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Constitutional Standoff: Obama Syndicate vs. the People -- Canada Free Press

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  • Constitutional Standoff: Obama Syndicate vs. the People -- Canada Free Press

    Constitutional Standoff: Obama Syndicate vs. the People

    Canada Free Press

    Sher Zieve


    It’s no secret to anyone who watches any newscast—even once a week—that the Obama syndicate (aka Executive Branch of the US government) has been flexing its muscles, in order to take over all governmental power, since Obama and his Marxist entourage we installed in the White House in 2009. Obama has successfully cowed the US Supreme Court, as well as an increasingly wimpy and supplicant (until—perhaps—recently) Congress into submission to the dictator in chief.

    However, with the legitimate and vital-to-the-country’s-survival investigations into Benghazi, the IRS (did you know their agents are now training with AR-15s to be used against us?), extreme data mining (involving at least half of all US citizens’ phone, Internet and email records being seized by the ObamaGov) and the Obama/Holder attempts to silence and “potentially” prosecute reporters—including the Associated Press and Fox News’ James Rosen—in order to end the First Amendment’s freedom of speech)—maybe…just maybe…there is a faint glimmer of hope for us. These investigations must be followed to wherever they ultimately lead—no matter how high the office—or we will be irrevocably lost as a nation.

    The ObamaScandals are coming fast & furiously (pun both appropriate and intended) with new ones seeming to crop up each day. There is now an (what we’ve known for a long time) exposed scandal involving NSA data mining of hundreds of millions of Americans’ phone records, Internet keystrokes and once-private Email content. Note: The Obama NSA says that they must get a court-order to actually listen to calls. Interesting because, as my friends and colleagues will attest, the well-known “beep” tone that indicates one’s calls are not only being monitored but, also recorded has been my call-companion for over 2 years. Prior to this, I had no idea the ObamaGov considered me to be so dangerous.

    Hillary Clinton’s State Department has also been exposed as to its apparent prostitution and drug rings (that continued—unabated—during her reign at the US State Department). In the Capitol states from a “leaked” State Department memo: “For starters, the memo states that Belgian Ambassador Howard Gutman “routinely ditched his protective security detail in order to solicit sexual favors from both prostitutes and minor children,” and that embassy staff were “were well aware of the behavior.” A Diplomatic Security agent that began investigating the allegations was apparently called off the case by Undersecretary of State for Management Patrick Kennedy.”

    There are no less than four scandals currently in progress at Obama’s EPA. These involve, according to Hot Air, the following:

    1. “The EPA gave an ethics award to fake employee, “Richard Windsor,” who was already just an unethically created e-mail alias for the agency’s former head, Lisa P. Jackson
    2. “The EPA makes conservatives pay a fortune for FOIAs to be granted while waiving fees for liberal groups
    3. “EPA contractors are basically Gym, Tan, Laundrying [sic] in new, swanky rec rooms thanks to your tax money
    4. “The EPA leaked confidential information on farmers and cattle facilities to environmental groups. No bigs. [sic]”

    The Benghazi, apparently, okayed-from-the-highest-position-in-US-government assassinations of four Americans are, again, moving to the forefront of investigations, the Obama-IRS scandal (involving the Gestapo-like “punishment” of those who oppose the Obama syndicate’s dark plans now destroying our country) is still ongoing—while the leftist media begins to backtrack on their original negative stories about it and are now concocting new false ones. And now there is an old one beginning to, again, rear its intimidation head. Although the intimidation and threats were surmised by many (and apparently accurately) when they occurred, that of SCOTUS CJ John Roberts’ siding (unconstitutionally) with the Left on ObamaCare the evidence may now be revealed. Rumors—and they’re just that for now—are that there is a memo (or are memos) in the possession of Glenn Beck showing that CJ John Roberts was blackmailed into voting for ObamaCare.

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    B. Steadman