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Arpaio's Obama Document Fraud Investigation Injects New Life Into Obama Eligibility

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  • Arpaio's Obama Document Fraud Investigation Injects New Life Into Obama Eligibility

    Sheriff Joe's Obama Document Fraud Investigation Injects New Life Into Obama Eligibility

    Birther Report



    Court decision pending on challenge to presidency

    A week ago, Democrats quoted late-night comedian Jimmy Kimmel in their demand that a challenge to Barack Obama’s eligibility to be president be dismissed.

    Now, those raising questions about Obama say they are bringing in professional law-enforcement investigators to shed light on the dispute.

    It comes in a case brought by attorney Larry Klayman in which 2012 Constitution Party presidential nominee Virgil Goode and Alabama Republican Party leader Hugh McInnish are seeking to force Alabama Secretary of State Beth Chapman to verify that all candidates on the state’s 2012 ballot were eligible to serve.

    The case, dismissed at a lower level, is now being appealed to the Alabama Supreme Court, where strict constitutionalist Roy Moore was elected chief justice last November. The case becomes all the more intriguing because Moore is on record previously questioning Obama’s constitutional eligibility to serve as president.

    Last week, the Democratic Party insisted, “In order for one to accept the claim that President Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery [and that he is ineligible], one has to buy into a conspiracy theory so vast and byzantine that it sincerely taxes the imagination of reasonable minds.”

    The document scoffs at “birthers” as a “tiny cabal of zealots” and quotes late-night comedian Jimmy Kimmel – not widely recognized as a constitutional expert – to make its case: “These people could have personally witnessed Obama being born out of an apple pie, in the middle of a Kansas wheat field, while Toby Keith sang the National Anthem – and they’d still think he was a Kenyan Muslim.”

    Now several blogs whose authors have been documenting the back and forth of the long-running dispute over Obama’s birth place, time – and subsequent eligibility to be president – confirm that Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz., and his special Cold Case team lead investigator Mike Zullo will be providing evidence in the arguments.

    Arpaio is one of few law enforcement authorities to look into the issue, and he launched his formal Cold Case Posse investigation into Obama’s qualifications at the request of his constituents. Already, Arpaio and Zullo have confirmed that evidence shows the birth documentation released by Obama as proof of his birth in Hawaii is fraudulent. [...] - Continued at WND

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman