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Limbaugh: Media ‘Terrified’ By Obama’s April 30, 2013 Presser ‘Disaster,’

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  • Limbaugh: Media ‘Terrified’ By Obama’s April 30, 2013 Presser ‘Disaster,’

    Limbaugh: ‘Terrified’ By Obama’s Presser ‘Disaster,’ Media Pushing President To Be More Aggressive


    Noah Rothman


    Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh said on Wednesday that the media’s reaction to President Barack Obama’s press conference on Tuesday has been one of terror. “They think it was a disaster yesterday,” Limbaugh said, “and they’re petrified.” He noted that some prominent members of the political media are actively warning the president that he risks becoming an ineffective lame-duck if he does not behave more aggressively in his dealings with his political opponents.

    Limbaugh observed that the media is coming to terms with the fact that the Democratic Party is unlikely to take control of the House in 2014. Furthermore, the effort to demonize the GOP over their opposition to guns and tax increases to avert the sequester has failed.

    It is then interesting, Limbaugh said, that so many writers are noting that Obama’s behavior in Tuesday’s press conference suggests his detachment and his ineffectuality. “Part and parcel of all these guys expressing their concern, I think, is the media pushing Obama to be more aggressive,” Limbaugh said.

    “The press just doesn’t sit there when their guy is screwing up and say, ‘Okay, he’s screwing up,’” Limbaugh opined. “They try to fix it for him.”

    Limbaugh turned to Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank and National Journal editorial director Ron Fournier both made comparisons between Obama and former President Bill Clinton who, in his second term, was forced to assure the press that he was “still relevant.”

    “Most disgustingly of all,” Limbaugh said, “Fournier seems to be yearning for a tragic event like Clinton got with the OKC bombing that the media can rally around to save Obama’s presidency.”


    View the complete article, including audio, at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Video: President Obama Holds a News Conference

    Published on April 30, 2013 by whitehouse

    View the video at:

    President Obama answers questions from the press in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room.
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      'Maybe I Should Just Pack Up and Go Home. Golly.' - Barack Hussein Obama II
      B. Steadman


      • #4
        A presidential bystander

        The Washington Post

        Dana Milbank


        It’s never a good sign for a president when he feels compelled to assure the public he still has a pulse.

        This is the unenviable position President Obama was in Tuesday morning when he held a news conference in the White House briefing room and faced a profusion of questions about the stalled pieces of his legislative program. Asked by ABC News’s Jonathan Karl whether he still had “the juice to get the rest of your agenda through,” Obama paraphrased Mark Twain’s response to a newspaper’s report that he was near death.

        “You know, rumors of my demise may be a little exaggerated,” Obama said.

        Back in 1995, Bill Clinton assured Americans that he was still relevant; this may be the first time a president asserted that he was still alive.

        One hundred days into his second term, Obama has already lost control of the agenda, if he ever had control in the first place. He ricocheted through his news conference, as he has through his presidency recently, between issues and crises not of his choice.

        He was asked about unrest in Syria, the September attack on American officials in Libya, the bombing in Boston, troubles implementing his health-care law and difficulty closing the military prison at Guantanamo Bay. Karl pointed out that Obama’s gun-control legislation collapsed, that his attempts to undo the “sequester” cuts have been ignored and that 92 House Democrats defied his veto threat on a cybersecurity bill.

        “Well, if you put it that way, Jonathan, maybe I should just pack up and go home,” Obama replied. “Golly.”

        The president was out of sorts from the start of the news conference, scheduled for 10:15 a.m. and postponed to 10:30. Obama finally came out at 10:46. “Good afternoon,” he said. “Or good morning.”

        He didn’t attempt to set the tone for the event, skipping an opening statement. And he often found himself remarking on the difficulty of his job: intelligence sharing (“this is hard stuff”), closing Gitmo (“it’s a hard case to make”), Republican governors blocking his health-care law’s implementation (“that makes it harder”) and responding in Syria (“it is a difficult problem”).

        If there was a common theme to the president’s many troubles, it was an uncooperative Congress. “Right now things are pretty dysfunctional up on Capitol Hill,” he observed. As an example, he mentioned the legislation — which he signed into law — to end flight delays caused by the sequester’s furloughs of air-traffic controllers by shifting money from airport repairs and improvements. “In order to avoid delays this summer, we’re going to ensure delays for the next two or three decades,” he said.

        “Why’d you go along with it?” Karl asked.

        Some in the room chuckled. Obama didn’t. “You seem to suggest that somehow these folks over there have no responsibilities, and that my job is to somehow get them to behave,” he said. “That’s their job. . . . I cannot force Republicans to embrace those common-sense solutions.” He instead spoke of creating “a permission structure” for Republicans to do what he wants.


        View the complete article at:
        B. Steadman


        • #5
          Free Republic ran a thread titled, 'Obama: 'Maybe I Should Just Pack Up and Go Home. Golly.', which was started 4/30/2013 by 'Nachum'

          The thread references the 4/30/2013 Weekly Standard post by Daniel Halper -

          View the complete Free Republic thread at:

          Last edited by bsteadman; 05-02-2013, 11:00 PM.
          B. Steadman

