama Identity Fraud Case On Merits

    Birther Report



    Army Major General Carroll Childers Pleads With Judge Morrison England To Hear Obama Identity Document Fraud Case On The Merits

    - related case filings compiled ... -

    Judge Morrison C. England 17 April 2013
    Chief District Judge
    U.S. District Court
    Eastern District of California
    Courtroom #7
    501 1 street
    Sacramento, CA 95814

    Dear Judge England,

    My service to America has spanned 44 years, largely in the Army National Guard. During this span of my time I also spent 8 months in Vietnam, 2 months in the Persian Gulf, and 3 months in Operation Desert Storm as a DOD Civilian assigned to combat units. I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic and though retired, I remain faithful to that oath.

    I have reviewed the pleadings in Grinols et al v Electoral College, U.S. Congress, Barack Obama 12-cv-02997 before Chief Judge of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California. Also I have reviewed a large number of other documents and affidavits bearing on the issue of Mr. Obama's eligibility to occupy the Oval Office. It appears to me that the Congress and the Judiciary have ignored the evidence presented in this case which is considerable and significant. The question as to whether the Constitution and rule of law have been violated has not been answered. This question has been hanging fire far too long. The American people deserve a definitive answer.

    The simple question is, if Mr. Obama has nothing to hide then why will he not unseal those documents which could validate his eligibility for office, as others before him have done?

    Judge England, I urge you to allow the case to proceed on the merits and allow the jury to arrive at a verdict on the aforementioned issues.


    Carroll D. Childers
    Major General (Retired)

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman

