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Devvy Kidd: Will Alabama Supreme Court Jettison The Impostor President; Rips Media

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  • Devvy Kidd: Will Alabama Supreme Court Jettison The Impostor President; Rips Media

    Devvy Kidd: Will Alabama Supreme Court Jettison The Impostor President; Rips Media

    Birther Report



    By Devvy Kidd @ News With Views

    Since Leo Donofrio filed the first eligibility challenge back in late 2008, the in-your-face Marxist, Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama, along with his America hating militant comrades, have been systematically destroying this republic. The gutless cowards in the U.S. Congress -- including the ones who have retired, i.e., Jim DeMint and Ron Paul -- ALL know full well Soetoro was and is forever constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of president.

    They've all received comprehensive, detailed packages with enough evidence - not speculation - to convene a grand jury ten times over. Issa, McConnell, Rand Paul, Juan McCain, Pelosi, Schumer, Reid -- ALL of them know he usurped the office as well as using forged documents and submitting a forged birth certificate for the whole world to see.

    Tens of millions of uninformed Americans voted for Soetoro in 2008, so they could brag about voting for "America's first black president." Barry Soetoro is bi-racial; Caucasian and Negro. Those who genuflect at the altar of political correctness and wear "white guilt" like a badge of honor have overlooked that thorny little fact because it disturbs their self-righteous "I'm not a racist, I voted for a black man" comfort zone.

    Soetoro should never have been allowed on any ballot, but those of us who have followed this gigantic fraud from the beginning have watched judges, one after another, display either outright ignorance regarding the 'natural born citizen' requirement in the Constitution or act like the same flavor cowards as the entire U.S. Congress who did not stop the electoral college vote in January 2009 or 2013. Not one stood up for the Constitution. Not Michelle Bachmann. Not Ron Paul. Not Jim DeMint. Not Jeff Sessions. Not Mitch McConnell. Not Orrin Hatch. Not Steve King. Not Rand Paul. Not one of them either time.

    Those of us who have stood up for the Constitution have been excoriated by favorites on the right like David Horowitz, who either doesn't understand the 'natural born citizen' requirement or simply doesn't care. Cable network powerhouses like Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly with paychecks of one million dollars a month plus, have not only blown off the constitutional issue of Soetoro's eligibility, they go out of their way to mock you and me. Highly intelligent, sincere constitutional attorneys who have represented plaintiffs in eligibility cases are equally slashed and burned by the aforementioned who have sold their soul for buckets of cash. Well, their ad sponsors and FOX News Network doesn't get my money.

    The tens of millions of mindless members of the Democratic/Communist Party USA willingly voted for their own execution while thinking it was a great idea. A nation of fools who shame every drop of blood spilled to birth this constitutional republic.

    Needed votes magically appeared by electronic vote fraud, again. Phantom voters were created by individuals who would do anything to see a Marxist in our White House. Those whores for the Democratic/Communist Party USA have now been convicted:


    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman