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Revealed: Alabama Secretary Of State Caught In Lie About Obama Document Fraud

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  • Revealed: Alabama Secretary Of State Caught In Lie About Obama Document Fraud

    Revealed: Alabama Secretary Of State Caught In Lie About Obama Document Fraud

    Birther Report

    Audemus jura nostra defendere
    By Linda Jordan
    | May 13, 2013 |

    "We dare maintain our rights" is the Alabama State motto. When the Alabama Supreme Court hears Hugh McInnish et al v Beth Chapman Secretary of State will Alabama dare to maintain their rights? Will they defend the rights given to them by God and acknowledged in the Constitution? Will they defend their right to be governed by a constitutionally eligible President and thereby defend us all?

    By now everyone should know that the Constitution dictates that anyone who wants to be President of the United States of America has to be a “natural born citizen”. (Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5) And everyone should know by now that you are NOT a natural born citizen unless both your parents were citizens of this country at the time of your birth. It is that simple. Some of us are citizens at birth, some of us are naturalized citizens, and some of us are natural born citizens.

    If you want to be President you are not eligible unless you are a natural born citizen. The man Barack Obama claims as his father was a Kenyan here on a student Visa. He was not a citizen of the United States at the time of Obama’s birth or any other time.

    One citizen parent, Stanley Ann Dunham (the woman Obama claims is his mother) plus one non-citizen parent does not equal a natural born citizen child.

    That should have been the end of the story. The end of Obama’s presidential aspirations. But Democrats were determined to do whatever it took to get Obama in to the White House. They put him forward as their candidate even though they knew he was ineligible.

    This abject violation and mockery of the Constitution was noticed by millions of citizens. When authorities ignored Obama’s own assertion that his father was not an American citizen when he was born or ever, we began demanding that Obama show his original, long form Certificate of Live Birth. Maybe seeing this fact in print on an official, legal document, would make those responsible for upholding and defending the Constitution do their job.

    To that end hundreds of lawsuits have been filed by patriots across this country over the last four years trying to “out” Obama’s birth certificate. McInnish is one of them. His case, now in front of the Alabama Supreme Court for consideration, challenges Obama’s Constitutional eligibility and introduces evidence that the birth certificate Obama finally released on April 27, 2011, is a forgery. Obama used that forged birth certificate in an attempt to prove his citizenship, not natural born citizenship but citizenship, and this was fraud.

    When I read about the McInnish case I remembered that I had contacted Beth Chapman, the Alabama Secretary of State, in December 2011 and requested that she investigate the authenticity of Obama’s birth records and social security number. Her Elections Attorney, H. Robert Johnston, wrote me back on December 29th. A very nice letter, not a canned response. Sincere I thought.

    In part Johnston wrote that, “If the Secretary [Chapman] gains knowledge from an official source arising from the performance of her duties prescribed by law that a candidate has not met a certifying qualification, the Secretary of State would not certify the candidate.” The State of Alabama requires that presidential candidates meet the constitutional requirements in order to be certified and placed on the ballot. -
    (color emphasis added)

    Fast forward to March 1, 2012. Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, an official source, made a probable cause finding that the birth certificate Obama posted on the White House website on April 27, 2011 was a forgery. (On July 17 he determined that it was an absolute forgery.) I wrote Chapman on March 23, 2012 and brought it to her direct attention that an official source, a law enforcement agency, had determined that the birth certificate Obama is using is a forgery and, most disturbing, that on April 27, 2011 someone placed that forged birth certificate on the White House website in an attempt to prove Obama’s identity, citizenship status and eligibility to be a presidential candidate. This was done in a clear attempt to silence citizens who questioned Obama’s eligibility to be a presidential candidate or President and demanded he produce his real birth certificate. So Chapman knew, long before she placed Obama’s name on the General Election ballot for November 2012, that an official source had raised grave concerns about Obama’s eligibility.

    Silence. I did not hear from Alabama again. I pray we hear from them now and that “audemus jura nostra defendere” is more than just their motto. - Linda Jordan.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    Last edited by bsteadman; 05-13-2013, 03:59 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'The Alabama Democratic Party: "We're broke, broke, broke.", which was started 5/12/2013 by 'Zakeet'

    The thread references a 5/12/2013 Birmingham New article written by Charles J. Dean -

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:


    Acting state Democratic Party Chairwoman Nancy Worley lowered her head and slowly shook it side to side when summing up the financial condition of her once powerful party.

    "We're broke, broke, broke," Worley told the party's Executive Board in a special called meeting Frida.

    How broke is broke? Worley didn't sugar coat the answer.

    "This is my 18th day as chair and thirty minutes after I took over on April 22nd the landlord of the building where our party headquarters are came in and said he wanted us out, that the rent was overdue and was always overdue," said Worley.

    Next came the water company with a message, said Worley: pay up by the next day or we're cutting off the water. Next came the same warning from Alabama Power. Next came news from banks that party credit cards had been maxed out and were now cancelled.

    "I didn't even know where the checkbook was, not that it would have made much difference," said Worley.

    Worley said she dealt with each demand for back payments the same way.

    "I begged them to give me a few more days, that I had just taken over the job and needed a little time" said Worley. "I have never done that much begging in my life."
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      This is interesting!

