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AP Turns On Obama: Second Term On Verge of Imploding -- Breitbart, John Nolte

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  • AP Turns On Obama: Second Term On Verge of Imploding -- Breitbart, John Nolte

    AP Turns On Obama: Second Term On Verge of Imploding

    Breitbart / Big-Journalism

    John Nolte


    In a brutal Monday column, Liz Sidoti, the national politics editor for The Associated Press, takes a look at the Obama Administration's mounting scandals, the president's promises, and the polls. Her conclusion is that Obama's second term is on the verge of imploding. Oh, and on top of the scandals, Obama has one more problem -- ObamaCare:

    Even Democrats are warning that more angst may be ahead as the government steps up its efforts to implement Obama's extraordinarily expensive, deeply unpopular health care law.

    Collectively, the issues call into question not only whether the nation's government can be trusted but also whether the leadership itself can. All of this has Obama on the verge of losing the already waning faith of the American people. And without their confidence, it's really difficult for presidents to get anything done — particularly those in the second term of a presidency and inching toward lame-duck status.

    The ramifications stretch beyond the White House. If enough Americans lose faith in Obama, he will lack strong coattails come next fall's congressional elections. Big losses in those races will make it harder for the Democratic presidential nominee in 2016, especially if it's Hillary Rodham Clinton, to run as an extension of Obama's presidency and convince the American public to give Democrats another four years.

    Read the entire, original AP article at -

    View the Breitbart article at:
    B. Steadman