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One More Time: Who IS This Man? -- We the People of the United States, Miri

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  • One More Time: Who IS This Man? -- We the People of the United States, Miri

    One More Time: Who IS This Man? (Open Thread)

    We the People of the United States



    Nearly three years have passed since this post was written, asking WHO the president known as Obama truly is. We’re still waiting for an answer to that question:

    We the People have been asking this question, “Who is this man?” Today we are no closer to the answer than before. In fact, we become more confused by the day.

    Is his name Barack Hussein Obama II, as contended in two books arguably written by him and mentioned on a specious COLB presented to a gullible lamestream media on partisan blogs and campaign websites? Or is his name Barack Obama Jr., as he was called in the infamous FactCheck blog defense of his British/Kenyan citizenship? Or is his name Barry Obama, as (it is claimed) he was known in school in Hawaii? Or is his name Barry Soetoro, as school registration forms from Indonesia seem to indicate? Or is his name Soebarkah, as his mother’s passport records seem to indicate? (A one word name, in keeping with Indonesian tradition, because he was adopted by his stepfather.) Or is his name Barry Dunham, Steve Dunham, or the latest: Barrack Houssein Obama II, as indicated on records from a U.S. MILITARY Court-Martial of patriotic American, LTC Lakin, who himself put his life and freedom on the line in a quest to learn the answer to this question: WHO IS THIS MAN?

    Now comes word from Police Chief Mark Kessler that Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse (CCP) has “indisputable” evidence that Obama is not who he pretends to be:

    This Barry…he’s not an American, I can tell you that right now. The information that I was given, he’s not an American. He’s not even Kenyan and I’m tellin’ you that when you find out what he is, your blood is gonna boil. The American people are gonna go absolutely crazy if Congress doesn’t do something about this cause he’s not Kenyan and he’s not American. …There’s no record of him prior to the age of five anywhere in this country. Nowhere. The people that…that they say are his parents, guess what? They’re not his real parents. They’re not. I’ve seen the evidence. …

    Obama has many aliases; but the CCP learned that using aliases is not illegal, although Obama did not reveal his alternate names to the state of Illinois when he applied for a law license. Our original post mentions all aliases of which we’ve become aware over the years.

    We do know who Obama claims as his parents: Barack Hussein Obama and Stanley Ann Dunham. If they’re not his real parents, then who are his real parents?

    If there’s no record of Obama in this country before he was age five, then how can that be explained? We’re open to learning the truth. We’re waiting for the truth. Congress needs to finally get off its collective butt and find the truth for which We the People have been waiting, lo, these many years.

    Chief Kessler implied that the CCP will soon wrap up its investigation and then turn all the evidence over to Congress, in the hope that Congress will be inspired to investigate this situation for themselves.

    Congress, unlike the CCP, will have the power to subpoena records and call witnesses under oath. They will also have the power to prise from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) those disappeared port of entry records for the week beginning August 1, 1961–the week of Obama’s alleged birth.

    Even if, as Lt. Mike Zullo of the CCP stated, the folks at NARA have lawyered up, they can still be called as witnesses. Let them, like Lois Lerner, publicly take the Fifth. Congress can dispatch inspectors to examine all of the actual records at NARA. Surely somebody at NARA will talk. (We really do need to add NARA to the list of alphabet agencies that have been corrupted by this administration.)


    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman